This game is so f addictive

This version is horrible. You can barely stay alive and even see anything.

I tried to play this one to see how it qualifies as an aftermarket release for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Well it isn't worth it. It has some pleasant music, but the stages are too bland, there are many annoying enemies, making the game too difficult and boring.
The playable characters are different from one another, but it makes two of them basically unplayable. The hit detection is very strange, making we question everytime if we are going to hit the enemies or not, mainly because of the very short distance our weapons reach, while the enemies have many long distance attacks.
It's sad, though, because the game has some good ideas, but they were badly implemented.
Pros: The soundtrack is good; it had some cool Chinese aesthetics
Cons: The difficulty, the hit detection, the boring stages, the amount of enemies, the annoying enemy attacks.

Used to play it on an old Siemens phone I had. It was entertaining for when we didn't have anything else to do. You basically try to survive and stack boxes until you die, trying to get a high score (which didn't even had a leaderboard of sorts). It is not a good game, but the kind of bad game that we always remember with some kind of nostalgia.

Pros: At the time of release, there weren't really good games to play on mobile phones.

Cons: Slow, bad controls, no depth, no soundtrack


This is a very small game, that tries to mimic the original Celeste for PICO-8. It is not as polished as Celeste, though, and has many problems with bad positioned collectibles and the fact that once you lost some, they don't come back until you beat the game. The game is about, say, 10-15 minutes long. It is a worthawhile effort, though, and one of the best games for TIC-80.

Pros: Simple and straightforward

Cons: Bad designed collectibles and easy challenges.
Too short
No soundtrack

It's a nice little game with some nice ideas and challenges. It is good for a quick play, because it's pretty short, but I recommend using a joystick instead of a keyboard, because you have to be very precise with your jumps and dashes.

Ahh, the Chrome Dino is one of the best things about Google Chrome. It is not the most advanced game, of course, but it runs in anything that has a web browser, and is a good time waster for when you are without web coverage in your phone, for example. It could have, for example, a leaderboard of sorts from the Google Account your using or the platform running it, but it does what it has to do, and wasn't even necessary to exist.


It did what it could with the hardware it had. I first played it in the first cell phone I saw in my life. It was very entertainment at that time, and I spent some hours with it. There aren't many ways to do wrong with this simple formula, though.

This game is amazing. The style, the world, the gameplay... everything works and is concise. You can really feel yourself in Hyrule, fighting with monsters and trying to survive. The cons are most probably the sidequests full of fetch quests without good prizes, the amount of repeated shrines and the lack of depth in the surviving system and weapons. Also, the world may feel a little empty sometimes, more houses and villages would make a very good addition. But even with these little flaws, the game does astoundingly what it does well. Be prepared for a big adventure in Hyrule.

This game is very short, but very fun to a quick play, especially in multiplayer mode. The visuals are cool (albeit a bit bland), the movement is precise (albeit limited) and the game is kind of easy. Overall, it is worth playing.
Positive points
The visuals are cool and it has good controls. It is fun playing in multiplayer.
Negative points
The lack of depth to the gameplay and the length of the game.

Rhythm Tengoku is a very fun game, with many cool ideas and aesthetic choices. The friendly looking minigames and the great soundtrack make us want to play more of it, and it is very funny seing the different outcome of our actions depending on our expertise.
As a person not very familiar with rhythm games, this one was the first I had contact with. The first set of games are somewhat easy to understand and to overcome, but it gets harder and harder, reaching a point that I can't get further in the game because of my lack of skill (and the language barrier, sometimes).
I like this game, but be warned that it is not as simple as it seems.

Pros: Nice graphics, with very colorful and detailed sprites
The soundtrack is just amazing
It is very fun

Cons: Sometimes it is too hard to understand and/or to be good at.

There's not much to say, as it is a compilation (with the games remade from scratch and with new visuals and sound). The remade sprites fit well with the style of the game, and the sound is very good, but sometimes it sounds strange. Being able to save the game makes it so much better than the original releases, as it wasn't possible even with the longer games like Super Mario Bros. 3. And The Lost Levels is just sadistic, stay away from that one.
All around an incredible compilation, it just makes what was good even better.

It is just one of the best games of all time. If you didn't play it, go for it. It has interesting characters, a simple but powerful and emotion-filled plot, RPG mechanics that are delightful, a cute and twisted visual style, a pacing that is never boring, a world filled with lots of crazy enemies and situations... it is just incredible. It is just a masterpiece. But, beware, you WILL cry.

This game is amazing. It is very open, and gives you so many possibilities that you always want to come back and see what else can be done with it. Building is very fun and unstressful that I could play it for over 8 hours and didn't even notice. Beware: it is very time consuming, everything you need to do takes sometime to be made (playing in survival mode), because you have to hunt for resources. But it is a great game to get for an unstressful exercise. Play it in multiplayer with friends, it makes the game even more brilliant.

I didn't play it as much as it deserves, but I had an awesome time with just the multiplayer minigames. The Luigi's Mansion and the Animal Crossing ones are superb for an easy multiplayer game.
It is worth it to play. Every Wii U owner should buy this game to see what the Wii U Gamepad is capable of.