Fun a bit jank and basic though. The battles are very fun to watch


Free Civ on mobile and PC

Needs more content and mod support but otherwise a really fun and simple RTS. The battles are super exciting and well-designed graphics/audio wise

So fun but can be really frustrating sometimes..

Roman Total War but everything is in real time (there's no "campaign map" or anything). UI and animations suck but it's fun other than that.

Fun and interesting 4X. Graphics are nice and you can make your own player avatar and other players can play against you as an NPC (with a customizable AI personality). UI is really really bad.. :(

Excellent soulslike with a unique atmosphere and tone not seen in the other soulsborne releases.. unfortunately it shows its age a bit so I'm waiting to just play the remake which has a different tone but some improvements and the quality (not aesthetic) of the graphics are muuuuch better

Spelunky is super fun. Should definitely play both 1 & 2 (in whatever order you want, 1 is a bit easier) as they're both some of the best roguelites out there.

Soundtrack is awesome and it's a great hack & slash (or whatever the genre is lol), will finish eventually.

It's MGS3.. a masterpiece. I don't need to say anything else.

It's MGS2. The most dialogue heavy (not cutscene heavy though, that goes to MGS4) game in the series but nonetheless a masterpiece and the gameplay is leagues above MGS1.

Didn't play too much of it.. will play more eventually. Controls and gameplay are surprisingly not too dated/janky and the writing is good but has that generic fantasy aesthetic that's pretty boring/basic (except for dwarves which have cool aesthetics)

Has caused the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community to become infested with milsim airsoft kids but that's not really the mods fault. Not a fan of the gameplay, though I was never a big fan of any freeplay mods so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Do not play this if you haven't played the original games first.

Only played for a little bit but ended up getting bored.. interesting ideas I suppose.

It's a Hideo Kojima game.. I don't need to say anything else.