This and Galaxy 2 are my favorite 3d Mario games. The level design is amazing and seeing a new galaxy for the first time was always a treat since they are so disconnected, so the next galaxy could be anything. That feature of being in space and travelling to completely different worlds was always fun and it was also a smart move be the developers since it allowed them to pretty much do whatever they wanted as long as it was good.

However, there are some points in the game where the camera movement, combined with the strange gravity at times, can make certain parts of the game frustrating to deal with since you'll get stuck on something and can't see what's going on. You could also just be walking and the camera will move, shifting your orientation, which causes Mario to walk off-course since you haven't adjusted your controls to account for the change in perspective. However, these strange and annoying parts of the game are quite uncommon and it's my only real issue with this game.

The music in this game ranges from amazing to downright beautiful and every single track fits the setting perfectly. Every single song is good enough to listen to separately from the game.

It also isn't very hard to 100% this game, either. You just need to essentially collect all of the stars twice and that's it. It only really becomes a chore if you try to do it all at once, so you'll be fine if you just try to space out your play sessions. Also, almost all of the levels are fun to play and there are only really 2 stars that I can think of off the top of my head that I didn't really enjoy trying to get.

The story is kind of generic, which is usually what you expect from a Mario game: beat Bowser and save Peach to beat the game blah blah blah. One thing I'll say real quick is that the opening of the game where the kingdom is attacked and the castle is taken absolutely blew me away the first time I saw it; again with the music of the scene, but also with the reality of what was happening. But there are two parts of the story that stand out to me and to a lot of other people. The first is the ending but I won't spoil it if you haven't played this masterpiece yet for some reason, but you know what I'm talking about if you've finished the game and it gets pretty emotional for a Mario game. The second standout isn't really part of the main story, but it is almost its own mini story: the storybook. Again, I don't want to spoil it, but each chapter adding more and more of the story just tugs at your heartstrings more and more. I played this game a lot during the golden age of the Wii but back then I wasn't able to understand what was happening and I just liked the game because Mario was in space. But playing this once I got old enough to think about what was happening in the end and in the storybook, I would start to tear up, which is strange because there isn't much that does that to me. If you go through and read the storybook all the way through without having seen it in a while or ever, I could almost guarantee that you would get teary-eyed, if not actually crying. The music also doesn't help if you are trying to get through it without getting emotional because the music makes both parts mentioned so much sadder than they would have been.

I will stop gushing now. I would actually be surprised to meet anyone who hasn't played at least part of this game.

A very good lane defense game where you need to beat ~50 levels of increasing difficulty. It ramps up at a good pace so you never feel overwhelmed and its nice to unlock a new plant after every level or so. Every plant has its uses so there is not really any useless options to choose from. The mini games and achievements also offer some extra incentive to continue playing even after beating the final level. Also the zen garden is a nice little touch.

This game is wildly difficult. Each screen feels like the hardest thing ever and then you realize you still have like another 45 screens to pass before finishing the level. The dash mechanic feels great to use and can be quite helpful and forgiving.

Also, there is a lot to try to collect and complete within this game, so it can keep you busy for a while if you are into that. And even if you aren't, this game will still take a while to beat normally.

Level 9 is the bane of my existence, but I beat the whole game without using assist mode.

Game made by teachers that tricks students into learning and studying. And it works wonders because students will take a victory in this game and ride that high for the rest of the day

The middle school computer labs feared my abilities

Crazy to think that the first Kirby game had no copy abilities, was only 5 levels, was one of the only times where Dedede was the main villain, and is better than some of the later Kirby games. The only real complaint I have is that the game is super short. I wish I kept track of the time it took to beat this game but it was definitely under 30 minutes. There were only 5 levels and the fifth one was barely even a level at all. It was basically just a boss rush.

I used to speed run with my brother on who could fill in the box completely with black first

This game was fun since it was just a good crane game that had the physics down pretty well. The badges you could win were also designed pretty well and it was fun to try to collect a whole set.

The main gimmick of the game was that you could decorate your 3DS home screen with the badges you earned, which was pretty cool and I managed to get a lot and made a whole scene with them. However, you only get a small handful of plays for free per day before it locks you behind a paywall, and with me being too young to buy more plays myself as well as not wanting to in the first place, I wasn't able to play it as much as I wanted to.

Writing this as a 21 year old college student who has gotten almost all A's throughout my entire school career.

A simple question game where you need to correctly answer 11 questions to win. A full "playthrough" takes 10 minutes if you win in one game. The questions are ranked in difficulty from 1st-5th grade and are randomly selected for each game. However, some of the questions are unreasonably hard and there are a lot of things that I've never learned, let alone learned in elementary school.

Everything is multiple choice except for the final question where you need to type your answer. I managed to get to the last question on my first game back and lost because of a misspelling. The cheats that you can use can be helpful, but I consider mastery of this game to be a full run of one game without using the cheats at all, which is why I have not marked this as mastered as of writing this.

Pretty generic questionnaire but can be fun to watch other people play and fail.

This review contains spoilers

This is the greatest 2D Mario game in the entire franchise. Starting with the visuals, the art style looks phenomenal and absolutely holds up today. The bright colors make the game fun to just look at.

For the gameplay, the controls are done very well and the game is very responsive. The level design ramps up in difficulty at a good pace and each level is made to be understood by even a beginner, slowly introducing new objects, items, and enemies. Also, if I am remembering correctly, this is the first game to feature Yoshi in the series, and is my favorite game to use Yoshi in. I also like how you can pick up some objects and throw them at blocks or enemies. The final castle is unique and interesting to go through since you get to choose which path to take to Bowser, with 16 possible path combos to take and some of them definitely being easier than others.

The game also has a lot to do other than just trying to beat Bowser. You can go back to some levels after flipping the 4 switches throughout the world to unlock secrets. There is also Star Road, which I believe to be the best secret world in any Mario game to date. You also get rewarded for fully completing Star Road by being able to play the game in Chocolate Land, where the terrain and some enemies are different. Star Road also offers a really easy way to beat Bowser really fast since it offers a shortcut to his castle from world 2. I have played this game so many times throughout my life that I know where every secret is and how to get to it (which comes in handy trying to unlock the Top Secret Area for easy power-ups and lives).

This game is definitely a must-play for everyone. I find it to be very iconic in the Mario series as well as overall platformers.

I have never had this bad of a time playing a Mario game as I've had while playing this game. Definitely the worst entry in the Mario series. Full of obnoxious level designs, unsatisfying controls, and other things that made me want to actually break my controller. There is a difference between making a difficult game and just making a game that is unfun to play.

Thought of playing Megaman: :D
Reality of playing Megaman: :(

This game was actually one of the worst popular games I’ve ever played. All of the boss fights have way too much randomness in their attacks, making it almost impossible to dodge most of them. They all also have arbitrary restrictions on which weapons you can use against them.

What’s that? You can only use a certain weapon against a boss and you ran out of power for that weapon? Better kill yourself so you can go back and farm for more power by killing enemies. Just ignore the fact that enemies barely drop any power on death and you’re more likely to get hurt a lot and lose health while doing this, making the boss fight that you’re trying to be able to beat no easier.

The level designs are no better. Enemies will spam attacks and will instantly respawn if you walk too far away from their spawn point, making some parts unnecessarily difficult and full of enemies. The platforming sucks. If you get hit by an enemy, you take so much knockback that you fall of the platforms anyway, most of the time into spikes or a pit.

I could complain about this game forever since its so bad and actually unfair.

Is this really what the kids are playing in computer labs these days? We used to be a country…

Very fun 3d platformer. Gameplay reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy and graphics remind me of Crash Bandicoot. Very well made and worth the money. There is also a lot to collect and a LOT of postgame content to chew on.

Due to the controls, mechanics, music, simplicity, and insanity this game has to offer, I am definitely Pizza Tower pilled