This was a fun little puzzle game with very nice physics that were fun to use. Some of the later levels were actually so difficult that I had to take a break from the game for a while before going back to try again because I just couldn't figure it out. The physics are fun to use and it is extremally fun to just go around and mess up the whole level, destroying everything you can in the wackiest ways you can think of.

There is also a fair bit of collectible cosmetics for your character that you can work on if you want to, but some of them can be easy to find but hard to reach, making a handful of them very antagonizing. I've also heard that multiplayer is extremely fun to play on here and I can imagine it being that way, but I have yet to try it myself.

Once I discovered the word “QI”, it was all over

I remember making an account for this game when I was 9 since that was part of my password, so it must have been in 2010 when I started playing this. I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever that I could have my own house and decorate it, as well as have my build-a-bear animals come alive in this game. I grew out of it before it closed down and I actually just learned that it did close down, only 7 years later.

It was exactly what you think it is. It was an MMO where you walked around the digital world, customized your character and house, and played minigames; pretty much exactly Club Penguin with a reskin. That's all I really remember from this game but I think it served its purpose of further promoting their brand since you could only play if you had a code for a build-a-bear animal's birth certificate, which meant you had to buy one.

I know this isn't much of a review but remembering this game was a rush of nostalgia for me and I actually had to make the page for this game on IGDB since I couldn't find it. It must just be a really niche game. This game was more than enough for my 9 year old self to enjoy.

Idk what it is about this game, but I just don't like it and I have no idea why. I really like the drawn artstyle, the gravity mechanics are all very cool to use, and the atmosphere ties it all together. But something about it makes me not enjoy playing. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to fully enjoy it even though I finished all the normal levels.

So it’s fine to change colors in this game, but when I try to do it in real life, I get called racist?

Maze simulator. I remember this game from Ready Player One

This game was clearly inspired by Portal in terms of setting and gameplay. A series of puzzles that revolve around some central mechanic, which here is the use of different types of cubes that do different things.

However, this game is missing all of the humor and enjoyment of Portal. There is no antagonist like Glados, so there is no voice making jokes and humor while you play. There is no story that I could see, but the game still progressed as if there was a Portal-like story. The environment would shift and change for no reason and it made me not care about anything in this game that was happening. Also, the cube gimmick is just less fun than the portals.

The cube mechanic was fine and it led to the creation of some interesting puzzles. Some of them were actually challenging. But if you want to play this game, you'll just be better off playing Portal.

Very scary and I had to be careful to not scream and wake up family

Due to the controls, mechanics, music, simplicity, and insanity this game has to offer, I am definitely Pizza Tower pilled

Very fun 3d platformer. Gameplay reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy and graphics remind me of Crash Bandicoot. Very well made and worth the money. There is also a lot to collect and a LOT of postgame content to chew on.

A solid platformer and a great start to a great series. I can't remember the last time I went through this game without skipping to world 4 from level 1-2

Actually one of the best arcade games out there.

I do not consider myself part of the inflation community.

Me when I transfer all of my good pokemon from my completed Shield file onto my brand new Sword file:


Looking back at this game, this is definitely the black sheep of the series. But the gameplay is still good in my opinion and it is fun to go through this strange game because a lot of content and mechanics from this game are found nowhere else in any Mario game.

Also I know this is a reskin of some other game. I have no plans to play that other game