I bought a New 3DS for this... but I finished it on Switch! For a world so huge, the story is incredibly focused. Combat system has its charms, but I detest how spongy every enemy is. The game is definitely made artificially longer by them.

A cyberpunk detective game by Kotaro Uchikoshi, a writer who uses alternate timelines to great effect and in only the way a video game can. Horny, upsetting and sometimes wholesome, I'll be surprised if I play a better game this year.

I wrote this in January 2021, and I stand by it.

An old horror adventure game from 1998. You play a man trapped in an asylum trying to regain his memories, confront his past and find a way back to reality. A decadent horror you'd normally find in Silent Hill's otherworld. Says nothing about mental health.

Tetris is pretty hard, and much harder when the speed is determined by the flow of music. I did my best, but I had to bump down the difficulty for the last two levels. A great ride though, and a good way for me to begin the new console generation.

A 2-3 hour game about Beatris Summers, a private detective hired to investigate a recent murder at a business family's mansion. It's fantastic! Full of character, intrigue and a great send up to Raymond Chandler's work in such a small package.

I think it's also free? (It wasn't when I grabbed it at the Steam launch)

I finished this game accidentally. Good, dungeon crawling fun, but I wish it had 2 save slots to play both versions of the game concurrently(I later learned the second one does this). I appreciated the limitation of party members preventing me from being underlevelled.

Learn some maths. Befriend a dragon. Go to mars. Become president of bug society. Sell government issued pornography. Learn some more maths. The real Frog Fractions were the friends we made along the way.

We have a lead for oldest game on the list. One of those games I've played many times over the years, but was too hard to actually beat... also I never owned it. Strange to have a history with it despite that. Always loved the music and art.

Into the inevitable heat death of the universe, traveller, and the endless possibilities within.

A puzzle game in the vein of Portal, The Witness and... the puzzle sections of Hellblade. I started this on PC years ago, but recently I got it for PS4 in a Humble Bundle. Maybe a little heavy handed on the philosophy, but still a lot of fun.

As a long time fan of the series, I see so much of the old games brought forward through this. There's a lot of good I can say for this but let's go with... This is a series determined to master itself, rather than completely reinvent, and it works.

Sometimes you gotta learn that you can't put the past behind you so easily, but maybe you can change your political stance. I was very dissatisfied with the murder mystery, to be honest, but it was a fun ride getting through it.


I'm gonna give two arcade games I finished on the same night the same review. This style of beat-em-up is trashy as all hell and not fun to play unless you do it in multiplayer, which 95% of the time I don't have access to.

This expansion has the same amount of content as the base game, so let's consider it standalone. Yeah, it's great. A fantastic final battle and I'm still not truly finished all these years later.

One of my greatest game regrets was not having a 3DS at the release of New Leaf and I always felt I missed that boat by too much to buy it. Well I finally got that Animal Crossing experience, and I played it every day for three months after it came out.