the best game to not play and instead watch the cutscenes on youtube that i've ever seen. im sorry riku this game is not good

shoutout to all the trans lesbians that were born from this game

what if god was a game about joy on a doomed console. WHILE PAPER.

takes place in an anime fantasy world where cops are good.

if i could give this game a big sloppy kiss for existing, i wouldn't do that because i would suck it off instead

like a hazy summer memory mixed with a saturday morning cartoon. a sweet little game that i found to be worth the price point, albeit very short. worth playing, but i'm not sure i'd ever go back to it again.

refreshingly simple game with a lot of quirks from age. the remaster is imperfect for a couple reasons (i noticed some cutscenes had elements that stopped appearing once they went outside of the original 4x3 aspect ratio borders) but is still notable for making this game playable and accessible on modern hardware. plus the little freaks are silly and we can all support that :-)

whoever decided that getting pikmin extinction in the underground retroactively un-collects all the treasure you've gathered i want to put you in the dark and scary hole.

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simultaneously the most fun and worst-performing pokemon game. i gave it an extra half a star because it lets me commit lesbian-on-evil-twink violence in the ending

honestly just Fine. the best that pokemon plots have been in a little bit. lost half a star because robot lovers and woman lovers cannot coexist if you want the pretty woman professor you have to play scarlet which is the one WITHOUT robots. i'm exploding game freak with my mind rn

they got mimikyu in this one bro its the ideal game

i sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me

i'm not saying this was my lesbian awakening but i'm not not saying that. everything erik wolpaw writes for is peak no exceptions

a crumb of respect for my boy please ubisoft. he's dying.

when i first played this i was 12 years old and in a friend's basement. he was playing as kim and summoned knives and when they kissed he threw the controller and shouted "GROSS!" i came out five years later and he had to drive me to school every morning so i think i became his greatest nightmare. anyway anamaguchi does the soundtrack,