It controls fine and the 3D is great and isn't obligatory or annoying.
There's not much else to say if you know how the original Excitebike is. It's always good to jump up some slopes.

I played the NES version on an old LG CRT TV (the game was mislabelled to seem like LG created it wasn't good. I was always crashing and running out of fuel.

It's a very simple concept, but it kind of works. The controls feel a bit slow, but it feels good when you finally land a punch and see the counter going up. Especially when you start landing one after another...
It's like a tech demo for today's standards, but it works fine.

This little game is very interesting. It controls a bit floaty, making me fall sometimes, has bland graphics and sound, but I guess it's on purpose.
I couldn't get very far, but it's a good browser game to spend some time.

It is beautiful and has an awesome soundtrack. Konami really found a way to make it very close to the original in the visual department... but it is just too hard and unfair.

I don't get these idle games.
The game is very charming, but the gameplay is too boring. You just feel that you keep on tapping the phone screen non-stop. It could do more things to make battles more interesting.

I like this one way better than Charged and its wacky goal and specials systems.
The characters are funny, it controls like a soccer game and with some Mario flare added.
Charged surely looks better, but I think this one controls and feels better to play.

This movie is strange. I didn't feel like it was a good movie, but it certainly was an interesting experience, to say the least.

It is way better than we think it would be. It is a really well-made mod, with the egg mechanics and all. It is amazing how they could do it with the Sonic 2 engine.
It could be, of course, more polished, it has some strange bugs that occur sometimes, but it's even expected with this kind of thing.
It surpasses expectations.

This game is awesome. It looks astounding, sounds awesome, controls really good, has a good charm. I like the main character and his demeanor, the fact that we are going to slay our own father because he's a despicable monster.
The only problems I have with this game is the cryptic things that we have to do to get to the right ending, as the game doesn't tell you almost anything. And also the amount of fluff in the menus, many bad weapons that only get in the way.
It's not perfect but it is amazing.

I did not understand why this game got a big following, it is really not that incredible.
It has some nice ideas, but I couldn't get the appeal it has. Maybe it's because I did not play with may friends (I don't have many friends to play with), only with random people online. Anyways, not that much of a deal, but not bad in any means.

This is a very good game, with a lot of charm and a beautiful presentation, albeit simple.
It felt like a real place we could be trapped into, and all of the Portal gimmick is so well-made that it feels very natural.
The physics work alright and is also very natural. You may even find different ways to solve the clever puzzles the game wants you to solve.
I liked to play this game.

It's... mediocre, I guess.
It sure is beautiful and sounds really good, but the controls are kind of difficult to get used, and there's just too much gacha elements.
It it feels like Mario Kart, but really dumbed down. It could be much better, for sure.
I edited this review because I played the game again, for a longer time, and got bored pretty easily. I was trying just to finish the game and get back to my life when I discovered that the game has no ending, the cups are changed every two weeks.
This is outrageous and now I hate it so much.

This review is about the Super Mario Flashback (SAGE 2020 Demo)

It is a nice time playing a fan game so beautiful and well done like this one. Mario controls very smoothly, even though Mario feels a little floater sometimes. The visuals are outstanding, boasting a incredible pixel art for Mario, the enemies and stages. The soundtrack is also amazing.
I have to note that this game is still under development and it only contains 4 stages and 5 power stars.
The game so far looks very promising and I can't wait to play it in the following years.
Pros: the art direction, the movement
Cons: floaty controls

First things first, I have to say that this game is an unofficial one, made by a single person and without any money coming from it, therefore, I want to take easy on it, but I can't. The visuals of the game are awesome, especially when we think about fan games. There is a lack of Mario fan games that take place in a 3D environment, and that is a major feature the developer achieved. That said, I must say that the music and the character design are also top notch.
Now, for the bad part. The game has problems with hit detection (2D characters with a 3D hitbox don't help it), bad enemy placement and AI, difficult jumps which get even harder because of perspective problems, platforms that move too fast and the game is very difficult overall. Also, even when playing on a very high end PC, the game chugs at parts, going below 30 FPS and, all of a sudden, it goes up to 60 FPS, which cause strangeness and may cause the player to miss a platform or to get attacked.
The game is also short, but has lengthy levels, having four worlds to take on.
That aside, the bosses are creative and the new power ups are nice, especially the "dandelion plant" one, which makes jumping so much fun.
Overall, it's a game that deserves to be played because of what it does as a fan game and its style, but has some flaws that will likely happen to disturb the playthrough.
Pros: visuals, sound, power ups, bosses, concept
Cons: performance issues, bad enemy placement, unfair difficulty, hit detection problems.