Probably the best game in the series. The music is iconic, the pixel art is amazing, the story is witty and engaging, and there are not really any downsides to playing this game. There is literally nothing I can say here that has not already been said 100 times over

A really good puzzle game with a very cool mechanic. The art style and music are both charmingly simple. The only thing is that I feel like the game is too hard, either that or I’m just bad at it. But I feel like the game would benefit from a small hint system to help people who are stuck that could keep them from just looking up the solution when they get stuck.

Updating my review to say that I kept thinking about coming back and finishing the game but it kept making me feel annoyed. A lot of later levels get too difficult and I feel even worse when using a guide for a puzzle game like this. Skill issue, I know. But I don’t see myself coming back and finishing this anytime soon.

I don't remember much from this game but I remember it being very hard to control and even understand what was going on half the time.

I have never seen a game die so fast. It made me kind of sad because I was looking forward to this but it just feels so weird and clunky to play and it's kind of hard to get past that when that is the whole appeal of a platform fighter

I remember when Tobuscus played this

A very intense bullet-hell dungeon crawler that is not forgiving at all. There is no shortage of challenge, and when pairing that with the randomness of floor layout, item generation, and enemy spawning, there is an extreme amount of replay-ability in this game.

I used to grind on Survive the Disasters, Epic Mining 2, and Lumber Tycoon years ago and I have not touched it since. I think there is an official Walmart game on here, so I guess that's cool?

Monopoly is a fine board game but is usually better when played with house rules, which is not supported here. I never learned how the auction system worked. Also this is just a bit clunky

I think this game is more fun to play than it should be. The music is catchy and the feeling of being chased and having to out-maneuver the enemies gets your adrenaline pumping.


Remember when everyone lost their minds over this flash game like 10 years ago?

First Pikmin game I ever played. The game is a bit short but full of charm. Some of the puzzles actually require a bit of thinking and most of the bosses are fun to fight and not super simple like Mario bosses. Some of the controls are a bit wonky but that is probably due to the limitations of the hardware it was made for. Definitely good enough to get me invested in the Pikmin series for future titles.

No way I'm paying several hundred dollars for a phone with this game when I could make it myself in less than an hour. It's not even that fun to begin with

This is a very well-made mod for the original game. The puzzles are all very well designed and scale in difficulty at a good rate. I also like just running and jumping on the gels

This is probably the greatest puzzle game on the market. The music is a certified hood classic.

I always come back to this game every few years and get hooked every time