9 reviews liked by dusjebs

she throatin me playing starfield call that sloppy toppy

It's a shame that the admirably cobbled together creation engine ver. 100 was spent on this game when it could have been given to writers and designers that aren't forced to make content sludge. The game does look pretty good, facial animations are about as accurate as I predict this engine will ever get unless they start mocapping (they won't). It runs fine on a 4080 at 4k/ultra, but this game is disgraceful as far as loading screens are concerned, even for a bethesda title. You'll find yourself looking at literal loading screens and "false" loading screens (take off cutscenes, grav jump cutscenes, airlocks opening/closing) for lengths of time unprecedented for any game I've ever played. New Vegas on the PS3 didn't do me this dirty.

Starfield opens with one of the weakest hooks of any Bethesda game. you're a miner on a far off planet, and you're mining. Eventually you stumble on a relic that precipitates the main story. There's no stakes, you're just a blue collar wagie sating your curiosity and doing whatever your new best friends tell you. The lack of emotional interest is a consistent theme that pervades any of the game's very long quest lines. I never cared about what was happening to any of the characters or the direction of the story.

Bethesda hand holding reaches a new low in this game. Bethesda pushed everything bad about Fallout 4 to new and exciting boundaries. Every named NPC is essential and there's no roleplaying beyond the milquetoast option of telling every NPC you love credits. There are no evil companions, which is fine because the aforementioned lack of roleplay will railroad you into being a benevolent knight errant anyway. Even the "evil" pirate faction can only be joined under the pretence that you're infiltrating them for the space navy.

They were onto something with the Thieves Guild Arasaka Ryujin industries questline, a new and interesting story where you play a corporate fixer embroiled in schemes and espionage, but it's unfortunately let down by some awful stealth sections and the new lockpicking minigame. Without going into spoilers, the space ranger cowboy questline is the game's worst offender when it comes to the lack of an emotional hook.

Gameplay is a slog and involves going to cookie cut locations on desolate planets and massacring the hostile pirates/robots that call them home. Gunplay is more of the same from Fallout 4 (it's decent). Space combat is ass but can be avoided for the most part.

The attempt at worldbuilding is commendable considering this is a brand new IP. You're given hard sci-fi explanations for space travel, a barren earth (damn I guess humans were the real virus), and tidbits about the geopolitics of the milky way in 2330.

Hanging out on your ship in space is comfy, shipbuilding is ok but the controls are janky. the UI and keybinds are a console port nightmare.

Todd's game of the decade unfortunately didn't last me a week.

This review contains spoilers

6/10 not diverse enough - joshua not kissed enough

i have issues - i see flaws, cracks and holes - someone kicks my door down and screams in my face "what was that scene, that was JRPG NONSENSE!!", i point my smartphone at him showing a gif of james franco in the 2018 western cinematic film the ballad of buster scruggs, he grabs my head and shakes it, "THAT CHARACTER IS UNDEVELOPED", i laugh as he is instantly crushed by $200 million in 100 yen coins, to be spent on the next bossfight cinematic

you laugh nervously, you ask me "we'll get back to the game of thrones stuff soon, right?" - i do not register it, i am already preparing to fight the concept of midlife crisis or some other dumb abstract shit personified into human with wings of arbitrary color - and personally i wouldnt have it any other way

ultimately, yoshida-dono said he wanted "the best graphics, the best story and the best battle system" and inspecting with any lens of signifant width it is clear that it is his victory and we mere peasants can squabble about things that could have been done better (some things of which i'd probably agree with), but in the end we can do nothing but kneel

while these bumps in the road may prove nauseating to those not accustomed to riding chocobos with no seatbelt, fact is that when the road gets smooth, thats when playing this game feels like finally playing every fake e3 trailer thats been dumped on our eyes for the past 15 years, thats when playing this game feels like FFXV finally released, thats when we are so back bros

it cannot be overstated how much these bossfights and cinematics feel like i can finally understand what it means when someone says their minds were blown by the FFVIII intro cinematic when it first came out, or what fighting sephiroth in 1997 felt like

if you ever doubted that this is "real" final fantasy, you need only take a look at the plotholes and weird sidequests that probably should have been main quests - true marks of a really good final fantasy game - if you don't get it why this is or you think this is stupid, click off the page and go back to livetweeting your colonoscopy or whatever it is you freaks do, and if you actually want to understand it, go play FFV for the love of god someone please play that game im fucking begging you

know that i was leaning on somewhere between 4 and 4.5 but had to round up because i saw some asshole put 3 stars with dishonored in his favorite games list and im fucking done playin with you fools but also i dont think i'd go below 8.5/10 anyway so i had to round up regardless please dont hurt me

where is biggs and wedge ? huh ? wait dont roll the credits yet you forg-

A list of every game that does the innovative things Assasin's Creed does, but infinitely better:
Sly Cooper
Tomb Raider
Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid
Prince of Persia

This game fucking sucks.

I want to cum all over Bayonetta, but I know hard it is to remove jizz stains from hair so I won't do that.

yea I love atomic fart
I masturbate to the twins before playing bioshock right after!

more like hi fi reddit

"son, i already have a hi-fi... a hifi rush!"

i'd love for this to be higher based solely on how Gaming it is but unfortunately the fetus' growth is stunted by having to run between circular arenas for 60 minutes to do 5 combat sequences when what i really want is a 15 minute level with combat the whole way so you'd actually want to ever replay a level

also if you're a game dev please don't ever put rpg bullshit 5% recharge time cum finger-slot 3 token "upgrade" in the same shop currency as combo purchases ever again or i will find you in real life and eat you

some of these mechanics can suck my whole ass but on the whole this is a balling thinking man's rpg for sexhavers

standout story and use of symbolism, great combat system (when you arent banned from combat for having levelled scissors in the rock dungeon), extremely well crafted atmosphere and world

cool action jrpg
a shame there arent more ys games
shut up dusk

a bit soul...
the exploration is amazing and I really like the crafting aspect
that said I do kinda miss the traditional dungeons and the weapon durability system seems pretty cringe at times
anyway zelda ass 100/triforce