9 reviews liked by enkanomiya

i wish that it was longer, but the shortness (since all of the events happen in the same day) makes sense, based on what happened right before the story starts. but i did really enjoy it! i liked having "aha!" moments when i realized what needed to be done next ;w;

(as someone who was raised in an extremely strict, very religious household, i do wonder if the religious themes and plot beats hit as hard for people who have no religious background. being told as a child to be afraid of satan/lucifer and living with that for decades makes even reading the name uncomfortable for me, which i think really adds to the overall experience of the game)

i still have a ton of things to do, but i got my first ending and this game really is as good as everyone says it is ;w; im so happy that i still have more content to play and things to learn about the world. maybe someday i'll get good enough at it to get all of the achievements~

immediate contender for my top 5 this year. definitely going to 100%!

average 12 year old girl experience

after botw i knew i needed to look at totk as a separate game from the rest of the zelda series, bc while both are very good, they dont feel like zelda games usually do, which lead to me being initially disappointed in botw when it first came out. getting to go into totk knowing it would be more like botw than it would be like all the previous zelda games made it the delight that it is.

its truly amazing how everything from botw was taken and improved upon. the same map was expanded and made to feel new, new mechanics that are vastly more useful were added (although i do miss my remote bombs, still), and getting to play in a world where people recognize link has a special kind of charm that makes me think of the oracle of ages/seasons games.
i am very easily swayed emotionally, so towards the end i was crying pretty hard. even if the game format isn't classic zelda, the characters are still the same, and i love them all so very, very dearly.

now cracks a noble heart. good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ♥

completely unironically in love with kaname date

Definitely one of the best Zelda games out there and deserves all the praise it gets. I personally believe this game is one of the best not only in showing new players the amazing world of the Zelda series, but also extrapolating upon lore from older games. The characterization is phenomenal as well, with Midna definitely having to be my favorite of all the 'guide' like characters in all of the Zelda games. Its exploration of the themes present in the story through both worldbuilding, characters, and dungeons are also expertly done. Despite Ocarina of Time being my favorite Zelda game due to nostalgia reasons, Twilight Princess is always my first recommendation.