one of my favorite game(s) of all time. the movement is fluid and so fun to string super high combos with. i do think the maps are a little varying in quality especially. in two. but, that's alright. for the complete package $20 was a steal for what i got out of it. seriously its amazing. i already love skate games as is and this is one of the best. highly recommended ^_^

its alright. the moveset is a bit clunky at first but once you get used to it, it really is fun to utilize. i wish the level design was more open rather than linear to make more use of the potential of said moveset though. the levels themselves look pretty nice for '08 but god DAMN is this game bright. liberal use of pure white + mad bloom effects means that some of the levels are pretty rough to look at. also the combat system feels pretty hamfisted at the best of times, i wish they would just let it be a parkour game instead of really trying to get you to fight dudes, especially near the end of the game.

very cute game and an emotional rollercoaster of a story

This review was written before the game released

i hadnt played ow since 2016 cuz i thought it kinda blew dick. some things never change i guess

its just a bunch of stuff. interactive art gallery sort of. interesting start but all of the developer's future work definitely overshadows it. not a bad experience, music is nice for sure.

i was a huge fan of the story with MGS but the gameplay felt very archaic and dated, which was felt very much during the boss fights, which i wasn't a huge fan of. maybe im just bad idk, but i could just not get the hang of the combat. but its fine because the story was amazing and alot of stuff was very ahead of its time with alot of little details where you wouldn't expect

a little british but thats ok... for now...

death egg zone = go back to the berginning

very fun very chill im literally the mail man (mr. reedus)

a very fun and engaging survival game with an interesting aesthetic.

around 10 hours in i got a phone call from an npc called delamain for his quest line. while i was doing this i noticed his call never dropped and his face remained on my screen. at this point i was completely jaded from bugs and saw this as some completely innocuous thing. his face is on my screen, wont go away, whatever. i continue to progress the game until i realize i cannot receive phone calls at all because of this dickhead on my screen. a majority of quests either start with a phone call or have one at some point in them so i was effectively soft locked. i looked up every way to get rid of this fucker on youtube, google, etc. and not a single one worked. had to load a previous save and lose 7 hours of progress because of this bug. uninstalled shortly after. it didnt help that the game was boring me to tears at this point so it was the perfect excuse to forget this game ever existed

cool experience that initially made me feel weird interacting with these anonymous guys but eventually grew to like and attach myself to hanging out w/ the little guys i found on my adventure doin the same shit i was... very cool!