I think this game is more fun to play than it should be. The music is catchy and the feeling of being chased and having to out-maneuver the enemies gets your adrenaline pumping.

It's a nice little game with nice physics. Exactly what it looks like. Will take a few hours of boredom away but not very much replay value in my opinion. Some of the levels get a little tricky near the end of the game since each level restricts the number of dominoes you can use.

A really good puzzle game with a very cool mechanic. The art style and music are both charmingly simple. The only thing is that I feel like the game is too hard, either that or I’m just bad at it. But I feel like the game would benefit from a small hint system to help people who are stuck that could keep them from just looking up the solution when they get stuck.

Updating my review to say that I kept thinking about coming back and finishing the game but it kept making me feel annoyed. A lot of later levels get too difficult and I feel even worse when using a guide for a puzzle game like this. Skill issue, I know. But I don’t see myself coming back and finishing this anytime soon.

It's interesting to hear and see how some of hl2 works in terms of performance and level design. It would be interesting to see this for other games.

Right off the bat, I can't even think of anything I didn't like about this game. The only times I would get mad at it would be when I kept losing to the same guy when I just needed to get good. I enjoyed using the motion controls for throwing punches until I realized that there were button controls and they were objectively better, but younger me still enjoyed swinging the remote and nunchuck to punch my way to victory.

All of the characters were charming in their own ways and I never really got tired of listening to what they had to say since it was usually somewhat funny. They all have their own distinct personalities and fighting styles and it was always very satisfying to find their hints on what they were about to do in order to dodge or block it. Finding the little secret special spots to hit them for stars or instant knock outs was always great, as well. I've played this game so many times that I don't really start having problems until the second fighter in the world cup, and even then, I might just need a few minutes to remember how to fight him and everyone else after him. Also, a good portion of the music in the game is really good and all of them pretty much fit the fighter they're paired with. Also, the secret boss is insane and as I'm writing this from memory, I'm not sure if I've ever actually beaten the secret boss or not.

Title defense mode is where the real challenge is and it truly is a challenge. Needing to fight everyone again after they've all been made more difficult can be anywhere from pretty annoying to almost impossible. But that just makes it even more gratifying after you defeat each one.

Exhibition mode is a good way to practice for a fight that you're stuck on, but it also offers a lot of little challenges for fighters that you've already defeated. Some are trivial while others are maddening and require several attempts to get.

Multiplayer is a fun little game mode to play with someone else but I didn't play it too much so I don't have a lot to say about it. The special power was fun to use in this mode, though.

I have never seen a game die so fast. It made me kind of sad because I was looking forward to this but it just feels so weird and clunky to play and it's kind of hard to get past that when that is the whole appeal of a platform fighter

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This game is pretty fun when you start getting into it. The levels start off nice and easy, so you can get an understanding on how the game works, while increasing difficulty at a very reasonable pace. Near the end, they start to get really challenging, which should humble you since you were likely to have steamrolled a good portion of the earlier levels. Hatty's little remarks after beating a level and while just playing the game are funny.

The story is pretty funny and the cutscenes are animated in a way that will certainly make you laugh. The beginning serves as a good hook and the cutscenes serve their purpose of keeping you engaged. However, the ending was a little strange to me and I found it to be quite unfulfilling.

The normal single player mode is fun. Expert mode is the exact same but with no checkpoints in levels, so shouldn't be a problem until the end. Multiplayer seems like it would be fun, but I haven't been able to play it yet.

Monopoly is a fine board game but is usually better when played with house rules, which is not supported here. I never learned how the auction system worked. Also this is just a bit clunky

This game is what solidified this series as one om my favorites and, in my opinion, one of the best video game series out there.

The graphics are a major step up from the last game and I think they are still pretty good today. Of course it isn't perfect since the game came out almost 20 years ago, but they are still pretty good.

The gameplay in this game is also improved from the previous game. The physics feels very intuitive and nothing feels very wonky at all. The weapons are fun to use and each one has its own strengths (my favorites are the shotgun and crossbow). It also isn't terribly difficult, so this game is very playable for the majority of players. There are just a few tricky situations where you need to be careful. Using the various vehicles throughout the game is also quite fun to do for various reasons. There is also the mandatory scary part of the game that was the hardest for me since I am not a fan of being scared at all. That also happened to be my least favorite part to play through even though the story was still very compelling.

The story is the main reason I think many people play this game and series. First off, all of the characters are very memorable in their own ways. And it is always interesting to see them interact with each other and you in the game world rather than going to a cutscene. The setting is able to hook you instantly since it shows you right off the bat exactly the type of world you have been dropped into and you are compelled to move along with the story because you want to see what happens. But no amount of reading can make you appreciate the story of this series, so you need to just play it.

The only annoying parts of trying to 100% this game were a few achievements. The first was trying to find all of the caches in the game. The game is just really long and there are a lot of caches, so it was just annoying. The next one was completing Ravenholm with just the gravity gun since it was annoying to keep trying to find objects to use as weapons instead of just using your guns. Everything else was either story related or not too ridiculous.

I used to grind on Survive the Disasters, Epic Mining 2, and Lumber Tycoon years ago and I have not touched it since. I think there is an official Walmart game on here, so I guess that's cool?

I don't remember much from this game but I remember it being very hard to control and even understand what was going on half the time.


Remember when everyone lost their minds over this flash game like 10 years ago?

Whenever my family takes out the old SNES, this is one of the games I will hyper fixate on

Tetris: https://www.backloggd.com/u/drawingtoptarp/review/768571/
Dr Mario: https://www.backloggd.com/u/drawingtoptarp/review/768582/

A fun automation game that is very easy to binge. It's fun to get the robots set up to start doing the things you don't want to do, but can be annoying too set up robots at times since you need to show them how to do the thing by doing it yourself, which can be tricky if what they need to do depends on something else happening.

It can be tricky to get your area set up nicely since you are sort of just going along with what you are told what to do, so your area can quickly become a tangled mess of buildings and robots.

It's a fine game that looks really good. I just had a few minor complaints.

Google disguised as a game. It was still fun to mess around with, though. This should make a comeback now that AI is really taking off