i got 2 levels in before i'm convinced the muscles in my arms started to bleed and cry out in agony

your character doesn't get wet when it's raining so it's a bad game

dude i'm not even kidding i was just scrolling through steam reviews and someone put in a negative review and their only complaint was "no rumble"

no, really, i'm actually considering it

dude i am NOT walking through PNGs and acting like they're real lived in environments THE WHOLE GAME

it's fun for half an hour then you get bored and go to play a different game mo-oh wait

me and one other guy on the server jumped into a rocket and i got kidnapped by a blob thing not even a minute into our exhibition
and i still don't know what the game is about

unrelated but i was banned from anilist once because i kept spamming my status about how much i loved tropical freeze

i have a D rank on every level on the game no joke am i this washed

mfing kids think they hot shit for clicking buttons fast

whenever no one can guess my friend's drawing he hits the recycle button and draws a swastika and then a summoning circle

Oh GOD where do i begin
the environments are insane, the music is laced with nostalgia, the level design is impeccable, daring even, and you can play as funky kong
THIS is a donkey kong country game

i had a 2 on aigis' social link when i got the true ending

i remember there was a fnaf tycoon