it's not better Minecraft bc it's different, but it is the best survival game out there

dark souls saved my life. i know everyone says this but seriously it did. I started this game about a month after my boyfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me, it was my first relationship and I was way too attached and I lost it. i would stay up late every single night crying myself to sleep, and on top of this I had to go home to an abusive stepmother and my alcoholic dad. but anyway, one day during this time of my life I randomly decided to pick up dark souls one for, the Nintendo switch. i know I'm embarrassed too, but quickly those nights spent crying we're spent exploring anor Londo and undead berg and fighting orienstein and smogh or artorius the abyss watcher. i would die and die and die and die again but every time I'd get up a keep going, everytime this game knocked me down I pick up my soul and keep pushing, and seriously I applied it to my life too, everytime my stepmom called me a bitch or a cunt or a disappointment I'd keep pushing everytime I came home to my dad so drunk he'd say everything 3 times I'd keep pushing and eventually things got better, I'm happy now I love a lot of myself and I've forgiven my dad for a lot. dark souls saved my life, and I will never forget it for that.

i really like this game for what it is, it was never gonna live up to part one and it definitely wasn't necessary, but it's still a super good story that in my opinion earns it's right to be told

the story is bad, but I'm a Spiderman whore sooo

Haley is the most beautiful woman ever

super awesome return to form for Metroid, really loved the horror vibe they went for

didn't finish, dice man made me very upset


i know this title didn't hit for a lot of people but it did for me, cats and robots? say no more

super great main story, definitely the best Spiderman game out there. but the side content is like actually terrible


undertale for mentally ill people, oh wait.

this is a fun experience but imo nothing special, definitely worth a play though

great story with some repetitive enemies and gameplay interactions, however it's not enough to even kind of ruin the game, give this one a try!