can i just say this is one of the gayest games ever sorry to the fans but its true also phoenix wright very hot and tempting

"Time can heal most things, even if some hurts seem insurmountable at first."

spoilerish review !!! heavy spoilers ahead !!! do NOT continue if you haven't played this game which you shouldve because it's the most perfect thing in the world !!!

when i was younger i had a DS with an R4 damn full of games that ranged from incredible to absolutely fucking junk like the mister bean game ? barbie ? giulia passione qualcosa idk whats called in english ? im sorry but anyway that was like my golden era of videogames i would spend all day long playing shit like mario and luigi or pokemon or dragon quest orrrrrrrrrr i forgot what other games i liked but anyway yeah those

so i played explorers of sky at like 10 years old and it ricocheted in my heart as one of the most emotional experiences ive ever had in my entire life i was a crying mess at the end of it and the characters were all so well written that they felt real and breathing and stuck with me for a lot of time that even now i still thought of explorers of sky as one of my all time favorite but i needed to replay it to be sure it was actually as i remembered and not like nostalgia doing all the work

well i will be damned if i didnt say that the ending made me cry again after 10 years and possibly even more now that it did back then because of life experiences and a general broader understanding of the world of the people living in it and of the importance of life and shit like that like i told my friends that i was playing this game again and as the great crybaby i am i was sure to end up absolutely scarred again its not even funny anymore

i cannot begin to tell you how ironic it is that a game about pokemon talking and doing their things tells a story thats so incredibly humane and full of emotions like this is a fucking PEGI 3+ game and realistically im 21 years old and this game was too much for me too what the fuck did they put out for kids in

i kid you not this is the first time i remember as a boy actually having this kind of emotional turmoil due to some kind of media like probably some other media also did that but the memories about this game are so incredibly ingrained into my mind that not even amnesia will ever be able to change that i remember so vividly everything about this game the beautiful art style the emotional music most of the story beats character interactions and trivia and thats something that i can also say for other games of the DS like this was the time i made SO MANY memories with videogames i kid you not and thats probably why i love them so much even now

so that being said apart from my mentally unstable self whats pokemon mystery dungeon

as much as i love the series i have checked neither the previous games nor the next ones that came after like im pretty interested in red blue squad or whatever the fuck but i always end up playing this one anyway im sorry i just love this game this fucking much i cant do this shit anymore

anyhow lets just leave out of the way the most obvious flaw and thats probably the gameplay now please dont @ me for the love of jesus i dont hate the gameplay but i do think it couldve benefited from some tweaks now what tweaks you ask me ??? the fuck if i know im not a game developer what do you want from me but talking BASICS if you ever played an mystery dungeon game in your life yknow what theyre like (you probably played this one lets be real) so the main gameplay element is in a delicious JRPG action obviously turn based but the main this is that it acts like a SRPG think fire emblem without the bullshit and without the strategy (i mean mostly non strategic but some parts will make you scratch your head) and add the dungeon crawling aspect all of this with pokemon flare if you didnt understand any of this dont worry neither did i

now this is a pretty interesting concept but over time it grows a bit boring . not really tiring because i mean once the real story sets in everything is gonna be like 10 times better so it goes for the gameplay itself too and i mean the gameplay could be better but its good for the type of game it is so im not gonna complain sometimes dungeons can be a fucking bitch or theres gonna be a stupid fucking boss fight with 10 pokemon coming at you for a gangbang/bukkake scenario so whatever anyway the general flow is pretty consistent and once you understand some little tricks here and there youre gonna breeze through most of the dungeons without any real problem whatsoever unless youre stupid like me and thats a real possibility honestly

i downloaded a patch that basically lets you use all your abilities with a combination of L + button so thats actually pretty handy instead of being something that can only be used with 1 move and makes the gameflow actually pretty fast so i really recommend it to you guys its just a little QOL to make the game generally more digestible

so yeah i mean the gameplay loop is set you get quests and go into the dungeons you fight some enemies get some items here and there get killed or get to the top (or bottom) of the dungeon recruit some more pokemon for your personal genocide and talk with a lot of pokemon and do stuff in the hometown again this is not like the ONLY single gripe i have with the gameplay but its genuinely not that bad honestly its kind of simple and gets repetitive but its not anything too offensive or shit so im gonna support this games gameplay till i die and also as i was saying sometimes it really does get into SRPG territory because some dungeons and enemies and traps will really crush your brains out

that being said second base is the art direction . people i cannot comprehend how incredibly sweet the entire pixel art of this game is theres not a single screenshot i could make of this game that wouldnt be a great additions to the paintings on the wall of my living room every single aspect of the game is crafted to hell and back the sprites of the pokemon in game and the portraits have so much love put into them and especially you can see it in the portraits of the main cast of the game that have a lot of different expressions here and there that really drive home the experience if you ask me then you have the design of borgo tesoro which is literally one of the comfiest towns in videogames ever i love all the different shops i love pokemon groups just hanging out in the plaza going to the beach and going to the guild to do stuff every single place in the hub has this vibrant dreamy vibe and i would honestly just die in this place im not joking then again the dungeons also do offer some of the most interesting designs for dungeons ever i was honestly pretty scared that dungeons were all gonna look samey to me with little to no variation but as i remembered correctly every single dungeons looks acts and FEELS entirely different and theres no way in hell youre not gonna remember at least a bunch of these iconic places istg

and then you have the beautiful BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS on the title screen you will have some of the most incredible concept art ive seen about pokemon and my personal fav one with little shinx( or like this artwork for the final special episode( or this one also being one of my favorites of the bunch( and this are ONLY THE ARTWORKS but ingame you will have some incredible dualscreen art like this one( and that one( honestly every single one of these is a fucking masterpiece dont get me started and i dont want to post every single one of them so just play the fucking game the hell

and all this stuff would be absolutely fucking nothing if it werent for some of the most jawdropping scores in the entirety of the DS catalogue and honestly ? in the entirety of the videogame media up to date i wont even lie to you the fuck this has everything it has some silly tunes for fun moments with your friends for tranquil moments spent in the town and in the guild some moody tunes for many many MANY different dungeons and for approaching threats and shit like that and you also get some emotional scores for when the game decides to absolutely destroy your fucking heart you dont understand

music is an integral part of the experience in pmd and its insane to me that they made this bomb ass music tracks in a hardware so weak such as the one of the Nintendo DS literally it has 2 speakers that have the power of an mp3 I think or something so yeah it's absolutely insane to me that they managed to not only make passable music but even music that I listen to fondly and tracks that are ear candy to say the least and probably some of the most emotional cuts in any game ever stuff that will make you bawl in 3 second with absolutely incredible instrumentation and composition I don't even know what to tell you pokemon music is always kind of a banger but this time they really made the game with these songs

tracks like the main theme or the wigglytuffs guild theme or the treasure town theme get stuck in your head forever i remembered these tracks vividly while replaying it and got hit by basically every single emotion ever clouded with a fucking lot of nostalgia I tell you

plus theres an ost for EVERY . SINGLE . DUNGEON . not only every dungeon is different but with the added unique ost it gives such a definite vibe for each and every dungeon and that adds to the memorable factor like every single dungeon felt familiar BECAUSE of this theres not a single miss sand dungeons are chaotic ice dungeons are mysterious forest dungeons are tranquil everything has something to make the experience as particular as possible

spanning something like 200 songs they also excel as some super emotional cuts that strike at your heartstrings like nothing else in the world through the sea of time is probably my favorite one of the bunch it has such a great composition absolutely emotional and majestic and really the starting point of the final segment of the game that will result in you getting emotionally scarred forever and then youre smacked in your fucking face with an arrangement of the song for when you have to say goodbye to grovyle this shit is wild who THE FUCK thought this game was alright to put into the world im forever traumatised I genuinely cannot and yet again the final boss theme which is grandiose straight to the point and absolutely breathtaking this is one of the most incredible boss fights in videogames and you cannot tell me otherwise because I will not listen to you anyway I dont fucking care

this is the one this is the moment i was fearing would kill me again and it definitely did . this track is one of the most wonderful pieces of art ive ever listened to and the fact that it's so fucking good it's so good I cannot even understand how such a great piece of music can come from not only pokemon but also from a kids game this is so powerful and so incredibly heart breaking that you can ONLY cry in this moment and if you don't you dont have a heart im sorry it's true


anyway apart from messing with my heart and soul this games soundtrack is full of bangers please play this game I cannot stress this enough im gonna go crazy

with all that said i think i need to get into the real juice of this game and thats clearly the fucking story and characters now i need to tell you that this is the most perfect story in any game ever and definitely the highlight of the pokemon series i don want to tell you this but its the truth

the starting test chose that im riolu which is one of my fav pokemon so im definitely not gonna complain about that and then i chose shinx because he IS my favorite pokemon ever and his evoline is incredible and im really emotionally attached to him yada yada shit like that and by the way that first test to choose what pokemon you are is basically the MBTI test but better im sorry but somebody had to say that lmao and i took that responsibility on me

so the player due to some events turned from human to pokemon and wound up to the shore of titular hometown borgo tesoro and was rescued by his companion that was actually trying to get into the guild but didnt have the balls to do that because hes a fucking wimp BUT also one of the most special characters of my life so its a good compromise

shit happens you help some people out and finally get into the guild where your life as explorers will begin for some day to day life of getting quests going to dungeons rescuing people/getting items and so on for idk how many hours honestly but yeah YOURE IN !!! Uno! Lavorare non fa male! Due! A chi scappa niente pappa! Tre! Ogni sorriso va condiviso! and thats gonna be your life from now on

so first things first i love everyone at the guild and basically every single pokemon in this game basically instead of pokemon being carbon copy of general archetypes since youre basically living IN the world of pokemon AS a pokemon every single character has a different personality that usually really encapsulates the general vibe of the physical aspect of the pokemon wigglytuff is always daydreaming and shows love for everybody chatot is a finicky leader but cares for their childs bidoof is a wimp sunflora is a weirdo the guy who screams screams and diglett still looks like a penis theres something for everybody but yeah basically they made the characters live and breathe so seamlessly youre gonna care for every single one of them until the end of the game and i assure you youre gonna spend a lot of time with them

now this first part of pmd is probably the most boring one but i say that because theres little lore that is given to you between mostly doing a lot of quests here and there to get a sense of dungeons and gameplay and get to slowly know the world and the pokemon that inhabit it so thats fine it does have a lot of game stuff for the amount of intel theyre gonna give you but when it gets good it gets good

the underlying plot that slowly unravels is that of a mysterious thief that goes around wrecking havoc by stealing gears of time and disrupting the timeflow (thats also why pokemon dont evolve in the game) and the nature of the players amnesia pokemon transformation and ability to sometimes see past or future events thanks to physical cues connected to that event


some time later and then SPOILER TERRITORY

the lake expedition probably is the first turning point in the narrative since you get a general sense of where the game is going and how its gonna develop its storyline but rest assured theres a lot of plottwists here and there

gears are usually guarded in weird places that are protected by azelf uxie and mesprit yknow the 3 twinks from pokemon platinum and so yeah theyre gonna get stolen lmaooooo anyway as soon as you encounter dusknoir this is really the point where the entire game gets good af hes a traveler from the future who is trying to save the day and prevent the bad guy thief grovyle to stop the time forever he talks about the future being destroyed yada yada yknow the drill some more explorations later and they capture grovyle they get his ass and everybody is fine peace is finally restored dusknoir is gonna get into the portal for the future get grovyle to justice and restore the timeflow UNTIL dusknoir gets your ass captures you and pushes you into the future portal so youre in the future dusknoir is actually the bad guy you were captures and youre gonna get executed because youre in a gay relationship but gays always win so you run away and boom you become besties with grovyle

grovyle tells you that he was actually doing the thievery to SAVE the future instead of what dusknoir was claiming and youre back to square one but instead now you need to go back to the present in the meantime youre gonna go through dungeons and get to know grovyle and his motives better i gotta say grovyle is absolutely such an interesting character apart from an incredible hunk if you ask me SORRY OMGGGG SORRY WHO SAID THAT ok so anyway theres that the future is absolutely fucking broken apart also due to dialga going fucking crazy and time collapsing on itself so you go syke and get back to the present

here you cry go back to the guild cry again and get reunited with your friends and this is where the final arc of the game begins you go to some missions to find out where the tower of time is while grovyle gets the last gears of the bunch when everything settles you go to one of the last dungeons of the game that brings you to a place to go to the tower of time then you fly with lapras and go to the tower of time and its the moment to SOME MORE DUNGEONS JESUS and youre in front of the tower now here the partner is sent to use its stone to unlock the path to enter the building and in the meantime grovyle tells you that being a pokemon from the future youre gonna vanish with him since this is not your place to be . yknow whats COMING GUYS LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO

so tower of time dungeon you go to the summit fight dialga get the gears back and the day is saved everybody is happy whatever while you get back you begin to vanish due to you not being from this world and you get a super emotional and heartwarming scene for the finale were the 2 main characters say goodbye

BOY I WAS A FUCKING MESS YOU DONT GET IT I WAS A MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESS WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS GAME IM GONNA GO CRAZY this is the most heartbreaking ending ever basically every single thing they say makes me go buck wild and its absurd to me how this is a game for kids anyway youre vanished shinx gets back and lives his life in the guild again

then one day he goes back to the shore where you first meet and begins to have feels and memories fill his head and has a deadass crying fit in the middle of the shore while bidoof is helping him WHEN THE MEMORIES WERE ROLLING I WAS AN ABSOLUTE MESS AGAIN I HATE THIS FUCKING GAME WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME SO EMOTIONAL FOR FUCKING POKEMON UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

so you go omg only 2 crying fits thats weird then dialga says thank you player for what you did so im gonna send you back to the present and then youre gonna hug with your partner 3RD CRYYYYY GUYS THIRD CRYING FIT OF THE DAY LETS GOOOOOOOO

so umh this game absolutely ruined me as much or probably even more than it did when i was 10 years old and i cannot stress you enough to play this game because this storyline is absolutely crazy something out of a cartoon and yet something that crushed my heart and yeeted it in a bin im a grown man and still bawled my eyes out i genuinely cannot

i do think the storyline is one of the most beautiful aspect of the game but it needs some time to actually get good but when you start OOOOOOOOF youre in for a hell of an emotional trainwreck i kid you not its absolutely fucking insane and even though i knew what was gonna happen i still ended up crying like a fucking bitch

so yeah this game is absolutely incredible everybody should play it it should be illegal to not play it at least one time in the entirety of your life thank you everybody

to this day i still think this is one of the greatest games ive ever played and even though it is not a perfect game in itself it IS a perfect game for me vibes unmatched gorgeous art and sensational OST emotional storyline and interesting characters to boot this sits right up there as one of the most powerful releases in the series and one that really stays with you for the entirety of your life every time people say pmd i either begin to overflow with informations about my personal experience or cry in front of everybody at the family reunion and if youre lucky maybe even both at the same time thank you nintendo and thank you great empire of japan


when i first played this game i probably dipped at the credits because i was NOT prepared for the amount of post game content this game has to offer theres so much stuff its honestly humbling you could play this game forever for the amount of side content and events there are its just such an amazing experience altogether i cannot stress this enough

shaymin village quest is so soothing theres a lot of somber motifs and chill dungeons here and there and i just love him hes such a fucking cutie

the manaphy storyline is so simple yet so fucking effective that I was left bawling AGAIN this game is fucking unreal yall I can't do this shit anymore please also it confirmed that the protagonist and his partner are married and in love I didnt make it canon nintendo did

the regi cave is a nice addition and the whole progression is pretty interesting sure it gets repetitive after a while but its still intriguing and the fact that you see team charm again is a blast girls supporting girls

the cresselia darkrai quest is probably the culmination of what explorers of sky was doing in its post game content and its such a fucking joy to experience the storyline is tight as shit the new characters are intriguing and the twists are jawdropping dungeons are great even if a little on the harder side of things and it just has the cherry on top of making you cry one last time I fucking hate this game I cannot do this shi anymore

so since the post game is actually kind of beefy you should play it teehee


i never played the extra stories and i dont remember shit about the post game so my thoughts and considerations go after this beep BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

BIDOOFs episode is pretty interesting and i really enjoy the character already so this was a nice surprise and then you have jirachi which is one of the pokemon with the best designs ever so yknow its gonna be good also here theres some crying to do but its pretty surface level and really ties this story well with the main story of pmd and i was NOT expecting the gameplay elements i thought it was gonna be different but anyway this is great lets see what the others are

also what the fuck is up with the star cave having SUCH a cool fucking dungeon theme the HELL this is incredible turutututuutiturutututu

WIGGLYTUFFs episode is another one for a good crying fit like i finished it and i was going to k1ll myself honestly this ones tells the story of how wigglytuff became wigglytuff with some focus on his early life and relationship with a mysterious explorer i swear to fucking god i was NOT expecting that finale not now and not even in a 100 years that absolutely ruined my day and left me dehydrated again i genuinely cannot believe this game anymore anyway wigglytuff is goofy as fuck of course this is good

SUNFLORAs one is pretty cute doesnt really reach the highs of the other stories but friendship stories are always a hit for me in any way shape or form so of course i would love this even though traversing the dungeons with ONLY sunflora was actually a chore but whatever it did pay off in the end i like gay people sunflora is a male idc if they use she/her pronouns in the game

LOPUNNY and co side story is probably my least favorite of the bunch not because its bad but because it feels kind of out there compared to the other ones since those were about members of the guild and this one is another new team entirely but yknow not so bad all in all the 3 main gals are fun as hell and lopunny is genuinely so charming now i get why shes so popular on rule34

GROVYLE and his bf make a new appearance in this side story that explains more of what happens after the time travel to the future and its honestly pretty gripping and heartwarming i wasnt a huge fan of the endless dungeons this part throws at you but the payoff is absolutely timeless and ending made me bawl dear lord

all in all this game has lifelong and valuable messages incredible themes and lessons things that will stick with your FOREVER this is such a great piece of art and to the people that say videogames cannot be art please play this and think again because theres no other piece of media that thought me so much that had such a huge impact on my life till now and im so glad every single day for the fact that i could play and finish this game in a moment of my life that really needed lessons like these yknow games CAN be just games its not like I'm gonna pretend that something like fortnite is a piece of art lets not confuse art with garbage but sometimes shit like this can change lives can change the way your head works the way you go through your day to day life and make you FEEL things and that what art is all about this game has so many lessons about life about friendship about work about how we live life and how we should live our life and there's nothing more precious than this I might not be the biggest pokemon fan and I might not even be the best person to tell you this but this game is a masterpiece a true universal unprecedented masterpiece and I will never forget it till the day that I die theres really nothing else I could say about it apart from thank you nintendo for making one of the most important works of art of my life and thank you for being dumb as fuck so I could pirate this at 10 year old BYEREEEEEE

"But things we take for granted... They're really the most essential things. And they're precious."

“So come with me now. Let us find our empire together. If you’ll still take me for your empress ?”

this is possibly the worst sentence i have read in this game i was literally bawling my eyes out I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH ITS UNREAL OH GOD

if you had told me that this kind of fire emblem marathon wouldve led me to one of the best games ive ever played in my entire life i wouldve not believed you when i played fire emblem awakening some time ago i realised that this series is actually worth to explore even tho im kinda bad at strategy games and also i get really frustrated at times because i got 0 patience and shit like that (mind you i did play the gba games and those ones are literally hell on earth so theres that) but awakening is such a little gem of a game both in fun gameplay mechanics AND some bomb ass story that ties everything to the first fire emblem game can you imagine

this one ? this ones a miracle

i have absolutely no idea how fire emblem gaiden is i have not played it and i dont PLAN on playing it like ever in the entirety of my life but as a NES game it probably sucks ass IM SORRYYYYY OK IM SORRYYYYYYYYYYY not every NES game sucks theres kirbys adventure and ………… so moving on this is a remake of that game and im 100% sure this is an improvement in every single aspect is somebody comes to me and goes actually fire emblem gaiden had better difficulty level !!!!! im gonna gave some guys skull in tonight

so where THE FUCK do i begin with this great ass game the gameplay is pretty reminiscent of fire emblem awakening and fire emblem as a whole BUT theres a but some stuff may feel pretty different from what youre used to basically since fe2 was still at the beginning of the series they hadnt yet introduced some of the staples of the series like the weapon triangle or healers and pegasus knights sucking ass or like archers being totally useless most of the time like that good stuff ok ? here theres NONE of that the weapon triangle is in fact fucking gone you will only be able to hold a single item and not switch between different weapons and the classes are more streamlined and kinda different from the other games again healers and pegasus knights can pack some punches and archers have a range of jesus christ that being said some expert on the series will probably tell you achtuaolly theres also the EXP intake being shit so you have to promote pretty soon instead of capping at 20 or shit like that I DONT CARE OK IM NOT A PRO so theres that

apart from these different beats here and there this is 99% true to fire emblem as a whole so you can breeze through it without any real issue (if you play casual mode which you should who the fuck plays classic mode the fuck)

while this is probably the core of the game theres some other stuff that they put in this that i absolutely love traversing the overworld is fun as fuck you get some different towns that you can explore every nook and cranny of you can enter dungeons and get into some shin megami tensei 4 style gameplay I FUCKING LOVE DUNGEONS UGHHHHHHHH if years ago i had played this game instead of smt4 now fire emblem would be my fav series instead of smt ok actually that may not be true but a man can dream im a liar i lie i love lemons … actually im allergic to lemons

anyhow every single town has lots of items you can pick NPCs to talk to get some side quests upgrade your weapons get reminded of the fact that youre actually in a war or something the world map is super fun both intricate and yet super straightforward you have battles and towns and dungeons and again dungeons are pretty sick i was not really convinced by the change in gameplay but its incredible how they tied this style of gameplay with the usual srpg I LOVE THIS GAME OH GOD dungeons will have some loot here and there and grinding a bit is always fun idk just do that

i have no idea what the fuck they put in this game like they laced it with cocaine or something because there was not a single moment that i was not having the time of my life every single battle was fun as hell (idk if i enjoyed the gimmick battles that much but at least they gave some nuance to the usual gameplay) and its pretty weird because after some time i was growing tired of the gameplay loop in fire emblem awakening not that its BAD i had so much fucking fun with that game but yknow after 30 hours of srpg youre gonna get crazy i fear (i want to check out genealogy of the holy war mark my words) like i cannot even pinpoint what is in this game that i enjoy that much maybe the fast paced battles or little things like this like i didnt even mind the maps that people always talk about as being bad as hell

whatever theres a lot of stuff in this game im not gonna explain it to you

now the true highlight of this game is the story and characters dont get me started lord

main thing of the game is the gods duma and mila fought because idk thats what gods do i think and after that they divided the land of valentia into 2 parts one part is the kingdom of zofia and the other is the kingdom of rigel now after all this premise yknow what the game is gonna focus on ??? thats rightttttttttttt 2 little kids now i gotta tell you i love the opening act like seeing little alm and little celica sharing their childhood together with the other kids of the village i hope nothing bad ever happens to them BOOM war and shit goodbye so anyway the story has some great story beats and some stuff that actually happens too fucking fast for my liking but first of all the entirety of the game is divided into 2 campaigns one for alm and one for celica with each one having some different party member and OOOOOO im gonna talk about the characters in a moment because what the actual fuck

now its story beats time SPOILER ALERT AND SHIT

i read sometimes here and there about people realising this games story is actually quite ass and shit like that and now they hate the game for it and im sorry to tell you fuck you your mom never loved you anyway you dont know what tenderness is and never will now after that again i wanted to say that the prologue makes such a great job at showing how much alm and celica cared for each other and how much this will have some consequences in the events to come yknow

i love when in a game the have some incredibly huge war conflict but they also focus on the repercussions on a small group of characters final fantasy XII is my fav one in the series so yknow whats up and thats probably why i enjoyed this story as much as i did for reasons celica and alm get separated and not in a single moment do they forget of each other and still when they finally get reunited after years they realise their worldview has changed and in fact are siding with 2 entirely different nations on their behalf and this is UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so fucking good now i do have some weird nitpicks about this kind of premise mainly because the pacing was slightly off like after 1 second of alm being in the deliverance they immediately trusted him and made him their boss ? or like the fact that at one moment celica is crying in alms arms and all of the sudden she goes how the fuck are you so stupid and goes away BUT i can understand that thats also fruit of fire emblem general issue of condensing a lot of story into pretty fast paced chapters here and there so i understand and also the road to get there is absolutely my favorite part of the entire game can you believe how sick it is to go on a regicide quest or a umh pilgrimage right yeah anyway

after that they get divided yada yada shit happens some more hours of simple lore and character recruitments and we get to the final part of the game and celica gets kidnapped like a stupid ass bitch so its YOUR job to rescue her once again and after alm killed his own father (yeah hes the son of rudolf who couldve expected that… i could moving on) youre gonna traverse some hours into a bitchass dungeon and get to mila and see that shes fucking dead and then get falchion and then get reunited to celica and then have a little sex with her and then go ahead and kill a fucking god LORD why do these games always end up like that anyway happy ending everybody goes home and alm and celica canonically have a ton of sex now the day is saved

so as i was saying even tho the story can be pretty simple and weirdly paced this is a trope that i enjoy a bit too fucking much for my wellbeing so of course i ended up loving this game this much but something that really drove the experience home for me were the character now

TW possible horny breakdown youre advised

celica is the sweetest girl ive ever encountered in my entire life i want to cook for her clean the house sing her a lullaby all these things while im naked and in a choker im not joking did you even see her sprite after she becomes the princess im …. yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning now alm is a weird question because i feel like i would like him more if he wasnt a twink but id be lying if i said that i dont want a piece of that plus he looks so fucking good with that armor its like idk it gives him a great silhouette for some reason unbeknownst to me why are mens waist so small to be grabbed by other men ???

also i forgot to mention but theres supports in battle and they give a little insight on characters relationships and i LOVE THEM WHAT THE HELL

as for the childhood friends i have a clear love and hate relationship with faye shes super cute but she talked about alm every single time dont you have a personality youre still very cool tho i want you as my gf gray is kinda hot but i didnt really vibe with him that much i do love his upbeat personality tho and tobin sucks and kliff is a fucking twink again now

alms party has a real lack of hunks can i say that clive forsyth and python are all quite interesting but i dont really want to fuck them or like enjoy their personality that much maybe python i would some foreplay hes cute lets put also luthier in the equation because i dont vibe with him either

now everybody shut up i LOVE women clair is fucking brilliant witty absolutely funny as hell and super hot even tho i was tired of everybody falling in love with alm like faye goes alm please watch me watch me alm im here alm please celica is on the other part of the continent thinking about him everyday and clair goes to him and goes so theres this little villager from ram that should creampie me (???) anyway shes incredible i love her + mathilda is the most valkyrie character ive ever seen in fire emblem till now shes fierce shes powerful and she has a 5kg cunt im 100% sure her only caveat is that she fucks clive lmao + delthea is one of my favorite fucking characters in here if you know me you know i fucking love little girls with exuberant and hyperactive personalities and sometimes even a little bit r word but thats just me i love yotsuba yotsuba& love rika higurashi i love ochette octopath traveler 2 so of course i was gonna love this girl that is umineko lambda in fire emblem font

so everybody PLEASE shut up . tatiana and zeke

raise your hand if you cried every time tatiana showed her love for zeke in conversations or supports . only me ? good i love these too so fucking much tatiana is the purest girl in the entire game i love her so dearly and i love her relationship with zeke and how theyre both struggling with zekes loss of memory and the implications this might have for theyre love its absolutely incredible i cannot begin to tell you how much i enjoyed watching these 2 the characters in this game are amazing

and theres silque i guess . shes fine

and also mycen . hes fine would say dilf but im not really that into him to say that i would suck him dry or something plus he reminds me of my weird father complex mycen go away

now celicas party is full of hunks get ready

mae and boey are pretty interesting characters and i definitely enjoy their little interactions and the implications that theyre actually in love with each other of course mae is wife material because ADHD girl yada yada and shes cute and boey is actually pretty cute if you look at him close enough and im gonna bet hes a twunk under those mage robes sorry can i thirst for him in this situation

and genny she exists ig

now saber i want him to rail me to death i want him to spit me in my mouth and call me slurs im absolutely 100% sure of what im saying and hes not even the hottest one of the bunch we are gonna get there rest assured but anyway hes like my type he … hes my type of fictional character thats it like charismatic mysterious vibes hunk body tongue in cheek comments protective of ojousan and shit like that he my man he my boo he can do whatever he wants to me

so you also get some mercenaries valbar is basically gaston of beauty and the beast in fire emblem font and leon is a walking gay stereotype and yet i really enjoyed his backstory and why he fell in love for valbar and … ugh all representation is good representation i guess but whatever the real highlight of this bunch of guys is KAMUI UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THOSE ARM MUSCLES ????? THOSE BYCEPS ??????? cover them up sluts what the actual fuck why are you so hot oh my god so like i would want to say that he should fuck me up but im not sure if hes gentle in bed or like super rough he is the silent type after all………. either way i want him to make me loose

and yeah atlas has muscles i guess … kind of nice to look at but im not a fan of the guy

the trifecta of pegasus girls is also one of my favorite bunch i love them so fucking much they all have distinct personalities and look gorgeous as fuck my favorite one is palla but catria and est are also top notch characters and their designs are GORGEOUS + as much as i understand theyre in shadow dragon too ??? im not so sure i need to check that out too

i hate jesse moving on

sonya get the fuck out theres my husband here deen im umh,.... please look at this picture first ok now that youve seen that i can tell you that when i looked at that picture i had to be hospitalised for days because my dick went hard for 48 hours straight its true thats what happened so . people i love deen hes absolutely fucking hot his design is bomb hes attractive beautiful clean-cut comely lovely pretty beauteous fair impressive pulchritudinous righteous i enjoyed every single frame i had it in front of my 2 eyes and i had to play the entire game with only one hand he has such a great personality he has 2 arms that could crash my skull in half a minute and im not gonna even start to imagine what his legs could do to me or else i would need to stop writing this review i wish i was one of the enemies he cut through honestly i im .. i umh deen im literally single please what the hell i need to look him up on rule34 theres no way in hell i can continue living without looking at his cock sorry umh i meant moving on

im sorry for sonya shes hot but if you ask me between the 2 who i want to be pegged by the answer is pretty clear I-I want your creamy warm cum inside of me I-I want u to choke me and use toys like vibrators~! I want to feel you deep down inside of me I want u to make me scream~ I want u to give me hickeys and bruises all over i-i want u to give it to me hard and dont hold back I wanna be soaked in your cum and my sweat I want u to fuck me for days and hours please daddy’s please! I-I want u t-to use all your s-sex toys on me e-every s-single o-one t-the vibrater t-the sex s-swing t-the whips a-all of t-them~ A-ah shit... Y-your cock is so big and in my ass already~? Mnn... Faster... Harder! Turn me into your dream slut~! Penetrate me until i burst! Mmmm~ Soothe me~ Caress me~ Fuck me~ Breed me~ Probe your thick, wet, throbbing cock deeper and deeper into my p***y Ahhh... Ahhh~ I-Im cumming Im cumming! Cum with me too! Drench me! Ill do the same~ Ill swallow your sticky essence along with you~ Im your personal cumbucket~!! I want you to touch me real good. damn..~ beat me I want you to make me leak and cum inside me I hope you cum all over me..pleasure me real good..~ you make me wet all day..~ eat me all you want...~ D..daddy..~ your going too H..harder..!~You make me feel wet everyday..~A..ah..!! D..daddy..~ g..go rough..~ A..ahh..!!~ I..I’m going to leak..!!~ A..ah..!~ G..gentle..~! Ahh..~ j..just a little deeper daddy!~ p..punish me d..daddy..~ I.. I. Feel so wet and j...juicy.~ mhmmmm~ to- to hard.. ahhhh~ m.. more p-please~!

nomah is a literal old man

conrad is tuxedo mask and hes pretty hot without his mask i wish i could see more of his interactions and sibling love and shit with celica but it was pretty bare bones maybe i needed to watch the supports for him anyway hes cool

now lets get to the juice

berkut and rinea

im not the biggest fan of berkut hes kind of a wimp he got on my nerves more than once and he probably fucks like a chicke BUT rinea loves him so dearly this made me cry like a fucking bitch their relationship is incredible and feels so real and thats also sad because i didnt get to see enough of their interactions and also enough of rinea UGHHHHH that girl is so fucking cute i just cant what the hell anyway the final battle with him (them) made me lose all my hair and when berkut sacrificed rinea i think i had an ictus or something i genuinely stopped thinking i was going crazy what the hell and the final scene where they both ascend and the conversation they have and the fact that after berkut went crazy rinea still loves him im sorry what the fuck

anyway i think we are done last but not least

sound department absolutely blew my mind first and foremost because every single dialogue is voice acted ????? EVERY . SINGLE . DIALOGUE i could not believe this like i swear fire emblem awakening had like 10 dialogues i could not believe this game was fully voice acted like what the hell were they thinking the fuck and by the way i played this with the undub of course because i hate english voice acting and the voices are incredible i cannot what the hell

and then ………………….. the ost . guys this games ost is absolutely fucking incredible

now first and foremost i watched the intro like 100 times because of this exact theme i had goosebumps the entire time and like watching the part where celica hugs alm really makes me insanely teary eyed im not joking that shit is insane i love my babies so much im so sorry for everything that happened to you please live happily so anyway apart from that celicas route is the best one apart from the fact that its full of hunks but also for this theme i cannot tell you how much i fucking love this theme its unreal i sometimes just did some battles with celica in order to listen to this TUTUTUTUTUTUT TUT TU TUT UTUTUTUTUTUTU and also this version is pretty interesting i would eat this theme alive if i could these battle themes are incredible and the more you progress the game the better they get like this one?????? lord im sweating this is so fucking good and then youre like omg this cannot be rivaled by alms version haha BOOM this games OST IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I ENJOY IT OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD and then when i heard this version of the battle theme my jaw dropped

and then one of my favorite theme that i listened to way before i actually had played this game the final boss theme now you dont understand how many times i actually did listen to this this theme is absolutely fucking insane and going through the final boss with this music and the characters saying their dramatic lives and the overall pacing of the final battle i think it definitely cemented this game as one of my fav games of the series one of the fav games i played this year and possibly one of the fav games i ever played in my life this is absolutely unbelievable

most of the music in the game is incredible though so i advise you to actually play the game or just listen to some of the bomb tracks because its totally worth it

after the ending where you cry theres some more fanservice act 6 super difficult that ties some stuff for fire emblem awakening but thats not really too important to talk about its for the diehards

the story may be flawed the gameplay may not be the best of the best and whatever other complain you might have but its really rare for a game to have such a tight chokehold on me that i play it every single day without getting distracted by some other game and for what its worth maybe after playing some other fire emblem game i will deem the series as mid but i cannot stress enough this game is incredible and even if you dont like it this game means a lot to me and I don't fucking care

also mila is hot as hell do I want a piece of an immortal dragon deity damn they did her super dirty shes one of the hottest character in the game and they decided to just skewer her with falchion what the actual fuck ???? mila I can treat you better please also theres a kind of dark duma portrait at the end please show us the hottie


the title screen is absolutely perfect watching baby alm and baby celica running through the flower field is out of this world and when you finish the game theyre grown up and walking hand in hand ??? i cannot with this game istg

this extra track for something about marth is insane tho should i play fe1 and fe3 remake yeah theres some dlc stuff but its not really important and the characters you can recruit are actually pretty ugly BUT THEY PUT ID HOPE THIS TRACK GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD and also they put a theme for ike??? damn i need to play these other fire emblem games lord

im probably gonna play fates next in this marathon am i gonna regret this ? maybe but the characters are all hot i cant way to wet my pants

please change the fucking cover art im gonna go crazy

sometimes in the past i had played persona 3 fes and it was definitely the highlight of my life till that moment if i gotta be honest and im really happy to see that nothing really changed from that time i still love every single part of this game i love every single character and i cant really say anything bad for this experience that is as tight and incredible as everybody says and i genuinely cannot believe how breathtaking it can be after so many years from the original release of the game

its been a while since i actually explored this entry in the persona franchise and even though this is definitely a step down from p4 and p5 this can still sit rightfully at the top of the trilogy to this day this is still my favorite entry in the spin off series and while i also love p1 and p2 for what they have to offer i definitely still have a sweet spot for this game above the others in the series

im pretty sure everybody knows what this game is about as of nowadays but i just gonna talk about it anyway like people actually asked me to elaborate on my love for this game so i will definitely do that

persona 3 stars a guy transferring to a new school and for some different reasons he ends up in a squad of different people trying to fight off enemies called shadows in a structure called tartarus during an hidden hour after midnight called the dark hour (theres a lot of different terminology alright) where people get some into some weird ??? coffins ??? and actually escalates into something called the apathy syndrome where people become weirdly lobotomised or something of the like and to do that they have to use the power of personas

now personas are basically demons from shin megami tensei recontextualised to actually be used in this series as “another you” and usually just take the form of mythological creatures or deities or shit like that now you know im a big fan of shin megami tensei and its general sense of design so of course i was gonna love this iteration

thats the general incipit of the whole game and while this is definitely the main story theres a lot lying below the surface that needs to be explored

persona 3 fes is famously divided like every other game in the franchise (apart from 1 and 2 skull face) in 2 different sections where you either have some slice of life story high school events and turns into a jrpg in the night segments where you have to fight off the different shadows and ascend tartarus in the hope of a better tomorrow

basically what happens is that you gotta finish the game in a single year (omg atelier ???) and what happens is that during the day you can do social links with different characters that are basically segments where you hang out with people and this is gonna make the arcana social link go up and each single level will actually make the personae of the same arcana way more powerful when you fuse them so theres basically a lot of nuance to this but more on this later

persona still borrows a lot from shin megami tensei and this is actually seen in the fact that the main mechanic of the game is recruiting and fusing demons which is a fucking blast every time even though you cant choose the skills the demon is going to inherit and that makes me actually suicidal ngl like you want me to create the best persona ever and make me inherit marin karin are you actually out of your mind what the fuck honestly this is something that makes me go buck wild in older smt games like why would you make me redo and redo the same persona combinations until i can get some good inherited skills do you just want to purposefully make me angry cmon atlus dont fuck with me rn

while i definitely have some gripes with the gameplay elements i still have a lot of love for it the jrpg elements are super tight fusing personas is fun as hell the combat that still has the basic smt principle of exploiting weaknesses actually makes the game even juicier with the 1 more mechanic + the all out attack its just so fucking good its incredible and since youre gonna do this for like 80+ hours at least this needs to be some degree of fun its just a simple and quick way to finish battles off and this still have some of the classic smt flair in the fact that if youre pretty unlucky and the rng wants to fuck you up you can get demons actually doing mahamaon and killing every single party member or like crit and crit and crit until you bite the dust funnily enough

lets address the elephant in the room though while i still think p3fes is actually the safest choice i have a huge fucking problem with it: you cant control party members which fucking sucks because im adhd and need to use my controller at all times or else i get fidgety and THATS WHY i ended up using the controllable characters patch (and also the undub patch dont @ me i hate english VA i dont know in how many more reviews i got to say this) and while i definitely think this is the way to go i had a lot of game breaking bugs during battles because of course it was gonna get buggy because you know they basically recoded shit or something i have no idea how this works so yeah i mean i had to do a lot of save states and even when i actually made some save states i was dumb enough to actually save in critical moments so i had to wipe like 3 hours of progress sometimes that to say that TO ME it was actually a god sent addition but it is to be said that these are the conditions of the patch i dont really think the original AI party is actually that bad but i cannot deal with not controlling every and each character in a turn based combat game so theres that

i do also recommend the undub which is done really well they also added some subtitles to the cutscenes they put work in that so yeah just try it out maybe it is for you

anyhow the other elephant in the room is tartarus now we need to make a detour for a moment i do think tartarus is actually the oddest dungeon out of the 3 different personas the ones in persona 4 are actually pretty interesting because theyre character specific and (for what ive seen) persona 5 also has some character specific dungeons that look absolutely fucking gorgeous but as much as ive seen mementos or whatever its name is works the same as tartarus

now do i think tartarus is bad ? no . i probably had less fun in it than in p4 and p5 dungeons but that doesnt mean its bad the first blocks arent that interesting but the more you actually ascend into it the more the floors start getting interesting like the psychedelic one is such an highlight i had so much fun in it it makes absolutely no sense and the final block is real thematically consistent to the rest of the game

while i definitely do understand where the most of the people here are coming from i also believe that theres definitely a huge chance that they are people who only played persona 5 because yknow its the most popular game in the smt franchise ever and of course tartarus was gonna get this kind of treatment since yeah its rudimentary its monotonous and its tedious BUT i still love it to hell and back slowly ascending the entire tower is such a joy that i cannot honestly think about this game without actually thinking about tartarus farming over and over and over again

now still talking about gameplay as a whole this is still the first persona to actually include the SoL/RPG elements which means its yes very simple but not because of that less effective doing the social links honing your 3 skills exploring the town buying stuff discovering new events doing side quests and shit actually makes for a really interesting gameplay loop that feels rewarding in the long run im not gonna lie that this still feels like stone age persona loop but again they had to start somewhere for the love of christ

in general i think the gameplay is such a blast and people who dont agree are dipshits and dont deserve shinjiros huge fat fucking cock thats honestly such a shame for as much as i want to criticise these decisions i actually have 100 contrasting reasons to actually say the opposite which means that every single hater of this game can suck my balls kissessssssssssss

a real shocker here will be the fact that yes persona 3 also has some super slick art direction now we all know and love the art direction in p5 even though at this point it feels like thats the only game that has an art direction but i digress (it is some of the best art direction ive ever seen though,,,,,,,, ngl) and i definitely can see a lot of care being put into this one the artworks of the characters are some of my favorites in the entire scope of videogames the models of the city are great every single persona is detailed as shit and the vibes of the entire game are absolutely unmatched and when you also add a bomb UI and art style you have the winning formula of the century and to not even talk about the entire ost department which is honestly as thick as it can get now im not gonna put 100 songs in the hyperlink because im trying to be more humble and lose less time in my life time is precious everybody

that to say that im gonna put just one song and my favorite in the entire playlist is changing seasons( its such a sick track what the hell but as youll already know theres not really a single tracks that goes off the mark every single song is infused with a lot of hip hop vibes and enhance the entire experience to another level entirely

while i definitely feel that these are absolute strong points for the game i still do think that a lot of the best elements sit right into the story department and in particular the characters and interactions

the story definitely takes a real slowdown real soon in the game but as soon as like half a year passes youre gonna get plot twist after plot twist after plot twist boom boom boom one after the other im not gonna lie and this would probably fall flat if it werent for the gorgeous cast of characters

theres some that i like more and some that i like less i genuinely think shinjiro and akihiko are my lifelong companions im literally so in love with them i feel like im gonna pass out in particular shinjiro every time i think about him something in my pants swells i dont know guys im 10 and inexperienced should i take the gay test on trustworthy gay test sites online what do we think

so that to say that shinji and aki are my husbands i love how they both interact with each other and i love their archetypes so im definitely biased in the fact that i love boys i love boxer boys who can fuck my face up and fuck my ass up and i also like gloomy boys who dont want none to do with the outside world and social interactions shinjiro this game is literally based on social interactions stop being afuckinng cunt
i love them dearly

mind you even though those 2 are the loml i definitely have a lot of affection for my sweet little troubled yukari who feigns confidence through sass and a lot of ass mitsuru is literally the dominatrix of my dreams her persona has a whip and if that isnt a real indicator of her sexual tendencies idk what is junpei is my sweet little sunshine and while he can be a dickhead sometimes theres definitely a lot to his character than it meets the eye aigis is my baby i gave birth to her and im not gonna let anybody get near her ever in my entire life i love koromaru with the deepest parts of my heart and theres nothing that will change the fact that hes the bestest boy ever and ken is a good kid !!! i think and fuuka is still such a mystery to me but i definitely love her a damn lot maybe i dont know as much about her as i want to since i forgot to complete her social link teehee dont @ me mitsuru had the priority yall

as much as i love all of them im still pretty sad that in the original game you can only do social links with the girls in the party like who THE FUCK thought that was a good idea can i PLEASE suck shinjiros dick or do i need to pay a nsfw cosplayer on twitter to do that im not joking im gonna do that so thats sort of a let down and anyway the social links that are present here cant really compensate the absence of the main party to the whole meal like the school mates are fun like theres the gerontophile into milfs, walmart ryuji with a broken leg + his team manager whose social link i didnt finish so i have no pun, an immigrant that really feels kind of japanesephobic somehow, a timid girl whos scared of boys but also cant wait to suck dick, a son of a doctor who wants to be an artist but actually changes idea after a sitcom type of chain of events, a girl whose parents really need a fucking divorce, an athlete (thats his whole personality), a guy that i really hate so i fucking ignored aka the emperor, an online friend who actually is the most random character of the entire game and also a good excuse to put some persona 2 cameos, a guy with bulimia im not actually making fun of this one its actually pretty serious /gen, a monk who decided to follow buddha instead of pussy but then changes directions again because yknow pussy juice, a conniving businessman who wants to actually make you his apprentice, a couple with a a ,,,,, a d ea d umh a dead son umh wait i thought social links were supposed to be fun wait wait what and UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH WE DONT TALK ABOUT THE SUN ARCANA PLEASE

so as i was saying social links are some of the most inspired parts of the entire game and its such a shame that most of the time you wont see each and every one of them because yknow time management and shit but thats also the cool thing about persona you can do whatever the fuck you want and actually pursuit the stuff you actually want to see finished like i made my life work around the mitsuru social link and i studied my fucking ass off just to have a glimpse of her ginormous puthey thats what humans actually do so why the fuck not
so i guess im gonna get into spoiler territory now so SPOILER ALERT DONT READ ETC ETC

i genuinely love the fact that this game is surrounded by death everywhere its themes are some of the thickest and more real arguments to ever talk about and every single character conveys this kind of story to hell and back everyone in SEES actually had to face the pain of losing a beloved one mitsuru and yukari have to deal with the loss of a father ken misses his mother everyday akihiko is still grieving for the death of his little sister junpei is still traumatised by losing his loved one in a second and all of them are still trying to make sense of the departure of shinjiro DONT GET ME STARTED ON SHINJIRO DYING BECAUSE UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LORD

death is a thing that permeates all life and it takes BALLS to actually make a game that is surrounded by death everywhere story beats remind you that the world is dying every character is actually trying to make sense to the world around them and even the social links have a lot to say about life as a whole

theres some other games that tackle these themes im not gonna pretend persona 3 is the only game which has memento mori as its main theme but i cannot overstate enough how beautifully composed every single story line and emotional breakdown to actually drive home this series of events that have a lot to say about our world and how we live in it

the final stretch of the game with the near apocalypse is probably my favorite part due to the fact that every single character is using their grief as a mean to move on theyre trying to use all their suffering as a way to become powerful against a common threat that threatens life itself and while i think the nyx boss fight can be a bit of a pain to go through it has to be said that is so thematically rich that i cannot hate it for any reason in the world ever

and to this day the ending makes me bawl my eyes OUT you know what this game has not the most heartbreaking ending in the world in a shocking sense the slow and steady demise of the main character can be seen even from a few days before but when its all done youre left with you yourself aigis crying for you your friends grieving and all the memories you made together till now seeping through the cracks of you consciousness

while i do agree this is the most 2000s emo tumblr storyline ive ever witnessed it is told so beautifully that it honestly touched my heart theres not really a lot that i can say about this game apart from please play it and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it through the ending of the sun arcana you will be left with no regrets and a lots of tears youre advised listen to me it is definitely such an emotional social link and possibly the best social link of the entire franchise im not gonna lie here wow

the ending of the game is as heart wrenching as it can get and really encapsulates the entire experience in a like 3 days theres a lot of weird things that i can say about this game maybe the fact that there arent controllable characters is weird or the fact that it is as melodramatic as it can get the gameflow is pretty slow you can go an entire month without any story beat whatsoever and i wish shinjiro was still in the party but thats something that i will experience when i will play p3p

as much as this is not a perfect game i can attest to the fact that this is a perfect game in my eyes every single element of it comes together to create such an unforgettable experience that i didnt find anywhere else in the media p4 and p5 still have the flair and drama of this one but its definitely toned down for some other elements of psychological matter but to this day the way the theme of death is treated in this one
please please please please please check this one out and if possible play the original FES release not that portable isnt good but i think this is the way this game should be experienced (for the first time at least) and with all its gripes i still think this is as good as it gets


i still have to play the answer tho

this is a masterpiece. period this is the most beautifully sweet and most heartbreakingly sad visual novel ive ever read in my entire life and a story i will probably think about for decades and decades to come everything in this is crafted wonderfully not a single flaw in character design story music atmosphere writing not a single aspect left undeveloped for an epopee expanding through 3 different ages. i dont usually make heartfelt reviews but this is an incredible experience unlike anything else ive read and probably will ever read. and also i need a refund for the 5kg of tissue paper ive used

tragedy struck my life the other month when my pc exploded for absolutely no reason whatsoever and all the people who know me know that I basically live thanks to my laptop its become a part of me and when I tell you I had panic attacks and anxiety all the time it was getting repaired i swear I'm not lying here so whatever at least sloth made me download dragalia lost which I'm enjoying too fucking much . so long story short my pc came back and I could go back to PLAYING GAMES !!!!!!!!!! and also study for my university exams but I don't care those are my hobbies my job is playing games 24/7 ok so that being said I formatted my pc because I thought THAT was the problem like some viruses due to me watching and downloading everything gay pornography from the Internet but apparently it was a fan problem so useless now actually my pc needed some sort of cleaning because again literally loads and loads of trash BUT I saved all my game data I'm not fucking dumb and then when it was the time to get back to my sweet little baby totori and complete the game since I was really close to the last third of the game I realised that somehow save files weren't PRESENT I lost an entire day trying to find these fucking save files and they're NOWHERE TO BE FOUND ????

ok so i said fuck totori for now im not replaying all that what the actual fuck imma return on it during this marathon but god am I not gonna go through all that again rn sorry meruru you will have to wait

SOOOOOOO I NEEDED TO MOVE FORWARD in my marathon and I decided that ayesha was the way to go for now actual reason whatsoever I just really wanted to play this because ayesha looked so cute and fun and shit

so ayesha ayesha ayesha let's just say that I had a lot of different expectations for this installment but I deadass thought the dusk series would be closer to the ryza series for some reason even though they are closer to the arland series in time and space so i have no idea why I had that impression

that being said as soon as I booted up the game AND I watched the fucking intro guys . I had goosebumps I KNEW this was gonna be a damn Good Game™ from 15 seconds of that opening im not joking I think they put some drugs in there its so absolutely evoking the music is blissful and the singing is so personal and mind you that's probably my favorite part of the entire game can you even believe that

now i saw some people around in the world recommending ayesha as a very good entry point for the entire atelier series so as I'm basically an atelier connoisseur now (I finished like 4 or 5 installments) I think mmmmmmmmmm mmmmm lemme think maybe they could be right ayesha is perfectly good as a mid point either for the arland series which has the infamous “””hard”””time limit and also for the newer installments that dont have time limits and shit so yeah i guess in general this could be a good entry point yeah i get it also even though the time limit is also present but its reaaaaaaaaaaaally toned down to the point that you actually have a lot of time to do everything you need to do now umhhhhh beware that the time limit is still there I think I fucked around too damn much because I had like 1 month left to kill the final boss and I almost didn't save nio and if that happened I would've (tw/suicide) kms no joke /j

I still managed to get a …… gooooood ending ???? actually I still haven't watched the ending compilation like I do with every atelier but since I saved nio I guess its at least ONE of the good ones I got the one where ayesha follows Keith to become mmmmmm a better alchemist what was that

so anyway yeah for those wondering atelier ayesha is a good entry point for me I still think atelier ryza is the BEST entry point and definitely the installment that made me crush so hard for the entire series theres definitely no fucking reason for you to NOT start with ryza but if you for some reason can get your hands on ayesha first this is good as good as it gets for classic atelier

now since some part of me was expecting some jaw dropping innovations in this installment I was pretty let down to see that most of the game design were still the same of rorona etc NOW I love rorona (and totori but I have no proof for now since I COULDNT FUCKING FINISH IT) and that also means that I ended up loving ayesha but a part of me was like wow the exact same gameplay loop AGAIN ?????????????????




i love atelier gameplay loop I would fucking play 100 installments if they actually ever release them im not joking absolutely incredible games i cant believe that this series didn't get onto my radar thats absolutely buck wild

so first of all I gotta say something about the art direction or else I'm gonna tear my hair out . do we all agree that hidari is the most incredible character designer of the century SORRY I SAID IT literally one of the reasons why fire emblem echoes shadows of valentia is not only my favorite fire emblem (for now) but also one of the games with the most beautiful presentation I've ever played till now what the actual FUCK

when I tell you atelier ayesha art direction is fucking unmatched every single character is beautifully illustrated absolutely brimming with cute details and personality and makes up at least 50% of their character the other half being voice acting and writing its literally such a fucking powerful phenomenon love you hidari teach me some degree of your craft because I really need character design lessons ong

so umh talking game since I've been fucking around the question till now is this game good ??? very

ayesha lost his sis and has a schizophrenic episode where she sees a ghost of her sis in front of her grave and after the help of some mysterious hot old guy she goes on a spiritual peregrination to find cues of where the fuck in the world her sis is

and thats the incipit also she's a 薬師 but obviously gets immediately recontextualised into a 錬金術師 because this is called the ALCHEMIST of dusk not the fucking pharmacologist of dusk get educated

so in general you're left with a lot of freedom in the THREE YEARS (repeating that so that people know when it's time to call quits and accept the bad ending) but if you follow closely the different events that show up in the overworld and just explore leisurely youre definitely gonna get nio back pretty much again I got REAL CLOSE to the time limit due to the fact that I just love fucking around synthesising a lot and get a lot of crops but thats unfortunately something super counterproductive in classic atelier so there's that

that to say that in general the gameplay is pretty cool you got an interesting overworld (albeit smaller than the one you're gonna explore in totori but she IS the adventurer of arland you can't just compare to her) a synthesis mechanic that is pretty simple and pretty addicting at the same time (I still dont fully understand how abilities work but ok whatever I still finished the game) and I mean the gathering is always pretty cool even though getting 2 pieces of crap a ball of fur a carrot a bottle of bull sperm and some rocks will literally make you spend like 3 months im not joking here but whatever and last but not least the combat system is also cool yknow what I read a lot of people during my ignorant days of the atelier series saying shit like “oh yeah atelier ALSO have combat which is probably the weakest part of the game” so yo that guy on gamefaq I gotta say girlie you suck I have no idea if I'm actually insane but I have so much fucking fun during battle in atelier maybe I AM crazy like in particular the combat in ayesha is super cool theres the support system some more skills for the characters the area effects all the special attacks and everything else

and using items is still as fucking fun as ever

this to say that atelier combat isn't something to think of as an addendum but as an integral part of the game and has nothing to envy from other jrpgs in the industry

whatever so the gameplay is still the same if you're already a fan of atelier HEY !!! this is classic atelier probably as classic as it can get apart from like CBT time lines not being present here thank god

while I definitely did not entireeeeeely vibe with the “stick to the old formula” type of progression it has to be said that it still works wonders with the characters in this one most of them has really heart to heart moments and some fun little scenes that really make this feel like an atelier through and through so first of all I want to point out that ayesha and bell have steamy hot gay sex when the cameras aren't rolling I see what's up between these 2 I'm not fucking blind they're like the spiritual successor of the lesbianism that was going between rorona and cordelia or totori and mimi I understand now I SEE it . that to say that bell is probably my favorite character of the entire game there I said it she's so effortlessly funny incredibly well written has some bomb character design and events and probably some of them will think of her as annoying but that's only because people hate to see women winning and there's that

ayesha also has some lesbianism going on with nanaca and I enjoy the country girl x country girl dynamics yknow “let's kiss in the stinky cow farm and squeeze the milk out of tits of every king wandering across the land with your pookie and casually defeating a god of destruction” gf tumblr moodboard

mind you probably one of the reason why I even booted this game was because I really wanted to have a really deep look into the hunk of a man that is juris now juris is first and foremost probably the most beautiful man I've ever encountered in this atelier marathon and if you know me you already know that I got a thing for quiet and dangerous men because I was surrounded by this archetype growing up and as everybody knows trauma transforms into sexual desires soon enough so here we are

forreal tho he's hot but I didnt really vibe with him PERSONALLY he's fine and shit but if I gotta choose a man to simp for in this hame it's definitely Keith now remember what I said about quiet and dangerous men ok add the fact that I was surrounded during my early life by quiet dangerous and OLD men ok now you can see the pattern so since Keith deeeeeeefinitely gets into the damned daddy I was absolutely hooked on this man which is a shame that you actually get a good glimpse on his true nature at like 3 months from the end of the game but its all fun and games amirite hahahahaha now some your dick

sooooo anyway the other people is also fine regina has the heaviest cunt into he game h
but I forgot about her after like 1 year ingame linca is pretty fun and can get a mean dick if it weren't for the fact that IM on the passive side and I want MY woman to control me so the fact that linca has this really laid back servant puppy personality didn't help but she's definitely gorgeous and good in battle and has some pretty fun interactions that made me laugh my gross ASS off definitely an highlight odelia has probably the bombest design of the game just for her to be a fucking bland automaton ok whatever still am interesting character but I hoped they did something else with her apart from like hi im a living library what can I do for you beep boop master the order “sucking dick” you've just requested doesn't follow laws of asimov and then we have marion she's fine I like a girl in power but mmmmmmmm I don't know she never clicked with me I deadass left her to rot never put her in the party (odelia too fyi) and thats fine also she has bdsm sessions with linca

can I talk about nio ok hi nio exists in this game apparently and since she has some massive story implications with ayesha I thought she would be a great character and once you actually save her (if you manage to lmao noob) she's so fucking great I loved her even though I got to know her through like 3 story events because the time limit smacked my face ASAP but the little I saw of her I enjoyed a damn lot her relationship with ayesha is holy and wow she did a complete 180° rotation from the “hi im a ghost im eepy sleepy sis my list wish is to go to a death grips concert” goated

last considerations and then youre free to go they definitely did not NEED to snap so fucking hard with the monster designs theres some incredible stuff here and while they still suffer from the recolor illness there's a lot more variety to be seen in enemies instead of the arland series so thats some good shit and the fuckinf final BOSS is sO HOT IM SOREYYYYYYY IM AORRY WOW do I want a piece of thay wow honestly I didn't expect them to make me tent up but apparently they decided to put some sexy ass goat monster thing you know I fuck wjrh that AND ALSO they did it again . making a fucking masterpiece of a soundtrack out of nowhere literally all the cuts in here are pristine the battle system are battling the sad scenes are saddening the overworld themes are otherwordly and the next time I listen to that FUCKING bagpipe song is gonna be too soon i wont be here listing all of my favorite songs in the game because i would just link the entire ost at that point lmao time management and shit buuuuuuut if i gotta choose one its definitely this battle system every time I listened to this GODDAMN theme i would just get goosebumps I have no idea what kind of hands made this song but you need to be blessed by the gods im not joking here if you don't want to play the game just listen to the ost at that point its just the same level of wonder honestly

soooooo mmmmmmmmm all in all ayesha is a damn good installment I gotta remember to watch the other endings online I need a memo ok made the memo I think this is god tier atelier but every atelier is god tier atelier at this point and I gotta be a little bit critical about this series or else everything's gonna be in my top games of all times and yes maybe a part of me wanted something more~~~ but thats mainly because I ruined my entire progression by playing ryza first which is of course elements the most modern and complete installment in the series in many different ways but for what it is ??? ayesha is a delight absolutely top notch atelier with probably one of my favorite girlies in the entire series (ryza is still first don't @ me) and I have the very distinct feeling that a second playthrough will make me fall in love even deeper into this game but we'll see in the meantime stan ayesha she wants to be a kpop idol

oh also the vocal tracks are bomb

sooooooo mmmmmmm I think I'm done see you in the next atelier review which is probably gonna be escha ~and logy~ which I already booted up because atelier is a drug and an addiction but my adhd said today “nah youre gonna get distracted every 5 seconds” and I was like umhhhh ok we are NOTSSSS doing this rn

guess what another porn game to add to the list of absolutely unhinged furry nsfw VNs i read on a daily basis whats good yall also i had to get the game added because backloggd is homophobic and furrophobic i dont like it in here

ALERT THIS IS A GAY PORN GAME ! which means I will be talking about my private time experiences with the material and the licentious content of this game that might hurt your over religious conservative puritan homophobic beliefs or maybe you just dont want to read about what turns me on and I don't fucking care you've been advised

i was browsing itch io for some good good quality content for a jerking off session and i stumbled into this one now probably the most interesting part of the game is the art which is honestly pretty great for a game like this and even though youre just gonna see a few designs from the artist theres definitely a lot of effort put into this although the result may fall off in some ways but rest assured these hunks are still a damn good view nonetheless theyre gorgeous but thats subjective im a furry i dig this shit

now this is a pretty short novel and i cannot even begin to tell you what its about because the main storyline is theres a warrior from a ??? dimension in a ??? era getting his ass whooped until he gets isekai ed into another place where suspiciously everyone is a big hung and huge breasted minotaur which already feels pretty weird if it werent for the fact that the writing also adds to the whole idea of this being a weird place since the minotaurs pass their days sucking each others nipples or if its an odd day each others dicks and what actually comes out of these suction sections is a lot of milk that they use to produce fucking dairy products that they also eat to stimulate the production of more breast and dick milk i swear to fucking god this is literally what happens in this stupid game when i saw the cheese wheels i was gagged im not gonna lie here

so even though this story is absolutely nuts its not the main focus anyway because the important stuff are the main protagonists that are gonna have a lot of fun together with recreational activities like breastfeeding handjobs and occasionally hands free colonscopies . a joy to witness i kid you not so as i was saying the art style is damn good and the characters are all hot the protagonist after the minotaur ification ends up being a huge fucking hunk and the other two are still a joy to see im a big fan of the guy with the hair on his face because i always liked those kinds of characters that says a lot about my tastes actually even though the other guy has a lot to unpack too

so theres some great assets for a great autoerotic experience but what i realised too late is that the game only includes one set of porn CGs and all the other sex scenes dont have CGs theyre just text and some really weird slurping and gasping and moaning audios probably made from the creator(s) which made me really uncomfortable at times but i guess we wont judge but whatever its absolutely fucking illegal to have text nsfw scenes without CGs i would sue SUREEEEEEEEEEEE i did jerk off during that ONE scene but im known to be insatiable do you think i will be content with just that one little scene when theres a lot of flavor text here that could be turned into cool CGs and when you think this is already a pretty short game at least it should be worth the 15 minutes or however long this is but i guess it was A BIT worth it to see what the artist was up to and it was definitely a pretty charming experience albeit weird as shit

so ugh good enough i went on and tried deers and deckards the next and longer VN from the author and im enjoying my sweet time with it lots and lots of jerking material so thats probably gonna be the next one in the line of embarrassing reviews to make on this site peace

"41205, just a number that I really like"

what the fuck was up with that ending ong like first you make me bawl like a baby and then you do that

ai the somniun files was on my watch for some time now due to me actually having been accustomed to kaname date porn on rule34 and actually wanting to explore more of this character apart from him getting railed like a slut

that being said this is an investigative game made with 2 dimes and a beer to anyone who's interested in doing the character animation which is very bare as I can tell but not for that reason less charming

while I do think this game has a lot of rough edges and the pacing isn't always the smoothest (just a few points though so nothing of note) this was such a fucking treat for its 20 hours runtime what the fucking hell

you play as date who's a hunk of a man absolutely delicious looking pervert tit aficionado part of the police department in the subunit of abis where they explore human minds through dreams via a machine that acts as a bridge for the investigator consciousness to creampie the host

that's easier when you play it than it is to explain it but basically this is just the usual excuse for some investigation tricks and minigames and a damn good plot device for the entirety of the mystery at hand I have never seen paprika till now even though I probably should but I think the main premise is basically the same but paprika doesn't have kaname date so clearly it's the lesser experience

now this plays a lot similar to a danganronpa game but without the over the top character designs and writing substituted by a more muted cast of characters who are some degree of insane or quirky or mad like the pretend they're not danganronpa characters but if you dig deep enough you will find that everyone can be matched with a character in danganronpa sick trick

you investigate you try to solve the mystery I don't have to tell you how a danganronpa game works the investigative parts are passable at best being more of a point and click affair more similar to a visual novel type of deal yknow ace attorney and shit and then the somnium segments who at first I thought were really good soon became a 999-puzzles type of deal where I just began to get irritated by them and look for a guide because they have no real cohesion whatsoever youre like lemme see what happens if I blow on this fan and then 120 seconds will go away and its not even the right action like how am I supposed to know what to do when this shit is completely insane

somehow I can say that they're pretty charming for how out there they are like some weird shit is gonna happen to aiba and youre gonna laugh but since its actually a dream its all good then you can steal the informations from the bad guys and alls well that ends well

so I guess that's the main gameplay loop it's not entirely my thing but I can live with that I definitely preferred the investigative bits because I'm more of a visual novel guy I like to sit back and see the story rolling instead im just not that much of a puzzle lover so the somnium stuff was kinda interesting but not entirely my thing and I actually struggle to call it puzzle because of the fact that its more trial and error-y than I'd like it to be honestly

while the investigative stuff is defo the highlight the characters actually tend to take the spotlight in this one since youre gonna have a lot of deep dive into the characterisation and psyche of these pixels and they all casually move around date I wonder what that means and mind you my favorite pals are iris being my sweet little ray of sunshine and mizuki being my sweet little sumo wrestler and aiba being my sweet little artificial intelligence I love the gals in this one I cannot lie and boss is also a good dominatrix to boot

story wise this can get a bit convoluted and stupid but DAMN is it not gripping and entertaining from beginning to end this one of those multiple endings type of narrative games but the catch is that it's more linear than I thought it'd be if you get in a route where you're not supposed to know some stuff the game is gonna gatekeep you from moving forward and you're gonna have to try and find the right route to unlock that one and then unlock another one and so on pretty good actually and you also get a flowchart I love flowcharts

so one second SPOILER TERRITORY I want to fuck falco also since this is the nick I use all the time it was pretty weird seeing the characters talk about this guy since I thought they were talking about me but at one point I was like wait I didnt have to put no name in the beginning and then the realisation that the guy is falco so as I was saying yeah I want to fuck him so hard but i mean he's also date but date is not date because he's the son of the congressman and date is not falco anymore because it's his deadname now LISTEN this game gets fucking convoluted I enjoyed a lot the little progression and the series of murders and shit here and there but the final revelation of the body swapping gets real confusing real fast sure it's pretty charming and fucked up and needs you to do a lot of suspension of disbelief to actually get ingrained into the whole affair but it pays off uchikoshi wrote a real treat of a sci-fi flavored crime mystery and I cannot really say any bad words about it

some routes hit more than the others or have more meat in terms of story than the rest but when you put them all together you can understand why this game was such a hit honestly and to zero escape fans returning this is gonna be up they're alley

while the body swapping thing gets real crazy I actually digged the whole falco backstory with iris and hitomi that shit was fire and made me lose all the hair on my head im not gonna fuck with you here those were some real good story beats

this is such a fucking ride from beginning to end its so serious at times and so incredibly silly at others but that's the charm of it all youre gonna get somebody talking about terminal illnesses and date will say oh my god boobs also what's up with date being a sex freak while I'm literally here waiting for him to ride me I don't get it

that being said the highs are high and this game makes you care for its characters too damn much you could find me crying for half of the endings in the games because theres nothing that hurts me more than making me emotionally attached to a character and then seeing them suffer through every evil in the world why would you make me so sad and thats without putting into the equation all the falco x hitomi x iris scenes with all the backstories and shit likeeee it's so fucking sad don't talk to me

final consideration the music is bomb

side note I find it very funny that mizuki has the orichalcum trident in the mermaid cafe and then I realised that's because she's been neglected by her family and she just kept going there not to be alone and then it wasn't funny anymore

and ota route HIT

I read about someone bashing sex humor don't you ever say that to me ever again sex humor is the funniest shit ever don't @ me

"i had a beautiful dream" iris i just wanted you to be happy

i was something like 10 yo or less when i went to my cousins house and he made me play this game and i INSTANTLY fell in love with it it was something that completely blew me away (i had my fair experience with some other game systems and such and i also bought a PS2 at the time but still it felt like nothing else i had ever played) so much so that i begged my cousin to lend me this game (that i never gave back and its still here in my room as a test of time and also the first and last copy of a game ive ever owned ) and finished it something like 10 to 20 times until my PS2 broke and this game fell into my long term memory until the other month when i realised that yes my new pc is capable of emulating it and went on this journey again after 10 years or so and it felt like i never left

as a boy who never played that many games in his youth and replayed a hundred times the same games i had no idea what the platformer genre was like so it probably took me more to finish this game than the 4 (?) hours that i spent on it but still its an elite time for this kind of genre

as a 3D platformer and a great one at that theres all sorts of move sets and combat styles and whatnot but here theres a mystical and forbidden aspect that i never even dared to touch...................... the collectathon

NOW i dont have strong positive feelings about collectathons i get bored after a while and they kind of feel cheap sometimes . i said sometimes people dont kill me (comment: WELL YOUVE NEVER PLAYED BANJO KAZOOIE , reply: its true) but this one OOOOOOF this one is in its own league entirely it has the PERFECT lenght the PERFECT game loop the PERFECT movement everything is just crafted in a way that makes the collectathon genre feel not like a slog for once

so lets just talk about the story and characters and then talk about why this is one of my fav games of all times

i end up thinking that every video game place that looks like the earth if not stated otherwise is the OG human earth for me so lets say this is a planet where theres a life force called eco (not to be confused with famous furry horror vn masterpiece echo) that fuels everything and everyone and was created by some kind of sentient beings called precursors which to this day im not so sure what they look like

anyway 2 people (ugly guy and hot and sexy maia) are using dark eco to kill everyone or something actually i have no idea maybe theyre just polluting the planet anyway so the green eco sage goes to 2 guys a mute 15 yo guy and his friend who got turned into an otter but like not really an otter more like a weasel that they call ottsel ...... speechless what a duo

anyway with the "help" of the green sage (realistically he just says every 3 mins WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL HERE YOU SHOULD BE GETTING CELLSSSSSSSSSSS WHAT THE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL and gives 0 hands) and sexy hot and tempting keira (which they pronounce kiera ? dont ask) whos a skilled engineer got solid tits is jaks love interest and has the most obnoxious english VA ive ever heard thank god im italian whatever they have to save the other sages who are mysteriously vanished and beat the shit out of gol and to do so you have to fancy writing get cells

now what are cells . fuck if i know but theyre cool and very geometrically pleasing and hypothetically are a source of eco needed to traverse the land with keiras zoomer (shes gonna be like "oh im so sorry jak but my boobs are so stiff that you need 72 cells to move them out of the way" so you know how many you need to keep going) and also a medium for cool ass dramatic poses whenever you get one and theres also many ways to get them or it would get very boring EG find them exploring the world help villagers exchange them with orbs (another collectible that is basically coins and are also called globes/eggs in the italian translation why the fuck would you confuse me like that) complete platforming challenges fight enemies or find every scout fly in a level (yeah... another collectible..................) and so on

basically whatever the fuck you do in this game earns you a power cell even tho they pretend theyre some kind of artifact when in reality they be sitting on the shore just like that but yeah p much this is the whole gist of the game and honestly ? its the most fun ive ever had in my life since i was born its just so so so enjoyable and the sheer amount of movements you can make and mounts you can use just makes for a very diverse and interesting experience

eco is also not only an abstract whatever energy but has a role in the game like get blue eco > run faster/attract orbs get green eco > be cured and so on so yeah thats another really cool gameplay element

difficulty wise this isnt such a hard platformer even tho it gets somehow frustating later on in particular because the save points are scattered in a chaotic fashion and sometimes you just have to do whole platforming sessions without even a save point so yeah that can be tricky but you could also get good (something that i didnt do because i suck as a life statement)

story is alright this is def not my fav in the whole series and will never be but gets the gears going it has some moments some jokey jokes by kinda sexist machismo fueled self proclaimed casanova daxter who has always been kind of annoying but i end up loving him nonetheless this wouldnt be this fun without him around kind of like ace attorney larry butz effect but the 100% secret ending cliffhanger was something that ate me alive like why would you leave me longing for a continuation like that + jak getting famously cockblocked

what i do enjoy the most is that the world is interconnected and just walking in one direction can get you in another level and it just feels like this is just one big world instead of having a hub and level selection thats just something that entirely blew my mind and even tho now it can feel like something v bland it was unbelieavable at the time why am i talking like a 50 yo anyway yeah thats something that i had never seen in a platformer and to this day feels fresh and engaging and possibly contributes to the timeless feel that this experience holds in its palms

whats also timeless is the graphics that somehow didnt age ONE BIT its just like playing it in 2010 or something all over again its just UGHHHH the colors the character designs the world its just toooo much just too too much of an incredible game and i would just play it again and again and also in retrospect these graphics for 2001 were probably the second coming of christ for the people who lived through it so pay respect

i remembered the final boss battle as something grand and massive but it didnt live up to my nostalgia still it was an okay ish final fight so i wont complain on that

music is cool i like the music it IS simple and minimalistic but it still conveys the mood the game is trying to idle in beautifully + i got 0 music knowledge so you can basically make the most absolute garbage and id say its cool (olivia rodrigos album sitting at 0.5 in my RYM may want to say something about this so)

all in all its still the jak and daxter that i remember and hold dear in my heart and i just know i will get back to this game in the next years because i just cant get enough of this iconic duo

the big ass fish eating you alive when you get too far from the shore is the reason why i suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks now

i loved the poses jak and daxter made when they got a cell so much that i used to try to replicate them and injure myself in parts of my body i didnt know existed

playing this on real engine with like 144p resolution on a 4:3 cathode ray tube TV was the pinnacle of gaming for me and id give my soul to anyone that would allow me to go back in time to those halcyon days

i dont usually play games in italian because i end up not liking it very much (not that different from the english voice acting i would always put the japanese dub if possible english is second base and italian is last resort) BUT this one i NEEDED to play in italian it felt like something was off while booting it in english it felt like it wasnt my jak and daxter and also because i know most quotes by heart so it was crushing with my consciousness so hard i rage quitted and switched to italian and fell into deep memory lane

i can recite the intro by heart look at me ho passato la vita cercando di dare risposte alle domande che mio padre e il padre di mio padre si erano posti inutilmente chi sono i precursor goes on


im gay rn because of jak and this game irreversibly shaped the kind of people im attracted to and even though hes kind of baby looking and innocent but still kinda cute and all in this game rest assured that i WILL be having a more convoluted and structured thirsting session on jak 2 and breathes heavily jak 3 so be prepared

me when jak: Not to vent or anything, but I’ve never had a boyfriend before. So I don’t know what to do!! I’ve been craving and burning to be held by a mAaAn!! My friend goth always looks at me like I’m weird when I tell him, so I need to bother someone else. Even he has a boyfriend! UGH!! I’ve never been too much of a fan of sports, but there’s a guy that I would mind shooting hoops for.. he was flirting with me and I completely missed it!! His names jock. But we figured things out and we’re together now! friend goth the boyfriend he’s with I think I have a crush on. He’s really cute and I- my heart flutters when I’m near him. What should I do?

i purposefully added this game on igvn igbd igdb what the fuck just to talk about how you cum on enemies

the version says 0.49 but im pretty sure the developer isn't gonna update the game any time soon and if he does it's probably gonna be another release entirely and anyway hes busy with furry porn on his patreon so it's fine I can put this as completed

so you know im furry trash and this is the ultimate confirmation

this game is a shoot shoot gamey game like megaman but instead of a robot twink you play as a horny fox whose projectiles are cumshots and that is exploring a sauna where everyone's naked and weirdly aroused

the game is pretty simple but I was not expecting how fun it was to just roam around the controls are tight as hell and while the projectiles ballistic is weird since youre gonna shoot from a really low point (the knotty dick if you didnt get it) some flying enemies are gonna be kind of hard to shoot down but nothing that crazy

you get your upgrades at the end of each levels either for your health or for your damage and something that I really liked was the fact that you can put different tails up your ass so that your charged cumshots will have different shapes or trajectories thats fun as hell it's not explicitly said that they're butt plugs but come on just look at the game

also after you kill the enemies you can exploit their junks for masturbatory purposes like either fuck the lizards brains out or jump on tanukis humongous dicks so either way you can have your fun with them

so that's the meat of the game nothing more nothing less and you can actually get pretty OP if you play long enough like I did 3 consequent playthroughs and I felt like a bukkake king filling the entire thermae up

the final boss is obviously the shark (TITLE DROP !!!!!!) and after the battle ends you get one of 2 sex scenes whether you beat the crap out of him or get owned and so youre left with a top or bottom animation and thats it that's the end of the game have fun

i prefer the bottom one honestly you get to see the sharks double dick creampie-ing you so yeah but they're both good on their own

this review was better in my head I don't think anyone is gonna play this but I had to talk about this or I was gonna explode

also yeah in the cover he got his dick out and the pixel art is really good might i say

retroactively playing this one after super kiwi 64 is a suicide for the game score in itself due to the fact that that other game is an indie masterpiece if you ask me but this one holds a cute place in my heart due to it being super short super straightforward and super nostalgic and for a tribute game made from a single person this is kinda cool altogether

the sheer embarrassment to be the first and probably only guy to ever review this game is absolutely unrealistic

ALERT THIS IS A GAY PORN GAME ! which means I will be talking about my private time experiences with the material and the licentious content of this game that might hurt your over religious conservative puritan homophobic beliefs or maybe you just dont want to read about what turns me on and I don't fucking care you've been advised

bacchikoi as for the japanese jisho online バッチ来い can be translated as "im ready / bring it on" and its a baseball term which is very appropriate for the story of the game but since its written all in katakana as バッチコイ i assume this is supposed to be a joke between the baseball slang i just talked about and the word 恋 (read koi) which means love so yeah

was this insight for the title any necessary or informative ? hard to say so who the fuck cares

additional info: the developers team aka blackmonkey pro disbanded and closed their website which means theres no way to legally get this game anymore so theres that

also additional info: I've been acquainted with the source material for about as long as I remember since I'm a great connoisseur of everything gay porn I would have come across this vn in some way or the other and I can say that I have plenty of times consumed and enjoyed the CG sets that you can find on legit sites for married and elite humans of higher status and hierarchy , myreadingmanga youre welcome

now after jerking my bat off (HAHAAHAH I SAID BAT YOU GET IT LIKE BAT AS IN BASEBALL HAHAHHA . whay am I doing with my life) countless times to this shit I decided I wanted to go through the hassle of actually understanding what the fuck is happening in the scenes for context so here we are

main character toshu kanada is a transfer student and on fucking day 1 he already joins the baseball team . bomb

personality wise he's bland as fuck he could be switched with any single shounen protagonist out there and wouldn't know a thing he's cheerful and cares for his friends and likes baseball so on and so forth which is basically the same as saying he's just a hole for the entire cast to use at their discretion

club has 3 other members . male of course

masaru handsome tall basically the typical pretty boy with green eyes dark hair and a heart of gold and also a nice ass . ended up choosing him as the first route obviously

he's chill and hard working and also incredibly bad at school and gets lost too many times in a day but its fine because hes hot and I'll let everything slide for him oh and he got trauma or whatever and you also meet his brother who gets bullied at school zzzzzzz I'm here for the sex im sorry

ichiru i initially thought was gonna be a bland bottom choice but instead he's got a bad attitude is some degree of tsundere got daddy issues to boot he's rich as fuck and is outgoing on the outside but kind of a sweetheart on the inside which made him the more interesting for me since I really like his personality as much as a controversial opinion that is

and also is kind of from a yakuza family that wants to pair him with a princess or something she's a girl so she's not important possibly as important as the other female character the teacher who has no role in this game apart from almost catching the main character and his love interest in the act

and then theres genji who is arguably the hottest character in the vn because he doesn't look like a fucking 12 yo (masaru is also my favourite because he looks to be in his 20 or something at least physically the other ones look too underage for me to get any joy to see them fuck) and is kind of the tropey dirty old coach who cares for his boys and whatever more on him in the expansion pack I guess

so then you choose the route you wanna follow and watch the (superficial and at times badly written and super anime tropey) story unfolds and theres that the end

what this means is that this is basically a glorified CG set turned a game and there's borderline boring story to give some context to the porn stuff

and they also added a stupid minigame you can't skip whatever

there's 3 ost and they all kinda got on my nerves and the absence of voice acting is kinda crucial for the sex cutscenes that if you read them at a normal reading speed without pausing to fap real quick they last for like 5 seconds so yeah there's that

now again this game as a whole kinda blows but my 3 stars are to the actual +18 antichristian gay homosexual usually consensual always on the receiving end profoundly evoking sex CGs

team blackmonkey pro got some of the best illustrations in the porn department I've seen between some great camera angles perspective and top notch anatomy sometimes questionable positions but still usually arousing and great facial expression all this technical stuff added to a great anime style that really drives home the whole erotica that you're gonna see

umh and thats it ? why did I rationalize a porn game like that what

lemme just redo the review in a few words wait wait

Good luck with your onanism

disclaimer boys and girls and enbys I watched hazbin hotel and helluva boss as of late and what happened is that now angel dust singing poison is STUCK on repeat im literally gonna go fucking crazy also hi lucifer do you need a cumdump

so its not really a surprise that gust has this thing called godsent vision that lets them pump masterpiece after masterpiece out in the open and im really glad to be one of the 150 people on this site that actually gives a fuck about atelier as a series because wow this can possibly end up being a contender for one of my favorite videogame series of all times they just never ever miss its so weird how do they do that what drugs are they using in their headquarters i really need to know because im a university student i need some of that asap

all my fans (5 people considering my pookie) are well aware that atelier ayesha was a game that i really enjoyed coming straight off from rorona and seeing that the atelier formula was kept basically intact apart from some gamechangers here and there to spice the formula up a bit and of course i ended up loving ayesha serving the most cunt out of the entire atelier cast right below ryza

again ayesha was a pretty traditional atelier experience but this time with some incredible focus on intricate and emotional story beats that i felt retrospectively missing from ryza going back to the arland trilogy (totori has some heavy story beats but i gotta replay it to have a full opinion on in because of the shibuya incident aka my pc exploding) that to say that from the dusk trilogy onward the series probably will take a different direction narratively and in the good way for the most part

now escha and logy takes that premise and shatters it to the ground no more compelling storytelling just a lot of workload under capitalist consumerism trying to revert the world of dusk to a planet where you can actually live in wow this sounds like climate change how about that for you my little alchemists having to deal with the huge bs of the 2020s

so this is probably my one and only complaint about this game while the world of dusk is basically falling fucking APART the pacing of this game decides to take a chill maybe too chill approach at fetch quests little discovery and oh the so endearing power of somewhat sibling ish type of love that's edging right into the romance esque territory mh who said TITS if you know what I mean

now im not completely against this type of narrative stuff hell basically every single installment before ayesha was just character driven plot wise most of the time so it's not like I don't enjoy having some laid back tete a tete between two weird teenagers who waltz around words to convey the eros that feel for each other and fail REMARKABLY to the point that they prefer doing some scavenging or delivering or shit instead of talking about their feelings

all this to say that the pace wasn't really my thing it was way too uneven for my adhd ass and while the addictive nature of atelier was right up my alley the way the narrative is presented was always making me reluctant to continue this game which is probably the only reason why this won't get a full score because EVERYTHING ELSE is beautiful absolutely FUCKING beautiful

now escha and logy has this really weird structure where time limits are present but not really because what happens is that every 4 months you get an assignment like in rorona but the solution for the assignment is already present as soon as you start the term which means that you're gonna complete the main task in < than 10 days and youre gonna be left with like 100 days of playing with your hole and thats it

so you can ideally say time limits are nooooooot an issue in here since most of the time either the completion for the main task is instant or in the case of the final stretch youre gonna have so much fucking time left that you're gonna have to skip all the remaining 150ish days to see the finale because theres gonna be nothing left to do

now now now I like the fact that time limits aren't an issue anymore nobody likes to work on a time limit haha RIGHT ? but this weird segmented nature of the game probably added to the fact that I wasn't really feeling the groundwork for the story which to be honest is not even explored that much you got a decaying world which could present so many different topics scenarios and dramas and youre left with these 2 going like wow I wonder what another great day of work will bring us ????? tough shit

it's not like optimistic people should kts oorrrrr that I didnt enjoy the lesser focus on the literal global warming buuuuut yeah I wanted some more spicy stuff to happen storywise apart from let's wake up do our job wait for someone to assess the situation in some part of the world explore that part of the world come back and realise that the world is actually dying wow shocker but we don't care lemme just create a blimp instead because I want to explore some ruins which are in floating in the air which are conveniently called laputa wait what do you mean they're not called laputa

whatever this can all be summarized in poor pacing mid story great worldbuilding great characters great characters interactions great characters designs did I say characters ok characters that I want to FUCK

so this is called atelier escha and logy which means that escha is the only protagonist and you can't choose anybody else to play because that's what's happened since every single atelier game till now and it's gonna be like this forever no MAN can take the lead i hope this is clear now escha my widdle sweet oh how much I wuv you wow so escha is a blast she's quirky she's hilarious she's shy she's emotional she's cheerful she does what's best for others yada yada I love atelier girls AND she has probably my favorite design in all existence if shallistera wasn't a thing I think the dusk trilogy have character designs that are definitely up my alley plus hidari is a fucking genius you can't miss with the OG lord

escha is the absolutely driving force of the entire game she's so fucking charismatic it's such a weird decision for the developers to actually include a m …. m . sorry im gonna vomit a m a n n … m.. ok into the cast and particularly into the other leading role of the game now logyyyyyyy mmmmmmmmm I'm conflicted I like the guy i don't have strong feelings about him im more on the daddy side of things but I sent a pic of him to my bestie and she replied with a 30 lines mex with all the things she wants him to do to her so he's definitely a ladies man case closed AND while I dont particularly want to give him head I do LOVE the interactions between and escha they're so sweeeeeeeeeeet oh my god I love them every single interaction they have in this stupid game Is just so heartwarming so pure and so emotionally charged that it made me feel like a voyeur more than once get a room you two

so what happened is that my complaints on the story completely vanished as soon as I got to know this two this IS a character driven game and when I tell you these kids must have scoliosis due to the sheer weight of holding the entirety of the game on their shoulders because of their luuuuuuscious charismatic and full of life 2way lead UGH while I really am angry to admit this but half of the game charm is seeing this two interact with each other and with other people it's atelier what do you want me to say and I honestly cannot think of this game only with one protagonist in mind they're a pair they should go together never break them apart they will have separation anxiety and panic attacks

so yeah goated protagonists I love them a lot but I love ESCHA more I chose escha I want escha and only escha in my playthrough im so sorry logy but I don't make the rules

now while I think the character roster of ayesha was strongER the developers were intelligent enough to bring back fan favorites such as cunt server willbell queen of lesbians witch from birth jester by choice absolutely enchanting me even to this day I love her sosososososo much she's so special she's literally hilarious and this installment probably made me even more in love with her even though I miss her y'know zack zack scissors with former protagonist ayesha now vagrant drug dealer and nationally wanted criminal bless her heart

some more qu33rs make a comeback marion is the new head of chimney sweep division with her little slave linca coming along they're charming not my favorite character from xenodusk ep 1 but an interesting duo nonetheless and their interactions with escha and logy are absolutely priceless linca actually has a good outfit in this one who would've known and she's still sporting a 3kg cunt in there so brave

PowerPoint slideshow treatment for the other queers in the band im not a fan of awin I don't care for him I don't understand his gist and how he ended up being called big bro kitty eyes by escha when 1 that should be me and 2 all he does the entire day is jerking some machinery off / reyfer had a good start I was half thirsting for him I love some pseudo narcissistic over confident dumbass with muscles instead of brains but he's just too stupid for my liking still some of his events are so dumb to make me laugh my ass of so he has a spot in the gang / threia is completely neutral to me which is a shame because the ara are onee san were strong in her lost opportunity boo hoo / katla is an ANGEL and whoever dares to touch her it's gonna have to first go over ME it's not like I liked her that much in the beginning but she's so charming so fucking bad at her job which she should just quit to be a stand up comedian because wow she's hilarious what the hell also i don't understand if she's russian / lucille is fiiiiiiiiine I guess most of her events are interesting she has a nice personality I like her not in a sexual way because she's way underage but I do enjoy her company she's fun I like the girl / micie … exists , I guess … good for him

so verdict NOT as good as ayeshas cast but I learnt to enjoy each and everyone of these weirdos… apart from threia and micie i dont know their deal but it has to be said for clarity purposes that I did not put them in my party not even once which meant that the friendship level was like below zero and therefore i didnt unlock the real kiki spilling tea sis drama queen events . do i care ? no

wow umh watching hazbin hotel made me really rude im sorry

forgot to say nio also makes a return and I already loved her in ayesha and i ended up loving her MORE in escha she's just soooooo cute sososososo cute umh and thats it

supporting cast is also fine the bartender and solles dad fuck solle is definitely gay i can feel it in me also he's funny as shit i relate to him being . him clone is literally lobotomised which is something that I'm striving to be this year and harry is the guy with the diamond stick up his ass from ayesha but I kid you not i realized it was THAT harry at roughly 20 minutes from the end of the game im so embarrassed rn

so as we all know some things are spiced up from one installments to the other and this game brings to the plates a lot of different stuff like the task grid thing completion = bonus whatever absolutely ripped from rorona herself which somehow also aid a random system completely ripped from totori bits and pieces here and there from other atelier but the skeleton is here task on tasks requests time limit ranks theres something for everybody

now everything else is completely different and or new and i gotta say the alchemy system in this game is probably one of my favorite one in my entire series the way you can completely exploit the different skills to make overpowered items is sooooo fun i would be there making items for hours non stop that being said making items is veeeeeeeey slow due to the fact that every time you make something you gotta choose the ingredients trying to avoid the high quality ones because you definitely don't want to use the 130 quality gold wax thing to make a piss jar then you have to add them or not if you're freaky and start using skills one after the other and if youre experimenting with stuff and combinations it's gonna take a while then when you're done with that you're gonna load the properties and at that point you also gotta make sure that you don't put a frame compress on a fucking non usable item it's a shitshow and I LOVE IT

all this can be said for making weapons too I love life

field work is mainly the same to ayesha I don't remember if field events were a thing too but yeah theres field events a lot of different parts of the world to explore lucky me they decided to make items restockable so I don't have to lose my mind and traversing all these different places is always fun and getting a shit TON of items is better than any carnal activity I've partaken in: none

combat is similar but better and now you have the ability to bring 6 people in battle which ends up being more chaotic than not but also super fucking fun and adds a lot of strategising yada yada attacks skulls supports super attacks zzzzzz mimimi not a lot to say when atelier battle system is already perfect imho

for as much as i love ayesha this game completely obliterates that games maps even though ayesha maybe has better maps artistically but these ones are just a technical wonder after ayesha and in general the art direction really got better all around you can see how they managed to realise what to actually make with the godsent illustrations of hidari making more polished character models and arguably every single part of the planet looks surprisingly polished and detailed lots and lots of different locations even though a bit undermined by the mute sepia thing (I get it the world is dying and shit can I have more brilliant colors now)

hub worlds cool I prefer ayeshas detailed world map the days you spend doing stuff can be better distributed alchemy is good imbuing is good homunculi home delivery is good tasks areeeeeee there ranks are there too and combat and gathering is perfect and the whole gameplay loop is great moving on

art direction as always is jawdropping hidari taking the lead in character design and CGs is always a fucking blast theres some really cool scenes out there and most of them have homoeroticism I know who you are then the music is STILL absolutely incredible but I prefer ayesha more sorryyyyyy uwu there are a lot of banger tho man

yknow I'm tired I should sleep everything is good it's atelier so it's fucking good only complaint maybe the final year was a bit of a stretch because I didn't even need that long to beat the final boss I wasn't joking when I said I was left with like 150+ days left and had to skip all of them by 15 days at a time or something bitch maybe I hate this game

the final boss took a while to bring down because apparently sending feathers with 9+ turns each to kill you is a thing that's legal in jrpgs nowadays and i still dont know whats flameus deal

at the end of everything I got the good ending for escha and I for the life of me did not want to replay as logy because I hate men and I was also done with the game so I just watched the true ending on youtube and cried my eyes out (not really) suck this gust and lemme just say wow what a fucking game this is definitely some of the highlights of the entire series and im glad I got these two hotties trying to work for whats really important: giving sweets to furry creatures


i played this game at least 5 times in these 2 years and thats because for one reason or the other between changing pc deleting my saves as a mistake or like corrupting everything or just forgetting to complete the game and putting it in the trash bin it's just my relationship with this game is so fucked up I swear to fucking god

im not gonna get into the aged or not aged debate because its a fine game and can be playable nowadays the end

this is a series so hyped that I was kind of let down at how messy this game can get sometimes but boy do I think this is great altogether

dmc has a story laughably simple and straightforward in my opinion and there's some weird bits and lines that were kind of out there I SHOULDVE BEEN THE ONE TO FEEL YOUR DARK SOUL WITH LIGHT but this is my opinion I think gay furry +18 sci-fi political visual novel adastra is peak fiction so I don't think I have any saying in this

arguably the earliest example of hack and slash I know of im probably wrong there's gonna be some other hack and slash out there before this one but yeah

so basically the entirety of the gameplay is you have dante you know dante the hot sexy hunk straight out of shin megami tensei 3 going around slashing demons while himself he's a demon BOMB hes swag hes cool he swings a big sword with no hands umh zzzzzzz dante is hella fine

you got a sword and later you can acquire some different weapons to switch up your arse anal a bit and just keep going bare fucking every marionette / demon / witch / big birds you have in your way my fav ones are the knuckles umh no what we're they boxing gloves ok whatever you know the ones

there's a demon form that gives you more damage and cooler moves and you can purchase some upgrades for the weapons upgrades for the health and demon form time and some other stuff its a great time

the ost blasting in my ears pouring heavy rock based honey in them is what kept me going to be honest because there's some stuff that I don't particularly enjoy and kind of frustrated me and the stuff is known as every boss in this game

I have no idea why if this is about a ps2 canon or they tried to make the bosses difficult by giving them the most senseless movements and movesets I've ever witnessed and to bring this issue even further youre going to battle each one of them at least like 5 times this game loves recycling bosses to hell and when my entire problem with this is the bosses it's not looking good for it

I honestly hate every boss battle in this game apart from like the last one which is v cool imo even if somehow clunky af too like the most enjoyable part of the game is definitely running through hordes of enemies punching their faces and thats it so its mind boggling to me why they needed to put these incredibly frustrating boss battles but its fine

all in all enjoyed it a bit too much for my own good even if as I said the game kind of wanted me to hate it but I just couldn't

idk if its the fact that it's so short (like 4 hours or something) or just the sheer joy of slashing demons while that ass shaking battle theme plays out I end up being a little bit biased towards it but yeah

umh maybe that's it ? as I said idk this is kind of a straightforward game all around there's not too much to say about it . it's definitely a classic for good reasons and I want dante to fist me so I can understand the sentiment of ever dmc fag around here

+trish is a girlboss but her characterisation is bad femme fatale and her motives are kind of poopy ass but she's hot af and I want her to spank me so I will say she's my second fav character (because I only know 2 characters in this series for now and dante takes the cake and I sure hope he takes my cake kiss)

ps I played the HD collection lalalalalala

its that time of the year where im gonna talk about gay porn games once again so im gonna put the usual disclaimer

ALERT THIS IS A GAY PORN GAME ! which means I will be talking about my private time experiences with the material and the licentious content of this game that might hurt your over religious conservative puritan homophobic beliefs or maybe you just dont want to read about what turns me on and I don't fucking care you've been advised

so now youre probably gonna wonder why this fucking game got a 4 stars when it is basically just glorified porn CGs made into a game but when i tell you this is some of the best fapping material ive ever found till today

usually i rate games considering staff like general quality art direction how much i enjoyed it and lemme tell you i did fucking enjoy this one to hell and back

lets address the story at first because this is genuinely the most stupid trope ive ever seen in a while but still the most erotic one too so im not gonna complain about it basically the main character is a (virgin) high schooler who is trying to get to college but he sucks so bad at studying that his parents decide to hire a personal tutor to help him prepare for the exams so at one point this tutor comes home and hes a hunk horny beefy muscular guy with the sex drive of a bull and a lot of innuendos in his arsenal

i guess the general idea is that ryota should study some months trying to study for these entrance exams but it happens that for a series of events atsushi ends up sucking ryotas dick and from that points onward these two will be spending a lot of time doing sex sex sex sex sex sex

while i definitely dont think this is the most incredible story in a porn game its also to be said that i didnt expect to find a new shakespeare in the making i was literally here to beat my junk whenever i felt like it so honestly the overall storybeats were just a good excuse that segues into a sex scene so whatever truth be told this trope of the big beefy coach fucking you is kind of a dream of mine so lets get it the thing is that the coach actually takes it up his ass so thats what happens sometimes in real life

during the backdrop of this incredible incipit theres gonna be a lot of weird fucking in here like doing some outdoor illegal trivelling doing it in the forests of the beach from the top from the bottom side to side literally this guys would fuck in any position and any place whatsoever

the ending is also commendable to make the character arcs come to an end and actually make a sense of everything that happened so far

gotta say that the characters are actually pretty stellar ok actually ryota is just a timid guy that sometimes actually gets into an aggressive domtop that fucks atsushi until his mind goes blank and honestly i wish i was in his place i gotta say BUT atsushi is honestly so fucking charming hes super funny makes a damn good partner to the virginal protagonist and since hes the only voiced character of the 2 it actually brings the hunk even more to life with all its charm and personality

that segues to one of the reason why this game is rated so high the voice acting in this game is honestly the BEST ive ever listened to in all the VAed porn games ive played not only during the porn scenes which was honestly also a reason why this game actually made me cum in like 1 minute and a half but as i said it adds a lot to the character as a whole and i genuinely ended up enjoying atsushi a lot here sure i could not get enough of him gasping for air moaning in my ears and begging for dick but thats another story

its a shame that ryota isnt voice acted because it wouldve actually the interactions and sex scenes 100% better but just the inclusion of atsushi in here made it pretty clear this was gonna be such an incredible experience what the actual fuck

while i definitely think this is honestly the big part of the game and the sexual situations are super hot im still a bit sad that the actual localization is honestly shit it looks like some AI made translations that actually doesnt know how figures of speech works and somehow create some of the funniest scripts ive ever seen in a while honestly i beg of you to actually play this game just for the translation if youre not interested in gay sex its a fucking blast so whatever even though its super unprofessional and clearly didnt have any proof tester its just a weird feeling to be horny and reading these funny ass exchanges like do you want me to masturbate or laugh my ass off be real

all this actually culminates in the finest part of the game which is the art direction i swear to fucking god these CGs are so high quality at some point i was actually wondering how do people even manage to draw something like this like (as someone who draws this is pretty frustrating dont @ me) but as much as i love this art style maybe they couldve actually made those dicks a little smaller like i do understand the charm of big dicks in porn media but that thing is a tree log what the actual fuck UGHHHHH i dont ,,, unhhhhhhh wow

no actually i was rethinking my statement from before theres some honestly some incredibly funny pieces of dialogue please never make a professional script ever i love it like this

so all in all for a game that actually plays like a visual novel (and rightfully so because you actually will need to play this with only one end mind you oh also the UI is pretty janky to what does a man need to actually have an orgams this is so sad) i enjoyed it too damn much and when i say this i mean that my dick really enjoyed this all throughout theres some goofy stuff theres some sexy stuff theres a lot and a lot and a lot of sex and this actually makes for a damn good game maybe this is not the most rightful 4 stars ive ever given to a game but it sure as hell was religiously consumed by me just because of my creampie kink and humiliation kink and a lot more kinks more on that on my BDSM test

i genuinely never came so much for a game i literally would boot the same scenes over and over again until i actually had to make an effort to get to the next scene because THATS how fucking good these scenes are and if youre the target demographic of the game (gay sad and alone) this is definitely a must read and can actually give you a lot of play time if you know what i mean just skip the parts where atsushi stars infodumping a lot of sociocultural stuff nobody needs to see the culture we only need the dirty sex

yet again making a fool of myself on this site as always