Gameplay is slightly more fun as the soldiers but regardless, this is as rinse-repeat as it gets lol

Surprisingly ok shooter, especially for a movie tie-in game to BATTLESHIP.

All that matters is the swinging’s fun.

I remember the free multiplayer on Xbox Live being really fun and chaotic.

There’s bits and pieces of a cool “Tenet” shooter here...
Shouldn’t have even been bothered including slow-mo when all it did was make me wish I was replaying the first “Fear” which honestly perfected it 2 years before this released. More time puzzles also could’ve helped make this feel less like just another bullet time FPS.

For what feels like a GTA III mod, this is fine? The mechanic of lining up your shots while driving works pretty well, I could see this being a fun arcade-type experience to some incredibly patient people.

I’m not inherently against putting Steve McQueen into video games but this was an awful idea from top to bottom.

I apparently got the “Bad” ending and there’s a bunch of stuff I missed. Despite the weird controls on console and the unreliable camera, this still holds up as one of the best survival horror games. That being said, the only way I beat the boss was by exploiting an ammo glitch the devs put in themselves.

The art direction in this game is so refreshing, the UI alone is incredibly inspired and what more games should strive for. The music is great throughout as well.

Sadly, I found myself slowly not caring about the plot about halfway through and I feel like that’s partly because there’s just too many characters constantly being introduced. The palaces go from being super interesting conceptually to fairly bland depending on where you are in the story. After a point I realized I was more looking forward to the fighting sections than the scripted parts which is disappointing because the story is what initially kept me playing. But overall, I’m still glad I played something very much outside of my wheelhouse and got a different experience than what I’m used to. That being said, I’ll most likely never play another one of these games ever again.

This game is legitimately hilarious and has tons of creativity. Sometimes it’s really fun to play but there’s also a lot of repetition to get through which gets old fast.

I'll give the game credit, this is EXACTLY as bad as an episode of "The Shield".

I first played this back in 3rd grade via Bleem which was a legally (at the time) sold program that allowed PC users to play PlayStation games on their computer. The only downside is occasionally you had to deal with broken cutscenes and jumbled text, but that didn’t stop me from playing through about half this game without a clue what was really happening. Having finally played through this in English, it’s hilarious how little the experiences differ.

I was kinda surprised how much I prefer the first “Tomba” game; it’s funnier and the world has so much to explore. In the second game, while there’s more 3D elements, the game feels emptier and there’s far less incentive to complete all of the silly side quests.

Can't say this scratched the same itch that the first game did but there's still an effectively unsettling atmosphere that never lets up.

I could forgive the repetitive level design & the clunky controls... if the goddamn camera wasn't constantly working against me.

Besides all that, I really enjoyed the first chunk of this.

I’m a big fan of sequels that try to go for something new at the risk of alienating their fanbase. I’ve only recently played through the early Silent Hill games and can tell what makes each one of them special in their own way. But while I enjoyed some of the new ideas being implemented here, this just never hooked me the way the other games managed to. The levels were bland from start to finish, the lack of interesting characters was definitely felt throughout and having the entire back half of the game be an escort mission for a slow chick with a busted leg really sealed the deal for me.

All that being said, playing through the Team Silent games was time well spent and I’d recommend the first 4 games to anyone despite my own personal gripes.

A VR version would be insane, hope someone somewhere's working on that.

For being essentially "Flower"/“Journey” in space, it's pretty fun. Tho what made those games' experiences so memorable was their solid direction and this is just feels like a mostly empty sandbox with pretty colors. I think there's a lot that someone could do with this type of simple gravity-based gameplay; the speedruns for this are wild, can you imagine how much fun racing would be???