I enjoy passing time with this when I have nothing better to do

Chess does not work in this format at all

I can't think of a worse way to spend my time

Is this really what the kids are playing in computer labs these days? We used to be a country…

First Sims game I ever played. I made avatars of 2 people from school once and made them marry each other and then abandoned them.

Visual novel for BETAS who love MICROTRANSACTIONS

The middle school computer labs feared my abilities

Once I discovered the word “QI”, it was all over

“Hey E Gadd, do you know Candace?”


Free puzzle game with decent challenge finished in under an hour. Don't really understand how this game got so big a few years ago when there's almost nothing here, though.

Actually one of the best arcade games out there.

I do not consider myself part of the inflation community.

More of a toy rather than a game. My dogs are not fans.

So it’s fine to change colors in this game, but when I try to do it in real life, I get called racist?

Kind of wish there was a way to just speed up the game since it gets kind of boring to just wait for something to happen