This was pretty much perfect in the puzzle aspect. There were clues for the puzzles around the environment and it was all solvable. I did get stuck a few times for a while, but I ended up figuring everything out without needing to look anything up.

In terms of the story, it started out fine and was pretty engaging for most of the game, but I kind of felt like it started to fall off the rails as it neared the end.

The gameplay was ok with nothing crazy. Basically just a lot of walking around and clicking things. I kind of wish there were some changes to make it less tedious sometimes, like maybe a faster sprint or something.

The artstyle reminded me heavily of Sea of Thieves.

A fun little game with a simple goal of reaching the end of the level as monkey. It gets pretty hard pretty fast and I couldn't figure out if it was better to rush through the levels or to go slow and sneaky mode. The lack of options of dealing with the enemies makes this super hard since they all have guns and you only get a few seconds of time after they see you to do something before they start shooting you.

Probably the perfect form of a non-3d kirby game. The art style is charming to look at, the music is perfect for a kirby game, the abilities are all unique to use, and the gameplay is just fun.

Idk what it is with the mainline kirby games, but I always enjoy myself when playing them and it never feels boring or bad. The game was a bit short but had a lot of post game, par for the course for a kirby game. Probably not going to collect everything or play through all game modes completely, but it was all still fun to experience.

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It’s been a while since I played through the original, but I think this remake might be objectively better, which is not common in my experience. The art style, combat, humor, and story all felt very good and pleasing to experience throughout the game.

With the art style, I only had 2 minor issues with it. The first is that I could never get used to Peach’s model and it always seemed strange compared to the other characters. The other small thing was that I didn’t like seeing the Toads with hair under their “hats”. Other than those small complaints, the game was great to look at.

The combat felt engaging and fun, which is something that some RPGs struggle with. About halfway into the game, the combat started getting really easy with most enemies being killed within 3 attacks and most bosses being killed within like 5 turns. Idk if I was just overleveled all the time or if the game was just too easy, but I liked it. The only thing that gave me trouble about the combat was the blocking because I sometimes could not get the timing right.

The only times I actually felt challenged were when I was fighting the final boss and the secret post-game boss. The secret boss was funny since it was the same 2D sprite from the original, but the fight was actually challenging.

Very fun game. Would play again.

Redownloaded this again recently. Used to absolutely love this game when I was a lot younger. I didn't remember it having tilt controls

I don't remember a single thing from this game except for the animated cutscenes

First time my knowledge of graph theory has had a practical use

This went crazy in high school

Wow I got bored in like 90 seconds

Pretty fun little mobile game. Not many levels but the collectibles offer enough challenge for most people.

Thought of playing Megaman: :D
Reality of playing Megaman: :(

This game was actually one of the worst popular games I’ve ever played. All of the boss fights have way too much randomness in their attacks, making it almost impossible to dodge most of them. They all also have arbitrary restrictions on which weapons you can use against them.

What’s that? You can only use a certain weapon against a boss and you ran out of power for that weapon? Better kill yourself so you can go back and farm for more power by killing enemies. Just ignore the fact that enemies barely drop any power on death and you’re more likely to get hurt a lot and lose health while doing this, making the boss fight that you’re trying to be able to beat no easier.

The level designs are no better. Enemies will spam attacks and will instantly respawn if you walk too far away from their spawn point, making some parts unnecessarily difficult and full of enemies. The platforming sucks. If you get hit by an enemy, you take so much knockback that you fall of the platforms anyway, most of the time into spikes or a pit.

I could complain about this game forever since its so bad and actually unfair.

Basically the perfect puzzle game. The controls and concept are both simple and understandable, but the game is designed in such a way that levels are easy to design, allowing for a wide variety and large amount of levels. I liked playing on the mural stages.

Still has the best music in gaming

A relic from old school youtube gaming. Only slightly better than Surgeon Simulator.