Done for now. Got up to Aladdin which is apparently a little over a third of the way through which is why I may go back to it just so it’s done. Might have enjoyed it a lot more back in 2002 but it has not aged well at all. If you don’t have any nostalgia for it, don’t touch it.

Seriously, it’s dog ass, let me get on the fucking chair during the trickmaster boss fight you motherfuckers

Still one of the best video game stories of all time. The writing is fantastic, with some of the best acting in a video game easily. The music is beautiful and memorable. Gameplay is a little bit dated but still fun enough that it doesn’t annoy me (Although, the driving is fantastic). I do wish the free ride mode had more to it tho cause there isn’t much to do post game, but glad this still holds up almost 3 years later on a replay. If only all gaming remakes were like this and improved upon the original and making it better instead of just remaking it for the sake of money.

I loved the part when I spent a whole day getting a pinwheel from a capsule machine, then went home to eat expired red miso before falling asleep. 10/10, would recommend.

Glad this finally came to the west after so many years. I loved it at the beginning and slowly got bored of it but then the story picked up again at the end. Loved seeing characters like Mine and Ryuji return. The combat is very fun but extremely unbalanced with some styles being OP and others being useless and doing no damage. The game is also very grindy, I think I had to grind more in this than in 7 which I did not expect going into it. Overall, a fun but flawed experience which can get boring at times due to the poor pacing, but is worth seeing it through the end.


I have actually completed Knack. This is not an April fools joke, I just happened to beat it on April 1st. Yeah, not good.

Surprisingly good but the story is pretty boring and way too long considering it’s basically a visual novel with some occasional rhythm gameplay in it here and there, with the story only existing to have this being canon make sense. But what makes this good is the gameplay and the songs which are very fun. Anyways, if you really loved the original persona 4 or golden and want to see the gang back together, i’d say this is worth the purchase. Otherwise, you can probably skip it. It won’t change your life or anything but it’s fun.

Great story, world, characters. Everything is great except the gameplay. The gameplay has aged very poorly and is just not very fun in my opinion. Overall probably a 7 but a low 7 cause a bug caused me to lose 4 hours of progress.

Suicide Mission might be the best final mission in gaming. My hands are still shaking.

Prettiest game of all time contender

Absolutely loved the start of the game but as it went on, it started to get more and more repetitive leading me to like it less and less. Still had fun by the end but I just wish there was more variety in the level design, just have some other colours in the game other than white and grey. That’s all I want.

Been 3 long years since I last played this. This game helped me get through early lockdown so much. Easily one of my most replayed games of all time just cause of the amount of times I played it in that time period, so it’s kind of insane that it’s been this long since I got back to it. It was my first resident evil game and i’ve played many more resident evil games since and no matter how good they are, they don’t even come close to this for me. We’ll see how 4 Remake is I guess.

It may not be on the same level as the Resident Evil 2 Remake for me, but it’s sure as hell a massive step up from the Resident Evil 3 Remake, improving almost everything I had a problem with in the original with possibly the best gameplay in the series and somehow not having me bored after over 16 hours of gameplay.

Aged better than you’d think, Max Payne is still a great game. It has it’s flaws but still has better gameplay than most action games. Shame the Playstation 4 port for this is absolutely awful, so bad I had to stop and finish the rest on my computer, thankfully it was much better on that.

I am now prepared for Mortal Kombat 1, bring it on Ed

Not nearly as bad as some people say, brilliant. Maybe the base game is a bit lacking but the legendary edition is fantastic with all the additional DLC. I can see why the end is underwhelming for some but it didn’t bother me much personally, at least with the extended DLC. The game is clearly rushed tho which is a real shame, I think with a year or more in the oven this could be on the same level as Mass Effect 2. Hopefully the new one is actually good too, I guess we’ll see but I doubt it.