ruin is a different beast entirely ive already said my opinion on security breach and this is honestly such a breeze to go through

taking place way after the complete destruction of the pizzaplex this time you take the reins of main games protagonists sister ughhhh what was her name again ok whatever girl A

so girl A is trying to find Gregory in this shithole but this time since the whole place burned down its gonna be spooky uwuwuwu because everything is in RUIN HAHAHAHAHHAHA GET IT RUIN

ok so new game new me the entire gameplay was overhauled theres nothing of the open hub type of exploration left and instead the game is gonna opt for a more linear approach youre gonna be equipped with a flashlight an augmented reality mask and gods word to fight off the animatronics from the first game but times ²

while the main gameplay isn't tooootally different the new addition of the AR mask and such a wide array of interesting puzzles to get going is a welcome one usually they don't really undermine the experience as a whole maybe the last ones grinded a bit with the pacing but that's alright it's still pretty fun

so anyway the locations are basically the same as the base game but withered and thats what actually makes the atmosphere so fucking rich in this one and it's also better since you know what the pizzaplex was like BEFORE so going around places that were full of life (for security breach standards) to just being total garbage getting to know the animatronics before and seeing them now all destructed also hits and im definitely a fan of exploiting their weaknesses like the fact that monty doesn't have legs anymore or that roxy is basically blind

that to say that this game is actually scarier than the main game in any way shape or form which again isn't that much of an accomplishment considering what security breach set out to be but at least its a "somewhat" scary experience altogether that's for sure now again its arguable that most of the shit here isn't actually that much of a scare anyway the digital bunny can be intimidating at first but when you realise he just stands there and does nothing its pretty mid the other animatronics can pose a threat somehow but again most of the time they're gonna just approve you or get spawned by the shithead so apart from some screeching and loud noises that's the most you're gonna get but it's ok

so yeah whatever I liked the little level based progression the fact that its not as obtuse as security breach felt and definitely was an improvement compared to the main game which is pretty funny that a dlc absolutely surpassed the main game if you ask me

somehow it's teased (?) that a ruin 2 might come out since this says like chapter 1 when you play it and im definitely looking out for the next iteration of this franchise they redeemed themselves with this one now let's see what more they're cooking my marathon is completed maybe I will play some side games and fan games alike but for now I'm ready for the terrifyingly bad freddy fazbear movie that is gonna come out thank you everybody and I still wanna fuck monty

maybe i was too harsh on castlevania nes the first time i played it and while i still stand by the fact that this is honestly unplayable without savestates even the collection addresses that issue giving you a quick save function wherever you want and thats such a fucking blessing honestly

that being said the game is still pretty bare bones but that doesnt mean its devoid of charm theres a lot of love put into this project and while it doesnt really play the best i can say that my second time with this one was definitely more enjoyable i knew what items did how to deal with certain enemies how the character plays and all that so it was way more chill than before clearly this is one of those NES games that can be completed in like one hour but its gonna have to take you like 30 hours to get there because theyre hard as shit i know how that is

besides that the art direction is absolutely jawdropping the vibes are unmatched they managed to establish this thick atmosphere in a nes cartridge and thats honestly a statement plus you get bangers like this so
but whatever for the starting point of the series i gotta say not too shabby theres already a lot of elements that will be staples for the entire franchise and while simons debut isnt actually my favorite experience in the same franchise i slowly warmed up to it and can actually see the great lying under a 50 kg press lot of savestate frenzy and simon moving like a fucking gargoyle the whole clock tower stage and the countless deaths due to medusa heads

bow to the king you gotta respect the game that actually led to the creation of the masterpiece that is symphony of the night and if i ever make one of those cliche video essays its gonna be titled castlevania and the lost art of savestates im putting my copyright on that

"41205, just a number that I really like"

what the fuck was up with that ending ong like first you make me bawl like a baby and then you do that

ai the somniun files was on my watch for some time now due to me actually having been accustomed to kaname date porn on rule34 and actually wanting to explore more of this character apart from him getting railed like a slut

that being said this is an investigative game made with 2 dimes and a beer to anyone who's interested in doing the character animation which is very bare as I can tell but not for that reason less charming

while I do think this game has a lot of rough edges and the pacing isn't always the smoothest (just a few points though so nothing of note) this was such a fucking treat for its 20 hours runtime what the fucking hell

you play as date who's a hunk of a man absolutely delicious looking pervert tit aficionado part of the police department in the subunit of abis where they explore human minds through dreams via a machine that acts as a bridge for the investigator consciousness to creampie the host

that's easier when you play it than it is to explain it but basically this is just the usual excuse for some investigation tricks and minigames and a damn good plot device for the entirety of the mystery at hand I have never seen paprika till now even though I probably should but I think the main premise is basically the same but paprika doesn't have kaname date so clearly it's the lesser experience

now this plays a lot similar to a danganronpa game but without the over the top character designs and writing substituted by a more muted cast of characters who are some degree of insane or quirky or mad like the pretend they're not danganronpa characters but if you dig deep enough you will find that everyone can be matched with a character in danganronpa sick trick

you investigate you try to solve the mystery I don't have to tell you how a danganronpa game works the investigative parts are passable at best being more of a point and click affair more similar to a visual novel type of deal yknow ace attorney and shit and then the somnium segments who at first I thought were really good soon became a 999-puzzles type of deal where I just began to get irritated by them and look for a guide because they have no real cohesion whatsoever youre like lemme see what happens if I blow on this fan and then 120 seconds will go away and its not even the right action like how am I supposed to know what to do when this shit is completely insane

somehow I can say that they're pretty charming for how out there they are like some weird shit is gonna happen to aiba and youre gonna laugh but since its actually a dream its all good then you can steal the informations from the bad guys and alls well that ends well

so I guess that's the main gameplay loop it's not entirely my thing but I can live with that I definitely preferred the investigative bits because I'm more of a visual novel guy I like to sit back and see the story rolling instead im just not that much of a puzzle lover so the somnium stuff was kinda interesting but not entirely my thing and I actually struggle to call it puzzle because of the fact that its more trial and error-y than I'd like it to be honestly

while the investigative stuff is defo the highlight the characters actually tend to take the spotlight in this one since youre gonna have a lot of deep dive into the characterisation and psyche of these pixels and they all casually move around date I wonder what that means and mind you my favorite pals are iris being my sweet little ray of sunshine and mizuki being my sweet little sumo wrestler and aiba being my sweet little artificial intelligence I love the gals in this one I cannot lie and boss is also a good dominatrix to boot

story wise this can get a bit convoluted and stupid but DAMN is it not gripping and entertaining from beginning to end this one of those multiple endings type of narrative games but the catch is that it's more linear than I thought it'd be if you get in a route where you're not supposed to know some stuff the game is gonna gatekeep you from moving forward and you're gonna have to try and find the right route to unlock that one and then unlock another one and so on pretty good actually and you also get a flowchart I love flowcharts

so one second SPOILER TERRITORY I want to fuck falco also since this is the nick I use all the time it was pretty weird seeing the characters talk about this guy since I thought they were talking about me but at one point I was like wait I didnt have to put no name in the beginning and then the realisation that the guy is falco so as I was saying yeah I want to fuck him so hard but i mean he's also date but date is not date because he's the son of the congressman and date is not falco anymore because it's his deadname now LISTEN this game gets fucking convoluted I enjoyed a lot the little progression and the series of murders and shit here and there but the final revelation of the body swapping gets real confusing real fast sure it's pretty charming and fucked up and needs you to do a lot of suspension of disbelief to actually get ingrained into the whole affair but it pays off uchikoshi wrote a real treat of a sci-fi flavored crime mystery and I cannot really say any bad words about it

some routes hit more than the others or have more meat in terms of story than the rest but when you put them all together you can understand why this game was such a hit honestly and to zero escape fans returning this is gonna be up they're alley

while the body swapping thing gets real crazy I actually digged the whole falco backstory with iris and hitomi that shit was fire and made me lose all the hair on my head im not gonna fuck with you here those were some real good story beats

this is such a fucking ride from beginning to end its so serious at times and so incredibly silly at others but that's the charm of it all youre gonna get somebody talking about terminal illnesses and date will say oh my god boobs also what's up with date being a sex freak while I'm literally here waiting for him to ride me I don't get it

that being said the highs are high and this game makes you care for its characters too damn much you could find me crying for half of the endings in the games because theres nothing that hurts me more than making me emotionally attached to a character and then seeing them suffer through every evil in the world why would you make me so sad and thats without putting into the equation all the falco x hitomi x iris scenes with all the backstories and shit likeeee it's so fucking sad don't talk to me

final consideration the music is bomb

side note I find it very funny that mizuki has the orichalcum trident in the mermaid cafe and then I realised that's because she's been neglected by her family and she just kept going there not to be alone and then it wasn't funny anymore

and ota route HIT

I read about someone bashing sex humor don't you ever say that to me ever again sex humor is the funniest shit ever don't @ me

"i had a beautiful dream" iris i just wanted you to be happy

the holy scriptures said that i started to play this game because im very horny for monty and i want to suck his dick off until he goes blackout and thats what the bible said

mind you ive never been the most incredible fnaf fan out there i enjoyed the games to some degree even though theres high highs and low lows that being said i really trusted this one to be a new iteration in the usual fnaf formula and while thats a real good description for this game i find myself in a middle ground i didnt really hate this one as much as everyone did and i didnt even love it to make me defend it to death so whats left for me to talk about

thats right montys dick so i actually consumed industrial quantity of monty furry porn till now and i honestly cannot get enough of this stupid ass hes like my type of fictional man big and dumb girl dinner so whenever he was on screen i was like ok should i just take my pants tf off rn or should i pretend like i dont want him to rail me

ok jk lemme talk about the game i guess

security breach takes the usual formula of a fnaf game shits on it and throws it out of the window for us to never see it again in the light of day ong now am i sad about this ? not particularly the series sure needed some kind of renovation and while i didnt think this was THE kind of renovation i wouldve liked at least it was good somehow to widen what fnaf can be

if only it werent fucking boring and annoying

so to the point youre a kid kiddo and youre trapped in the fazbear pizzaplex which is like a 5 stories mall and 2 underground stories or something like that which means this place is fucking HUGE and to help you escape theres glamrock freddy your bf trying to make you escape from the night shift girl thats out there to fuck you up

good introduction but the execution is kind of lacking the gameplay isnt the tightest and this place is so fucking huge that youre gonna get lost pretty fast the new animatronic designs are cool and if you see the artworks around you can see that they commissioned furry artists im 100% sure like im in the business i know what im talking about so i was saying these fuckers are not scary like at all theyre gonna approach you and go GUUAAAH HAUUUAHAHAUHA and then eat you but like this is cheap also the entire atmosphere of the game isnt really adding to the whole tension the mall is very bright and full of life so its both a good and starking conflict that these super advanced (but not enough to avoid repeating 3 lines all the time) in space themed clothes are trying to eat your ass

the story itself is kind of crap but again i never really cared that much for the story in the fnaf franchise like imagine trying to fucking understand a series that retcons everything in the former installments to just add another incarnation of the purple guy so at this point i will just go with the vibes and themes

i actually love the new animatronics which is something that not most of the people had to say since theyre too furryfied and as a furry i gotta say i dont care and also the new aesthetic is fire freddy is pretty hot and i want to get inside him every day roxy is such a lesbian im not gonna joke chica can take a mean dick and monty im not gonna talk about monty or else im gonna go copypasta

too late im gonna go copypasta

ahhh god I’m so horny I’m fucking horny I need sex I need cock I NEEED MALECOCK pleassde im so horny. I’m s Fucking lonely. I have one(1) friend left.i stink so bad.8 haven’t showered in so longf. I’m so fucking incapable of making contact with an individual of the opposite gender. I might be asexual? But that would make me a zoomer. I am lsobbing like a little baby bitch whore. I’m choking on my a little baby little pussy baby. I’m a little Bitch Whore. I’m a baby bitch pussy. I want cock please I want cock and dick and affection please fucking hell please please let me smell your balls. Anyone please I am your little baby slut I will suck your dick babycakes. This loneliness is beyond crippling and my midlife crisis is worsening by the minute. I’m insanely horny I’m

that being said vanessa is kind of a good twist in the franchise and also a bad twist because why should a bitchy white woman scare me alright and vanny is also a weird new enemy even though shes basically the rabbit from five nights at candys 3 but yassyfied also i like sun and moon a damn fucking lot could be one of my new animatronics in this series

uughhhhh ok that being said the optimization of this game is fucking abysmal it lagged all throughout my playthrough and the inclusion of different endings is kinda superfluous since theyre just different ways to elope with freddy so that you can become a married couple and have kids and all that which i dont have any argument against this

i genuinely dont know what else to say since i just dissociated all throughout the game but i cant really bring myself to bash this game without any real reason so im just going to leave it at that good game under a load of shit like real shit real real shit but not everything is bad the boss battles are interesting even though gimmicky as shit the relationship between gregory and freddy the mall is super big and detailed and its honestly such a blast to traverse theres a lot of different thematic rooms with a lot objects and knickknacks to bring the whole atmosphere home like monty golf is fire roxy go kart is cool the underground is pretty freaky and the stage is super wide and yknow thats something that i really enjoyed ngl also because its so very different from the claustrophobic nature of the original fnaf

so all in all passable but if youre a fnaf fan or a monty fan or you find lopunny hot or you dont have taste in videogames or you really want to be inside freddy fazbear gleipnir style this game is for you everyone else youre better off with something else at this point im completely sure i wont find a game that will really scare me anytime soon so might as well dabble into space rock territory with hunky animatronics for my self fulfillment no i havent drawn furry porn of freddy and monty what are you saying i would NEVER hahahahahahahahahahaha .

wrote this review while bawling for arrival (2016) i never watched it and i was pleasantly surprised i love alien movies that give me depression watch it

also somebody said in the reviews well done supershit and it made me laugh so hard I know dream about kissing them under the moonlight

“the first game is better” pleb filter

real talk tho its pretty interesting that i actually ended up enjoying this one as much as i did since it actually seems to be one very controversial sequel to the first game now i liked the first game i didnt think it was a masterpiece neither some junk it was a fun experience altogether with some pretty interesting storybeats here and there and an elite gameplay route sure when you play it you realise everything is held back with duck tape and the best thing in the game is staring at sebastian being hot

that being said a lot of people hated this installment in the series for the stupid reason that is: the series got shall i say AAA-ed which is a word that makes no sense and I just made it up but its pretty funny looking its just like elon musks son yknow xanax something so i was saying the entire experience got overhauled and streamlined the game has the same structure as base skeleton but it actually “improves” on different things like the weird uncohesiveness of the original game and the huge amount of times youre gonna die due to the fuck ton of traps and gimmicky segments but then it also updated a lot of what made the combat as good as it was and they actually made the entire experience more cohesive both in the gameplay department AND in the story department and even better they made sebastian so fucking hot i was barking the entire time sebastian im literally a hole to be filled im so sorry for your wife and daughter but the stones say im overdue for a creampie

and people complained

so if you didnt get it i absolutely fucking loved this game like it made me absolutely enthralled for the entirety of it and i do really believe its a great update to the originals idea and vision

they trashed the linear progression for some open hub type of gameplay where you can do some scavenging for ammo and materials or kill some enemies around or even complete some side quests if you want sure this is not a openworld typa game but it actually made the chapters way more fluid you may be in the bathroom in a diarrhea cutscene and the game would say chapter 7 its pretty good now im not that big of a fun for side quests but for some reason i ended up doing most of them maybe actually all of them due to the fact that they would give you more weapons or items or gel and shit oh yeah the upgrade system is back and I NEEDED that gel because skill trees give me some kind of serotonin

meeting tatiana or going at the working table you can upgrade basically everything weapons constitution damage storage healing items create ammos or new arms you can actually do whatever the fuck you want maybe even more than in the first game and this is absolutely fucking fun its insane how addicting it is to just update every single skill for sebastian idk maybe im just too adhd that could also be the reason and i also put everything in the running stamina because i need to run always in every single moment or i will die same thing i did with breath of the wild

so the gameplay is still fun lets go

this games cinematic approach at the source material is stunning theres a lot of good scenes and sceneries all around to the point that the first act with stefano being the main villain was probably the best part it has a lot of stunning camera shots and color schemes and themes of art and beauty altogether and the places are great (actually preferred the first games schizophrenic locations but thats alright) and the enemies are cool as shit and it sure as hell got into the great technological advancement to the point that sebastian is a fucking snack i cannot believe i cant suck this guys dick irl i hate fictional men so much they make my expectations so high i wont ever touch another human being again sebastian im very free and very freaky+

so i was saying enemies yeah maybe i actually preferred the original ones and maybe the developers do too because theres a whole sequence that reenacts scenes from the first game and youre like omg the spider girl swoons so whatever but some highlights are the big girl with the chainsaw thats one of the freakiest designs ive ever seen and the final boss but i cant talk about that rn because its time for story

so the story SPOILER I actually liked it more because I love the sad dad trope trying to save his daughter or whatever so basically it's just the evil within ² as in youre gonna get in the STEM ² and save your little girl because somehow fate wants that shes essential for the new machine or whatever so go in there do some stuff see that the fictional town is going buck wild and kill some bitches

the first act with stefano as I said is defo the highlight of the entire plotline since after that it slowly just becomes some kind of excuse for sebastians wife to be the somehow villain of the entire story even putting the priest and the entirety of mobius aside

sure the whole "I actually did it for our daughters sake" trope for the mother character can get tiring after a while but I LOVE it they really outdid that part of the game with some flashbacks here and there to thicken the emotional connection between sebastian and his family and actually making you care for these people that in the first game were just names in random collectible papers and thats where this all shines you see a broken family due to external causes and that also led to internal conflicts between them which is always really good since it reminds me of home :3 anyway yeah sure it's not really the biggest twist or plot point ever I need to be real with you while talking about this since I do absolutely love this kind of stories but I guess for some people the cheese is too much for them or whatever

that being said the priest arc is over pretty quickly and doesn't leave a strong impression after stefano being the true heart of the game and the final act with The Wife I forgot her name being the villain is actually pretty tight super packed with combat and story elements that culminates in possibly one of my favorite final bosses ever in the history of videogames its so fucking simple and has no particular gimmick to it but that's what makes it SOOOOO GOOOOOOD and also the design of the entire boss is just top notch absolutely incredible monster design and also its pretty telling that this woman is the cum demon since I'd also be full of cum if I was sebastians wife thank you everybody for listening to me have a nice day

the ending is cheesy enough probably shed a few tears sure it's pretty predictable that somebody would've been left behind I was putting my money on sebastian then I remembered there wouldn't be a the evil within 3 so I shifted my POV and yeah the wife is the only character left so there you go mind you this is not like the greatest crying moment I've had in my life that one's for explorers of sky and maybe masterpiece adastra furry vn but it sure delivered an emotional conclusion to the whole tale

oh yeah and also kidman is here and she's back to being badass (i don't really care for her im sorry fans)

soooooooo probably not what a lot of people wanted from a the evil within sequel but definitely really synced with me on a lot of planes spiritual AND physical boners caused by sebastian castellanos don't go easy on you just gonna leave this in the open as fair warning for anyone willing to listen

definitely not a perfect game and if I glance at this installment in an objective manner the seams are gonna come apart but I fucking love this junk this is exactly the garbage that I love and adore and I wont listen to anyone say the first game is better because I have no counterargument and I WILL cry on you

trust you will be dealt with period period

sebastian im stretching my hole BTW my address is

masterful use of the visual novel media as a whole if only it werent for the fact that most of the time you're gonna look at either boring slice of life segments or sex scenes with an insurmountable amount of cum spilling out and over the top moans but that can also be said for the entire porn industry so who am I to judge (im a fan of creampies anyway so I won't complain too much but after like 5 sex scenes in the true route + loop segment I was going numb and im not even into this kind of stuff)

you and me and her is something that most people associate with ddlc so let's get that one out of the way this has NOTHING to do with ddlc apart from a miscellaneous of themes and the aptitude to break the 4th wall but while that game was more centered about the horror aspect this is more versed into the romance/denpa aspect of it like the things feeling a little bit off

as a visual novel it's pretty as fuck the ui is acceptable (no full controller support is a crime) but the true spotlight is the art style the 2 heroines look good as fuck either in their portraits that are super pretty and expressive or in the CGs with their pussies on your face

apart from that the sfx department is alright the overall vibe is that of a slice of life with horror twist so the ost isn't gonna go too fucking crazy but it's passable enough youre gonna listen to 3 happy tracks A LOT so have fun sure the voice acting is top notch but I'm pretty sure that's a staple for the japanese industry I've never heard a bad VA in jap if that's even possible and miyuki is definitely a highlight I loved her going slowly buck wild

so whatever you play as Male Insert which has obviously the most boring personality ever and is just going about in life in sadness and numbness until boom female heroines miyuki is the childhood friend trope the most popular girl of the class athletic intelligent and apparently perfect and then there's aoi who's autistic and full of shit and she thinks she's a VN character and calls god from time to time and she also likes cats and cum sorry who said that

this main trio is interesting and you're gonna see a lot of them interacting and befriending each other and shit but it's pretty evident after some time that the protagonist is just a vessel for the choices of the player theres nothing really remarkable about him apart from the fact that he's ugly as shit and has a huge cock because that's every single VN protagonist ever

mind you the girls are pretty fine they do lean on the stereotypes they're based on but do get some kind of nuance here and there and fun interactions sure this goes on for a LOT of fucking time (maybe I also am the problem since you COULD finish this game only playing miyuki route + true route but I decided to just do every single route because thats what you do in these kinds of VNs come on) and I'm not that huge of a fan of SoL moments in this but I guess they're fine to endure for the next part of the game

before going there I want to just talk about the side characters of this game because there ARE side characters

i have this weird relationship with yuutarou because he's literally my type of fictional character big dumb and loud so at first I was really horny for him and was like omg ok so are we gonna have a 3some with him buy after some time he really gets annoying and one note like the writers said ok this characters only personality is being a virgin and crying about it (me-core type character) and that's about it sure it gets into some bro even tho we're boys I love you etc etc ok then fuck me in the ass ? shock tiktok sfx he's cute as hell why did they do this to me

haru is terrible


after the true route which is basically the netorare route which is basically the aoi is actually a VN character who conveniently gets her "batteries ?" recharged with people dicking her TF down which is something pretty understandable if you ask me but then she goes out of her way to fuck haru ??? like you couldve fucked yuutarou and given me a porn CG of his dick for once so my thirst can be satiated but nooooooo let's just fuck the femboy crossdressing I'm so tired of this game

whatever miyuki goes wild he beats the crap out of everyone the visual novel reboots

the second act of the game e.g. the loop segment is definitely my favorite part of the entire vn and led me to actually boost the score of this one because that shit is fucking incredible

miyuki knows whats up she knows it's a vn and can actually change things here and there to make the main character fall in love with her she also knows there's a YOU behind the screen and sometimes will just break the 4th wall because why the fuck not

the fact that shes not that well versed into vns and you can see the UI of the new version of totono is disgustingly ugly is so fucking funny to me really drives home the absurdity of it and now no save option you're not going anywhere

so with chains on your legs and a predatory yandere girl abusing your dick any time she wants you're ready to lead your new life just doing some different memories segments (SoL datey stuff) and the main gimmick is making her angry disagreeing with her in every single decision so she goes fucking wild

I LOVE THIS PART it's so fucking nuts that this girl actually chained you in a loop and is in complete control of it all the events are in her hands and she can basically toy with you however she wants and what's really interesting is the fact that she will notice the passing of time or some repeated loops like the part where you buy a book like 8 times and each time she goes "what the hell are you gonna do with 8 books" and the character goes "huh" or that she will say "happy one month here" and the character goes "huh" whatever he's so fucking dumb at this point

so this aside as soon as she goes crazy she defies the VN once again and puts you in another loop with less options and your only way to get out is using her phone but it's locked with 10 safety question now this part made me cry because (as miyuki will also let you notice) it's randomly generated and walkthrough don't actually mean shit so you actually have to LISTEN to her something that people never do so why should I so after crying my eyes out you get to call God get out of the loop yada yada

shit happens and you gotta use the phone number to call aoi back and its like a super incredibly long number that needs you to do math like God's number minus the serial number of your version of the game plus the times you came into miyuki which is funny as hell

so whatever aoi back miyuki caught up to you boom choice do you want your autistic kitty girl or your abusive dominatrix girl there you go

both endings are fine but they're not the highlight of the game anyway miyuki one is like "well that happened" and they fuck and aoi instead is like "in the sea of limitless VNs im gonna be there with you again in the form of another big titty horny girl" which is also funny but I gotta say aois one made me some degree of emotional so kudos to you for making me care for characters that I thought were gonna bore me to fucking hell

so this is actually one of the best uses of the VN media ever but you're gonna go through a lot of senpai cum in me i want your babies fill me up with your dick your cock is so huge im gonna break etc etc sure it's gonna get a boxer out of you one time or 2 but I sure did get tired of these scenes ESPECIALLY with the miyuki one that makes YOU fuck with her since yeah forgot to mention the heroines at one point discard the main character as only a proxy of the player so they want to fuck the player now and yeah as soon as they get a chance they sure as hell will do that like the miyuki masturbating scene where she pretends she's getting fucked by the player is insane and goes on for so fucking long I just started browsing rule34 for something ACTUALLY related to my tastes

so all in all nice VN it couldve went into subahibi directions but I'm glad it stayed into its lane and just delivered a romance story with an edge on insanity and 4th wall breaking some people are gonna say this is the second coming of christ but I can confidently say that at least its a cool installment to the overall genre defying expectations and traditions and shit

yuutarou can you show me your dick im going crazy

i purposefully added this game on igvn igbd igdb what the fuck just to talk about how you cum on enemies

the version says 0.49 but im pretty sure the developer isn't gonna update the game any time soon and if he does it's probably gonna be another release entirely and anyway hes busy with furry porn on his patreon so it's fine I can put this as completed

so you know im furry trash and this is the ultimate confirmation

this game is a shoot shoot gamey game like megaman but instead of a robot twink you play as a horny fox whose projectiles are cumshots and that is exploring a sauna where everyone's naked and weirdly aroused

the game is pretty simple but I was not expecting how fun it was to just roam around the controls are tight as hell and while the projectiles ballistic is weird since youre gonna shoot from a really low point (the knotty dick if you didnt get it) some flying enemies are gonna be kind of hard to shoot down but nothing that crazy

you get your upgrades at the end of each levels either for your health or for your damage and something that I really liked was the fact that you can put different tails up your ass so that your charged cumshots will have different shapes or trajectories thats fun as hell it's not explicitly said that they're butt plugs but come on just look at the game

also after you kill the enemies you can exploit their junks for masturbatory purposes like either fuck the lizards brains out or jump on tanukis humongous dicks so either way you can have your fun with them

so that's the meat of the game nothing more nothing less and you can actually get pretty OP if you play long enough like I did 3 consequent playthroughs and I felt like a bukkake king filling the entire thermae up

the final boss is obviously the shark (TITLE DROP !!!!!!) and after the battle ends you get one of 2 sex scenes whether you beat the crap out of him or get owned and so youre left with a top or bottom animation and thats it that's the end of the game have fun

i prefer the bottom one honestly you get to see the sharks double dick creampie-ing you so yeah but they're both good on their own

this review was better in my head I don't think anyone is gonna play this but I had to talk about this or I was gonna explode

also yeah in the cover he got his dick out and the pixel art is really good might i say

a short review

masterful use of spare time by flying over a deserted island in fucking nowhere

a short hike is a game that i played a lot of time ago and forgot to review because im dumb as shit but i just wanted to play it again for how cozy comfy and short it is and here i am

being one of those games in the vein of TOEM i was absolutely dumbfounded at how relaxing this game is (take notes unpacking or whatever that shit was called) just going around this lonely little piece of land getting to know its inhabitants and all their quirks and traits while the gentle summer breeze passes by and the sun shines bright in the sky just losing yourself into this small but incredibly alive world to such an extent that after a couple playthrough you can just speedrun through the game for how restrained the whole experience is

youre a furry bird on a vacation with her furry bird aunt just camping in this beautiful place and youre left with no other choice then exploring the surrounding since the cellphone got zero internet and in the meanwhile you will find so many different people who will give you some side quests here and there and with only the main objective or reaching the peak of the mountain but you can actually take your time and enjoy the view and just walking around the place to see what the others are up to and what the scenery is like

the art style of this game is incredibly tight its definitely on the cartoony side and the whole game is done in a pixelated fashion (you can actually turn that shit off but i liked the mid pixel setting to be the most interesting for me) and the town and characters have these super saturated models that just scream summertime on the shore and thats such a fucking vibe

ideally the gameplay should be devoid of any kind of depth but exploring is the main focus of the game just chilling out in this small diorama of an island like its a snowglobe and just interacting with people finding treasures here and there and slowly ascending to the mountain

to do that as the protagonist is a bird youre gonna use your wings to fly around but thats not enough you will be required to find golden feathers around for some double jumps and climbing power (a la breath of the wild) either by exploring or doing side quests here and there and you can take your time with it and youre not obliged to take them all nor the game exploits you in doing so you get as many as you want and try to climb the mountain on your own see what awaits you there and conquer the summit

the finale made me also think about TOEM as in youre just you yourself and a natural phenomenon that looks insanely chaotic and calm at the same time like the final hours in outer wilds or majoras mask and then you realise that the entire thing was worth it even for the journey alone of idling under the sun and breathing the environment in and youre left with an emotional convo that really is the cherry on top of the entire experience sure its a bit wild that you can get 5G on top of a mountain but who am i to judge

a short hike comes and goes too fast for my own good i wouldve loved to have a longer and more expansive idea but maybe that wouldve ruined the entire premise of the game so im left with a warm and pleasant experience to revisit from time to time

everyone should play this game it just has some of the most peaceful and joyful atmosphere ive ever seen in any game maybe even more than kirby as a whole somehow this is something special that i will absolutely replay again some time in the future and i advice anyone whos interested in a super short experience that will stuck with you to play this one and if you do check it out what i can say is see you at the top

octopath traveler was generally a game that I didnt grow enamored of granted I actually finished it even through all the fucking grinding and shit like that SO I may say that I liked it somehow

the HD 2D kinda of aesthetic kickstarted a lot of games that I do enjoy… namely live a live and thats it but that's still a feat . mixing high quality 2d pixel art and 3d environments with a lot of lighting tricks with unreal engine 4 made the game absolutely breathtaking to look at . the gameplay was also interesting for what it was a nice follow up to the raw combat system in bravely default with some incredible variety in classes and customisation and the story department was also kind of interesting dividing it in 8 parts and each telling a different story it was just incredible . until it was not due to 40 hours of grinding but that's another story

now I'm pretty happy to tell you people that all the issues I had with the original were addressed improved and expanded for a game that actually could shit in the mouth of its predecessor and leave it in a ditch if it weren't for the fact that octopath 1 still can boast the best storyline between the 2 games which is the one of primrose nothing can come close to that if you ask me thats a 10/10 and I wont even argue with people who don't think so too

let's get started with everything apart from the story since I know myself and I'm gonna get into heavy spoiler territory

listening to this again actually made me bawl my eyes out im sorry i got chills through my spine and i started crying i dont even like octopath 1 that much idk why that happened

most important part I had an issue with in the first game was the gameplay aspect and let me tell you people in the audience this game's gameplay is absolutely insane

largely the skeleton of the gameplay was kept the same as the original: its a traditional jrpg where you level up go through all the entirety of the world to get some new mates for your journey here and there listen to their story battle a lot and explore the shit out of every nook and cranny but the experience was enhanced to hell and back

the main combat is still fun as shit you can use that option to do a x2 x3 x4 enhancement of the action you will take or guard or attack to get more points or whatever this is fun and also makes for a great deal of strategising here and there where you can get 30.000 points of damage like nothing happened

so yeah whatever that's the main gimmick the other stuff is usual jrpg combat stuff PLUS the job system every single character has a class and unique abilities that you can use in battle and this also was present in the original one but got really upgraded to accommodate more interesting mechanics and not make some classes completely useless PLUS you can get a second class and really explore the incredible customization of this game also theres some new special classes which are really interesting and shrines here and there that can unlock special skills for each traveler and guilds to unlock new secondary jobs

that being said this is the combat now the other parts of the game actually concentrate on exploring and doing shit in the overworld here and there and when I tell you that after getting all the characters I spent like 40 hours just exploring and do dungeons I was so overlevelled that the chapter requirements were like LVL 15 and hikari was LVL 70 I went absolutely crazy I entered a trance like state and woke up with everyone getting 60 more levels whatever

so my main issue with the first game was 1) the incredibly slow leveling up 2) the super boring exploration 3) the tiring usage of characters abilities when interacting with NPCs and while not really a gameplay element 4) the samey dungeons

issue addressed you can level up pretty fast and with the new time mechanic you can generally travel the world during nighttime to make you level up faster (I basically had the night toggled all the time) so I could actually not kill myself this time
everywhere in the world map theres something to explore and it rewards your exploration sense and there's literally stuff to do in every corner side quests (they're still boring but they're something) challenging and interesting dungeons new towns to visit and literally chests on chests on chests
the skills of each character are still boring because you have to use them over and over again to steal get informations have steamy sex with someone and then use them in battle BUT since this game has the day and night thing at least theres some nuance to using particular skills for the day and others for the night do whatever
the designs of the dungeons for the original one were like 5 and reused for the entirety of the game this time theres a SHIT TON of different dungeons that have such a distinct feeling from one another so were so happy to be here

that being said we can talk about art design

this game is beautiful no point to argue about that and possibly even better than the first one in both art design art direction 3d environments and sprites theres literally NO bad sprite in this game and let's talk about boss sprites because those one are incredible im gonna talk about them during the route parts later you can't escape from hornyposting

in the first game those were usually just pngs moving a little to emulate movement but this time they actually have different sprites for different animations and thats cool as fuck I can remember vividly the mother in thrones route doing a gorgeous whipping animation and probably other stuff that I don't remember I played this some time ago I always take too long to make reviews

so anyway yeah every single part of the game is a painting the animation is great the towns and dungeons are filled to the brim with details and as I said the dungeons and also battle backgrounds are way way way better and diverse and I'm really happy about this

the music is also the one of the best parts of the entire experience but I don't have to be the one to tell you since octopath 1 had a lot of videos about the transitions between character themes and boss battles themes and YEAH theyre good as shit but wait a second I need to point out at least my fav themes or else I will explode

tempest on the battlefield was the very first song I heard in my experience with this game and it stuck with me so much so that I was always thinking about it in my playthrough and every time it would show up again I would cum all over my room I love this theme so fucking much its unreal I'm so glad I chose hikari

side note every single character theme is great (ochettes perfect) but they get taken down by square super fast so it's pointless to give you a link just listen to the ultra compilation

normal battle III is the one that makes me sweat more out of the 3 themes and the combo of electric guitar and strings was purposefully made to make me orgasm so I cannot do anything else but surrender

critical clash I is probably my fav ones of the two and it's really just because it's more heavy tone and has so many different vibes thrown into it and the beat is fucking sick and the string is fucking sick and the song is fucking sick

i unironically listen to fierce confrontation everyday dont @ me

so whatever all the songs are sick just listen to the illegal soundtrack online or play the game the fuck

so I guess it's time to talk about stories so here's my completely unbiased opinion in a handy tierlist

Tier S
Ochette (10), Hikari (9.5), Castti (9)
Tier A
Osvald (8.5)/Temenos (8.5)
Tier B
Throné (8)/Partitio (8), Agnea (7.5)

Ochette x Castti > Hikari x Agnea > Temenos x Throné > Osvald x Partitio

numbers don't mean anything it was just a way to keep track while playing what stories I liked more than the others

for this I'll also talk about each characters ost so you can check them here in this mega ost stuff thing and talk about them from best to worst be advised that the ones on the bottom aren't to be considered as BAD I just needed to make a tierlist and some of them would've to be in the bottom

so there's gonna be spoiler talk so SPOILER WARNING youre advised


starting with ochette i can tell you that shes absolutely my fav character out of the entirety of the cast every time she says がお I cry like a fucking bitch she's funny and charming and goofy but also definitely a sweetheart at core and cares for everybody so i was already biased to begin with but her story is such a fucking blast from start to finish and has some of the most interesting tropes I see in videogames

as a hunter I also had so much fun playing with her also BECAUSE she can capture basically every single enemy and use their unique skills in battle and when I tell you at one point in the game I captured the mega shark or whatever I was basically living my best life with an assured 9999 damage once per battle

ochette comes from a village of half beasts that inhabit a forest in an island and shes also the successor of the head of this clan who funnily enough is a fucking lion that talks whatever so shit happens and they find out there's gonna come a red moon and its gonna bring destruction and the rebirth of something something evil and thats it

IMPORTANT ! at the beginning of her route the head clan will ask you to choose between either an owl OR a … fox ? what's akala ? I think he's a fox but also I think he's HOT AS FUCK LIKE umg sorry maybe I should not say that here ok anyway hes really the best choice of the 2 since people told me the owl acts as a younger sister and akela acts as an older brother and im really … interested in this relationship like umh …. yeah

so whatever semi beasts are also fighting for their land against a bunch of humans trying to take this land from them whatever not important the important thing is to contrast the red moon war flashbacks of botw and anyway you have to get the 3 sacred beasts back to the main land and do shit and then you get like 3 chapter 2 for each beast thats cool as fuck I mean due to levels differences probably you will get the recommended order but apart from that so cool

the sea guardian made me cry even if the quest has zero tension since no boss battles its cool anyway the volcano guardian made me horny … sorry and has a super bomb design and boss battle and the ice guardian also made me cry and also has an incredible boss battle I really like every single one of these chapters honestly

then you get back to the main land and the guardians all gather while the red moon arises you fight with hordes of monsters until you face the beast that you left behind in the beginning of the story and now its up to ochette to give them a good ending … IM SORRY THIS IS TOO MUCH I LOVE THIS ROUTE SO DEARLY I CRIED LIKE A BITCH AT THAT FINAL ENDING I HAD GOOSEBUMPS ALL OVER UGHHHHHHH THIS GAME ISTG

anyway since I chose akala instead of mahina I had to face mahina and it was damn fucking epic but I gotta say that feral akala is kinda hot im sorry I should say these things here alright

anyhow ochette saves the day everyone is happy the sexy lion boss says ochette is gonna be the next head of the tribe and the humans say alright we're gonna stop this war between us or something and then the end

I loved this route from beginning to end there was no dead moment every single chapter was packed back to back back to back thats fucking absurd ok anyway moving on or else I'm gonna stay here forever


hikari was my choice as the protagonist and I couldn't be happier being a warrior I was already interested in getting him super buffed for some incredible damage each turn and WHAT THE FUCK he's a BEAST after you get the arms master class he's basically your main character for damage he's gonna get some incredible numbers after you remove the 9999 cap and he's also a hunk to boot im absolutely free and I could suck your dick all day long if you want hikari hmu

as a warrior you can guess whats gonna happen and 2 seconds in his route he gets in a battlefield with my FAVORITE SOUNDTRACK PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND UGHHHHHH I was already hooked I had no chance but Stan

after that shit you get a tale of betrayal between a royal family hikari is the successor of the current king of land of ku until his brother succeeds in a regicide and he's left to just run away

this was a great beginning for his story really full of hype I cannot really say that this hype will be up for the entire route theres some boring events here and there with hikari recruiting some people and the pacing gets back up probably when you have to get the girl from the other clan like that's probably where the events begin to unravel faster but this all pays out when you get to the final confrontation

here and there hikari will get delusions and voices in his head due to a homicidal other personality which is like due to his cursed blood or something so yeah when you get to battle against your brother its also gonna be a battle against hikaris self and shit so whatever this was really emotional and I ended up having goosebumps all throughout the final boss which was also the FINAL boss of all the routes I did so it was an incredible conclusion of the journey if you ask me

also can I say that hikaris brother is kinda hot like in particular his demon form


cassti is a weird case since I wasn't really vibing with her entire plotline until really late in the route not because it was bad but because I really didn't get what it was going to be

her being a whats the name ….. I don't remember the name in english ok anyway speziale is really half the character since she cares for others really tries her best to put people first and herself second and thats something in common with alfyn but the thing is alfyn was extremely hot and tempting and she is kind of an enigmatic character also due to the fact that her story revolves around her memory loss issues and shit like that so

slowly you begin to realise that she actually was part of a big group of potion people I still dont remember the name and after the chapter of the mother and daughter YKNOW THE ONE GOD FUCK LOED UGHHHHH I CRIED SO MUCH DAMN you realise that the girl who kept on following her and was allegedly one of her companions was a actually just her delusion and in reality the group of people she was a boss of was already dead and that point all my hair fell off everything made sense and my life and heart were completely ruined I hate this game with a passion

you get to know theres another herb user guy who just goes around spreading death because he's like omg why the fuck are we helping people out if they're gonna die anyway let's just kill all of them which is honestly kind of a weird statement to say but I guess it does make sense for the character whatever anyway cazzi goes there and says actually I didn't say this but I call her cazzi because it means dicks in italian and its pretty similar sounding to cassti moving on she battles with this guy saves the day and she's left with absolutely nothing but loneliness and the dread of recovering her entire memory and realising her companions all vanished from her life and so the team said ok let's just give them some more reason to cry and put her theme which is already sad as fuck and put an illustration of her surrounded by ghosts of her mates who the fuck im sorry

great story possibly my fav one in terms of how much mental distress it gave me 9/10 deserved

no hunks here unfortunately but the legion head guy sounds kinda hot yknow the one


osvald is such a weird contrast from what the cyrus route was in the first game there cyrus was actually treated almost like a prince he just fucks around all day being surrounded by chicks and studies everything in his damn books and then here ? they made osvald and said ok we are gonna put this guy through hell literally we are gonna ruin his life so much hes gonna be pitiful throughout the game and so scarred that the most character interactions he'll have they're gonna be pointing out him being silent af

this route begins with osvald making an escape from prison and this was caused by his bestie who he thought was genuinely sharing his knowledge for a research but was actually just trying to exploit him to take possession of the research and then just push him aside burning his house down killing his wife and daughter and then getting him arrested and put in jail honestly what a fucking master plan my guy that being said after escaping the entire route concentrates on giving more context to the relationship between this guy and dio brando which is kind of an homosexual relationship like the one jojo and dio have so it's all good and then just pursuing this guy all around the land until you discover that osvalds daughter actually alive and being mindbroken by dio so you go there and open his ass apart and everything is good until osvald just decides to live his little girl behind like why would you do that I'm sorry but anyway I still want to suck your dick … osvald please give me your junk I cannot do this anymore

anyway this route is kind of a mess but in a good sense I love how much they make osvald suffer im sorry if that sounds controversial teehee siamo ragazzi

I love men


temenos is don matteo but japanese its literally that italian fiction but in a videogame if you for some reason know what I'm talking about you will get the reference that being said this is temenos just having a lot of gay sex

while ophilia was the pure and humble character you would expect from a religious figure temenos acts as an absolute contrast from that design he's shrewd he's malicious and he's cunning and all these are actually good aspects of his personality he's really a sight to behold since the religious person being actually fat from the canonic stereotype of the usual religious figure is one of the most interesting tropes around if you ask me

being a priest or something from a small town he lives his life as a town figure until obviously hell breaks and he has to cooperate with fellow knight creek to solve a political intrigue with some ties to cultist shit

now the investigative sequences were cool as fuck but what was actually cooler is the fact that temenos and creek have such a great chemistry like every time temenos calls creek little lamb you can really feel the sexual tension skyrocket I'm not even joking yall these 2 fuck and they fuck pretty hard while the hometown girlie friend of temenos gets cucked to hell and back

so whatever since square enix said too much homosexuality they killed creek and honestly I'm pretty mad about it since I wouldve honestly liked to suck his dick after the final battle but alright so anyway temenos goes to the guild master or whatever fucks her up and avenges her boyfriend back the end

interesting not too shabby


femme fatale throné has some of the weirdest plot twists in history and I genuinely am still confused at what happened in her story but anyway

shes from a guild of thieves where orphans are trained into full-fledged ATTENZIONE PICKPOCKET and shit like that and the main figures are mother and father now throné at one point realises shits going down in this guild due to the fact that his bestie aka possible lover got killed (by her lmao) and so she goes on a quest to murder both father and mother

apart from mother being absolutely batshit crazy you can tell that father was actually the more full-fledged character since he got a damn good backstory if I do say so myself and thats like the highest point of the route for me like killing her father is something that reminded me of primrose so alls good

after that she has to follow leads to get to her real father which you find out is not only in a hidden village in the sky that you can only get with a whats the name in english whatever funivia and when you get there the huge plottwist is that his father is alucard castlevania and fucked a lot of human women for reasons ? so whatever you go there and fuck him up

now being a carbon copy of alucard he's pretty hot and I gotta say he also has one of the greatest boss sprites in the game so that's fine my real issue is that there was no foreshadowing to this ? like idk if I missed something but I don't think there's any reason to think that this plottwist has any sense in the plotline since the route was going completely elsewhere until chapter 4 but whatev3r I digress

still a great route and also the first one I finished so I had a good time with it


now partitio is probably my favorite character of the bunch after ochette he's charismatic he's upbeat energetic and hunky hot and intelligent cunning and good willed and I am still looking for him on rule34 until I get satisfied

so why is he in the bottom mmmmm im not really a fan of the merchant stories in octopath traveler tressa was interesting but nowhere near some other routes in that game and the premise of yeah I do business usually falls flat for me since there's not gonna be a lot of plottwists or intrigue for a foundation like this one

you follow partitio since his childhood and his father's quest to build a village from zero after some sick timeskip you realise that 1) partitio became hot as fun 2) the village was completed 3) they are knee deep in debt so it's up to partitio to seek the one responsible to this which was also the business companion of his father

so yeah after some business ™ and really chill route progression you get to the ISLAND yeah the guy bought an island and fuck him up or better youre gonna fuck his locomotive up????? shits crazy I tell you what the hell

whatever you beat him you do some more business ™ and everyone's happy now that partitio is on top of his company and also on top of me god bless the end

this route is cool the side quests where you get the boat and shit are interesting and break the pace of the route but still it's not that much of a great route as I wanted it to be partitio as a character carried the route entirely and I still enjoyed my time with it anyway

partitio I'm single please


agnea is my third favorite character and it's pretty funny to me how both her and partitio are among the best characters and are both on the bottom

now before somebody comes for my neck no I don't think this route is bad in fact I think every single route in this game is delicious but of course someone had to be put in the bottom or else it wouldn't be a tierlist

maybe im biased by the fact that I wanted this to reach the same highs as primroses route but of course it would've not been possible and thats probably why they opted for another type of storyline entirely

agnea is a free spirited happy little girl with an incredible passion and talent for dancing and singing like her mother something that his father doesn't approve but of course in the hand he accepts that and its probably the most beautiful part of the route I cried like a fucking bitch at the end of the prologue and during the finale probably because an accepting father is something I don't have HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHQ LAUGH

so whatever she wants to travel the world and compose a song so here we go (she's not only very similar to tressa but also has similar motives as tressa) all around the world getting pieces and pieces

after this it's a total blank to me the route is pretty chill and steady throughout to the point that I fell asleep during the circus guys thing whatever anyway main antagonist is another dancer singer diva whatever and shes bad because plot so you fuck her up metaphorically in the final battle and boom agnea is the new diva everyones happy the end

now putting the story like this you understand how laid back it is compared to the other routes and its a shame since she's such a beautiful character I love her so dearly

idk the end


these ones was a great addition they put some cool ideas here and there and seeing the pairs interact was pretty interesting but its so weird how ochette and cassti are absolutely above every other


i read every single one of them i went fucking crazy I love every and each one of them


they suck


for me the finale was a big slip up in the original octopath traveler due to the fact that It was 90% retconning and infodumping on wall of texts that made me think that i wouldve just reread umineko entirely instead

now this is actually not really different but it felt more streamlined since they didn't make me fucking fight against every single boss in the game again and there's still some degree of infodump through notes but it's less than the first one so yeah whatever

the plot is not as thick as they'd like to make you believe since it's just some loose ends that they left in the main game and they connected them together also recontextualizing some characters like mindt being evil ? right whatever

that being said the lead up to the final boss was actually kind of intriguing and the final boss in itself is kind of both tough and visually stunning they hinted for vide to be the end boss and here we go its still a nice fight if you ask me

the epilogue made me a bit teary eyed I gotta say and seeing all the characters interact make for a great conclusion to this tale

i hate postgames


i hate galdera


I came in my pants

the more I thought about this game and the more I loved about it not only because of the game itself but also how they managed to make such a great fucking sequel to a game that I felt was flawed in every single way and it managed to keep me returning to it every single day for the span of like 80 hours this game is fucking insane ochette get the adoption papers we're going home

gworl you're getting harassed by slenderman get real

second part of the kidman dlc and its gonna get heavy

while the main game is basically the same as the first half of the dlc I kinda feel like this was way more tense and had a tighter pacing all around sure it's still stealth and I hate stealth but they're gonna give you here and there some more weapons to deal with the fuckers you encounter its still like some axes and maybe a gun for like 10 minutes until this girl just basically loses it like a stupid ass ok whatever

the story is just a continuation of the first one and while I wanted some more backstory for me to actually love the character and shit they still felt kind of tied to the main game like theres not really a huge exploration of the character at hand because its like lookey lookey here what the girl was doing while sebastian was scratching his balls which is still fine but a bit redundant since even though the campaign is way different from the main story (kudos to them for making a new experience instead of just doing the old separate ways deal) it still has to have some interactions with it for the story to make sense and entwine accordingly

still I liked this a lot ! progression isn't the sweetest trip with that kind of gameplay but its fine to have some different mechanics from sebastians huge and … big and ……. strong hands

she is yet again babysitting leslie sue has to keep up with the shit that gets thrown on her not only by famous ruvik but also by that mobius guy this time deadass this girl cannot chill for even one second its like real life womanhood if silent hill 3 wasn't a better representation of that

the little interactions are cute and the in depth explanation of the story is a good thing for me who's dumb as shit and couldn't piece together all the stuff that happened in the main game and yet I couldn't understand what the ending meant but do I give a fuck ? no

nice dlc I dont think im gonna get into the executioner DLC because I don't care about arcadey story less type of content so I'm just gonna play the evil within 2 sebastian im coming wait for me

so i was like omg i hope its not gonna be more stealth and guess what they put in this dlc ? exactly more stealth

this dlc is pretty interesting it focuses on kidman and kind of acts as a separate ways was for resident evil 4 you follow her journey through mobius and her babysitting job for leslie its kind of a fun addition if it wasnt for the fact that its more stealth focus and has a lot more puzzle elements than the base game

sure the gameplay its still kind of fun and has the same core at heart but being unable to use weapons was really detrimental for the experience like this girl is harmless 90% of the time please get a fucking gun sebastian finds a stupid amount of weapons and ammo around and you cant even get a fucking knife cmon now

that being said it has some cool segments and new enemy designs that are actually a fruit of the new stealth mechanics like they will glow of different colors if they are weary or if they saw you

the story is actually trying to explain better the main game but somehow it got me pretty confused im not gonna lie like some stuff actually fucked my interpretation of plot points in sebastians route and i still feel a little bit weirded out but yeah exploring kidman as a character is a fun time even though i wasnt DYING to spend more time with her and even after some hints of characterisation and trauma in her life im still kind of uninterested in her but the sound of her heels is pretty soothing and the little cat as a save point is a winning factor for me like it was for rpgmaker masterpiece the witch house

so idk i guess this is a nice addition for how long it is and sheds some light to some events of the base game with some crossing scenes between her path and sebastians and that boss fight was definitely an highlight

again i saw them hint some kind of character study and some major plot twists in the second part of the dlc so im pretty excited stay tuned

i was basically gaslighted into playing this game since bioshock was the favorite series of a friend of mine so i was like why not just marathon it and after finishing that one this friend went umh ok actually so the evil within also is one of my favorite game ever so me being a people pleaser a i was like yes maam ,,,,,,, onto it

and here we are

now ive been looking for a horror game that could really make me want to tear my heart out due to the scary shit that happens but im still unable to find it so did the evil within make me shit my pants ??????? no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so tired of people saying “horror game” when in reality its just an action game with horror aesthetic like youre telling me resident evil is scary as fuck and i completely lose interest in your argument (resident evil village has some haunting segments tho will give you that)

so yeah yet again i gotta say this game isnt a good “horror” game the atmosphere isnt the most claustrophobic or thick one and the focus on action elements make it really clear that the direction the game is gonna go its just an action game with some degree of horror elements and even there its more of a gore aesthetic than a horror one apart from some really specific enemies that are genuinely some really disgusting degree of body horror

so actually talking about the game itself the evil within is something that i wasnt expecting to like as much as i did im not a huge fan of these kinds of games unless theyre resident evil so when i also heard the director of this one is shinji mikami who famously also directed resident evil 4 i was sure this was gonna lend a lot of narrative and gameplay elements from that game for better or for worse and sure this did not reach the higher highs of re4 but its sure a good experience nonetheless

something that really struck me as interesting in this one is how much care was put into the themes and general aesthetic of the game to the point that even though youre gonna traverse a wide variety of environments (something that i really liked lets be real theres a hospital a cemetery a collapsing city a forest some sewers a castle a haunted house a laboratory theres some serious attention to detail in every single one of them) theres sure some sense of cohesion altogether and that really sold the game for me i was a huge fan of the cinematographic black bars during the game but after a while i genuinely needed a good amount of time to really use the limited amount of screen so whatever

that being said yeah im a huge fucking fan of this games entire art direction and while i think the characters are bland both in a character design standpoint and also a character development standpoint the enemies are really such a great fucking compromise and somehow get more and more similar to silent hill fiends than resident evil ones with all the body horror i told you about youre gonna feast your eyes on countless limbs lots of mucus and blood and a wide variety and definitely too much decomposed skin the zombies you find at the beginning are the the most safe designs since theyre sure gonna get freaky real quick like the multi hands black hair gal is a highlight and the box heads are really a statement of how much men with heavy metal on their heads are super hot and fuckable im looking at you pyramid head

the gamefllow is nice i was not a huge fan of the stealth elements since i usually suck at them but when you get in the meat of the gameplay which plays a lot like resident evil 4 its really interesting you get a lot of weapons and you can upgrade your stats and the weapons through the use of some loot you get all around and after defeating enemies now this is pretty interesting and again in general fucking these bitches up is always a treat but there were some points here and there in the game so tricky just for the point of being annoying like segments with a lot of traps ot scenes that will always result in a game over the first time you play them because you dont know what you have to do or some enemies that can oneshot you its not always a tranquil descent into madness i gotta say but its still fun to play i cant really lie to you some deaths are irritating but quite fun nonetheless

bosses are also pretty great which is something that i cant really say for many other action horror games sure they also have some weird gimmicks sometimes but its not too bad anyway and they got some bomb designs that final boss was such a treat i had so much fun

so apart from sebastian being kinda hot but this is not the right time to thirst on him since here hes kind of ugly but who wasnt in the ps3 times so yeah hes still an interesting protagonist doesnt have as much of a psychological insight as much as i wanted to even though the game allegedly dabbles into psychological territory but it was more of an external kind of psychological type of narrative than character study which is fine by me maybe the evil within 2 apart from making sebastian super hot and breedable (we are gonna get there in that games review) it will also give me some more insight into his person

that being said i still like what i see hes serious and funny and hes already done with the whole zombie apocalypse after 10 minutes from the beginning of the game and honestly ? can relate

last but not least the story SPOILER TERRITORY YALL

i was not a huge fan of the story in the beginning i knew it was gonna get into psychological type of horror but still the pacing was kind of slow and i was not that interested in the characters if im being honest kidman is barely there joseph is schizophrenic and confusing a character the doctor sucks as a person and as a narrative point and leslie is mentally ill what do you want me to say

ruvik was a weird case because one thing that i really hate in horror stuff is the superpowers it make the entire point of building tension and dread absolutely useless like i was getting invested in the story and this guy would just show up and do some star wars ass moves come on is this the best you can do now i understand he can do the stuff that he does because its all a simulation and hes like the god of the simulation but still if you just give some characters superpowers i already lost half the interest like what happened to physically overpowered monsters or psychologically haunting disorders you can do better

so yeah the entire premise was kind of shit for me but the more i went on the more i liked how the story unfolded they really gave it a nice twist and the entire realization that i was all a simulation in their minds retrospectively explains a lot of stuff that happens throughout the campaign so i really cannot complain about it and anyway i still had a good time all the way through so i guess i can excuse some kamehameha typa plotpoint

good shit i dont know if im gonna play the DLCs for this game but im definitely gonna check out the second game to get a piece of that castellanos ass in tight trousers

i actually played this fucking game so much time ago but a friend of mine said ughhh achtualyl you cannot say you finished the game before finishing the post game thats like an integral part of the main story and I was like OK WHAT THE FUCK OK and got burned out because this is legit a 100 hours game do you think in that span of time I would not get burned out + i forgot some of the stuff in the main story sorryyyyy teehee

played a lot of mainline dragon quest games in my life and I can confidently say that IX is my favorite one of the bunch and V and VIII coming closer to the top like it has all the legacy best elements with the added QoL and mechanics of the newest generation of videogames this ones great

now this one i cannot really say where it sits in the top and i wont even ask you to entertain the thought of making one due to the fact that I love all my babies a damn lot and I wont decide one over the other (IX is perfect im sorry im gonna pick that one kisses)

so umh I genuinely don't know where to begin reviewing this game because its basically so fucking big a game I have no real idea what to say

let's just go over the gameplay so we can get this shit out of the way and the TLDR of all this is gonna be this is genuinely one of the greatest JRPGs in terms of accessibility difficulty overall fun gameplay incredible personalisation tons and tons of content and variety in game flow and execution

as a textbook RPG I'm surprised at how good the battle system and general sense of pacing is like the main combat is as basic as it gets but it has so much shit put into it and never really feels bloated instead it's a perfect tool for both novices of the series and hard-core fans to explore a lot of strategizing customizing and battling with different characters and tactics and a shit ton of skills equipments spells attacks skill trees there's something for everybody lets just say that - gia gunn and seeing how expansive the overall game feels I can understand how the combat too benefits from that

also I realised at half my playthrough that i could switch characters IN BATTLE and I'm still pissed off by that like how much stupider can you get I pushed through the entire game convinced that I it wasn't possible to change almost dead characters and now you tell me I actually can BS this is basically final fantasy X type of gameplay and no tutorial actually explained it to me thats wild

apart from the usual dragon quest flare during the battles you got some more stuff like powers that activate randomly and combo stuff that really give a nuance to this game compared to the others and honestly I really like those even tho it's kind of a random thing and if you want a specific power you need to wait like 9+ turns for them to activate but they're such ace moves that it's understandable they work like that

and yknow thats it but the general flow of the gameplay is actually pretty damn tight seeing that you can actually do a lot of shit in battle I ended up going head first into enemies because fighting them was just THAT addicting

exploring the overworld is also a big mechanic of the game and the fact that you have to forage and find treasures for equipment or to create stuff in the furnace really makes the game even more expansive than it already is since everywhere you're gonna find some loot to enhance your general party stats to the point that most of the OP equipments are gonna be found just by exploring and crafting or doing some special side quests

oh yeah ! side quests suck ! as they always did in any game ever in the history of videogames so im not gonna shit on them this is like the standard for the industry so who am I to judge

sooooooo I think I talked about everything in this department so

art direction it is

when I first looked at these characters and NPCs general art style I was like damn this is actually the final iteration of toriyamas style like you can't get a better understanding of his shapes and design ethics than this

the world is filled with some incredible people apart from the main protagonists which we will get there don't worry we are left with a world feeling alive and breathing and all this with so many flawless details all around every single town in the game is absolutely unmatched they give off some particular vibes since they're always based on some culture and shit and it's just so good to traverse them and seeing the different architecture and dressing style and culture it's just so so good and this doesn't only apply to town even the overworld is filled to the brim with so much incredible scenery that every single frame of your playthrough can be confused as an impressionist painting im not joking there's something about the lighting the colors and everything that feels so profoundly evocative dragon quest was always dreamlike but this shit is off the charts

so yeah but what really takes the cake for me are the enemies and specifically the enemy rendition in perfect HD graphics I always had a thing for dragon quest monster designs (not a huge fan of the countless recolors tho that shit sucks ass) and seeing them come to life in such an animated and artistic masterpiece is honestly incredible and I loved the fact that in the beginning of the battle you find them in the classic pose before they shift to the idle animation I almost cried at how devotedly they used the source material and recreated something genuinely breathtaking like look at the gryphon (he's pretty hot) or the spitzfire or the professaurus (he's pretty hot) and many many many more that honestly I'm embarrassed to say this but there's some monsters I'd fuck this is the furry gene acting up

that being said yeah the first dragon quest iteration into the next gen consoles really gave us some of the most jaw dropping graphics ever and I'm not gonna lie and i need to show this game to people that say no I only play games with hyperrealistic graphics umh sure hetero but look at this

in general its really a fun time but the only downsides here is the ost now as much as I know they completely rehauled the music in the definitive version giving it an orchestral rearrangement now these songs are really beautiful nothing to say but it just feels like a dragon quest series medley at a theatre there's not a whole lot of new cuts here and there and the ones that they added are either annoying or passable sure dragon quest music as a whole is still pretty beautiful but I wanted some more into the game BUT they also gave me the greatest boss battle theme ever with that trombone going PRRRUHHUH I basically played the game waiting for that ost

that being said its time for SPOILER TERRITORY with characters and story

so first and foremost I love this cast and its probably gonna be one of my favorite rooster of characters not only in the dragon quest canon but also in the videogame landscape in general they're all so deeply written and they feel alive and breathing and they have some of the sweetest interactions ever in the universe thank you

the protagonist isn't really gonna be the deeper character in the game but they really augment the whole feeling and background with him being actually the song of the king there or whatever and it has to be said that his father is actually pretty fucking hot not gonna lie

being a silent protagonist of course you're not gonna get a lot out of him apart from the hilarious "no" options throughout the game and some one sided interactions between characters but he's still gay

and he also has some of the most fun character building in the entire party he's so versatile you can tackle him either as a physical fighter or a magical healer you can do whatever you want with him deadass

erik is probably my second fav one of the bunch he's a thief he's had it rough and he's basically a homosexual runaway after people actually got his sister or whatever now since he's traumatized and shit he actually shows little to no emotions but the little interactions he has they always deliver and sometimes he can be pretty fucking funny nonetheless

as a first party member it's clear he's the love interest im not gonna make any argument on that this is set in stone and I don't care one fucking bit now go away

his part of the story with his sister backstory and the loss of memory shit is interesting but never really left a big impact on me as much as I wanted to there's characters with some deeper storybeats and character development but I still love him a whole lot and always put him in the slutty outfit

serena and veronica are probably the characters who have the most focused story of the bunch they're the heroines of the game and its interesting that they actually split them in 2 different people so that one could be the over religious christian holy pure girl who always puts other in the first place and talks in formal japanese even when she's on the brink of death and veronica instead is the absolute peak characterisation in any way shape or form she's not only the most incredible comic relief character out of the bunch has some of the most fun punchlines I've ever witnessed in dragon quest she got cursed to be in a baby form and that makes it 100% funnier and she always packed some of the most heart wrenching lines and story developments out of all the characters in the entire game im not gonna lie

i have it ingrained in my fucking mind when you camp out in the open and serena goes to veronica and she says "sister when our leaves fall from the great yggdrasil do you think they're gonna fall together ?" and veronica says "don't say stupid stuff like this . but I hope they do" and then they get back to sleep together in serenity guys

no im not joking this moment was possibly the hardest hitting moment in the entire game beside the rab crying in front of the grave scene I was a complete fucking mess after this cutscene I cried for like 10-15 whole minutes because this was possibly the most bittersweet exchange in the entire game and when you also add the fact that they're both one of the most well written characters in the game you really get a glimpse of veronica actually being the big sis of the two even though usually its serena who's the one that looks like the wiser one (mentally and obviously physically in this moment)

like the bond these two share is so fucking deep I cannot even write about it without tearing up and the whole serena trauma arc after the sacrifice of veronica when she actually SAVED all her fucking friends and left her sister alone even though she said she wouldn't is probably the most depressing plot moment of the bunch I just cannot think of other stuff that hit this hard not even the mermaid storyline not even rab storyline nothing came close to serena cutting her own hair and inheriting most of veronica powers and moving on thats so fucking powerful

a pity they shit in the face of this beautiful writing epilogue with act 3 but we are gonna get there !!!!!!!!

so yeah I love veronica and serena they're my sweet little babies that I love very dearly and apart from this they also were fucking essential in battle serena is the ultimate healer of the bunch and can give some pretty drastic buffs to the party and veronica is the ultimate magic user using her fire magic to obliterate everything in front of them I'm sorry I love these girls too much

sylvando is an interesting case since I thought he was gonna be an incredibly homophobic character but instead he's actually a really good trope of gay guy and they treated him with a lot of care and respect and I was NOT expecting that its just so fucking good a character he's funny he's interesting he has a lot of depth and he's basically a huge metaphor of queerness and coming out and shit like that and I gotta say I really loved that

I'm not that huge of a fan of how japanese people treat gay characters but this time they outdid themselves like he's not just a queer walking trope character just for the sake of having a recurrent deprecatory and homophobic trope but he's actually a guy with a lot of facets apart from being queer and thats not ALL there is to him this is such great writing and the little talk with his father about him being a circus clown and his father accepting it was just heartwarming enough for me I love the guy

plus his father is pretty hot im sorry

and he's also a jack of all trades in the battles he can use like every single weapon ever and every single skill ever so that's fun

rab is an interesting case in the fact that I love the guy too damn fucking much but of course he's gonna be in the bottom of the characters list because old guy etc etc BUT his story of sorrow and sadness due to the loss of his daughter and her husband ? or son and his wife ? I told you I don't remember the story anyway yeah there's some really sad storybeats regarding him and I loved all of them plus the old dirty guy trope makes me always laugh idk

he's a mage and that means he can do a lot of stuff with his hands but since he's more of a versatile type of mage he doesn't really shines in any given skill but yknow he's useful sometimes I like him

jade is my girl I want her to kick me in the balls and call me slurs she has a little bit of backstory that makes some of her relationship to eleven clearer but ultimately I wanted the writing to give more focus to her character as a whole and not only the oh yeah she's the one who saved eleven as a baby because story and shit like that but STILL incredibly good character and a femme fatale to boot

and in battle she's also a fucking dmg queen and when you get her to higher levels she's basically a staple for metal slime grinding with erik

hendrik and jasper have a homosexual relationship and it's pretty funny how that's the entire motive for jasper being evil like "I just wanted to be like you then I realised I wanted to fuck you in the ass and then helped mordegon" ok internalised homophobia pop off so whatever they're both hot and they both care for each other and that's basically their entire plotline ngl

hendrik is super hot and i want to suck his dick so you might imagine my absolute awe at the fact that in act2 he's gonna join you like what the hell who even thought about giving me this heavy meat right in front of me like hendrik is one of those characters that make me quote tiffany new york pollard "I know his dick is big I know it I know is big oh god my heart hurts" so there's that

the bad guy to good guy change was kind of expected but I was not expecting him to join the party more power to me I guess I will just start playing this game with only one hand he's still one of the tankiest ones in the entire party and his longswords swing even harder than his longsword if you know what I mean

and he's just eleven but buff and no magic in the battle department so yeah there's that

jasper is a good villain and is also pretty fucking hot when he gets all naked and sweaty and mordegon is also an interesting villain in the series since this time its not gonna be an intergalactic demon conqueror thing because THATS FOR THE ACT3 WOWOWO

ok story

I enjoy this story but I think it has some ups and downs definitely

act1 makes a huge fucking impact in exploring the world and making new friends here and there and I'm a fan of basically every single story beat (albeit sometimes kind of side questy like most of the stuff youre gonna do here is padding in the different cities but it's FINE) a huge highlight for me is the little prince of that kingdom with the horse racers what was his name ok faris I want to fuck faris pretty hard so this was a huge highlight for me sorryyyyyyy teehee the mermaid quest is also pretty good in the fact that it made me mentally unstable and cautious of this game and also the winter witch quest is kind of fun like look at her ice britney spears

the final part of the act1 with mordegon destroying yggdrasil actually made me lose all my hair since I wants expecting this kind of climax in the middle of the story I was absolutely destroyed by this and the beautiful animated cutscene me when the whole world is destroyed: dayum kinda beautiful innit

so they all get scattered and it's time for extra stories

I'm not a fan of these extra stories !!! the end

sylvando one is a fucking chore eriks is ok and actually makes some sense to the amnesia shit because i wouldve been like huh ???? jades sexist as hell she is still pretty hot but idk if I wanted to see that and rab actually made me bawl so yeah nothing new

act2 is pretty interesting and also has some ups and downs particularly because youre gonna revisit the same exact places you did in act1 and see how they changed while also looking for your friends now I'm not against this because the scenery changes according to the new environment but its still a chore to go around places you already visited but whatever now there's hendrik following you so I can have some eyecandy at least and yeah this all takes a damn good spike in the story as soon as you find out veronica is dead and everything fucking crumbles and serena gets depressed and does the sakura move that shit actually HIT emotionally and also on a gameplay standpoint because at this point their gonna be like omg mordegon you bloody pooping proper

so kill mordegon

the end everyone's happy

good fucking story UNTIL act3

now I'm not a huge fan of act3 it takes everything that made act2 beautiful and spits in its face and says OK actually let's redo all that but with veronica alive which is fun

now I'm not against this kind of treatment because it made me see an alternate universe of things and watch some little changes in interactions throughout the different cities but it's YET AGAIN another act2 I cannot go on like this honestly I have the very based belief that this part of the game was basically put for the people who really love this game and want an endless variety of stuff to do

revisit old towns and go do according dungeons and see what differs from act2 some more trials here and there infinite side quests a lot more customization and levelling up and grinding to do and possibly the most BS final battle in the entire universe this is basically just made for dq11 ultra fans and even though I'm not one of them I ended up playing and finishing it anyway lmao

now I mean I'm not so much against this because I see it as extra stuff but if people tell me "dq11 is ALSO act3" I have to disagree this honestly all feel like a padding for those more 40 hours into the game and giving a honestly fun what-if scenario but apart from that nothing too hype if I have to be honest

still the serenica incident is a nice touch to the whole lore and I was convinced of the fact that erdwin was actually the guy from dragon quest 3 and I was like oh ok that's cool this is a sequel then you get to the finale and this is actually a prequel to dq3 because I confused erdwin with erdrick and how the fuck is this game a prequel If environments are definitely more technologically advanced than dq3 but I digress

whatever its cool and the ending made me teary eyed ngl

then you get the ending scene which is the beginning of dq3 and I fucking scream to hell and back what a nice way to finish this game i still got shivers what the fuck this was the sealing deal of how this game is actually just a love letter to the entire series I can't stress this enough

so uh good game one of the finest dq out there if it weren't for the fact that they're all good

veronica I love you so much

as the little sister of mad father this isn't as interesting an experience as that one but as one of the classic rpg maker it sure is a cool way to get into the meat of the genre

while I have never played this game myself I literally remembered every single scene from seeing it on YouTube which I thought wouldn't happen since I completely forgot about this game for 10 years of my life but whatever

you know the deal already 1) high school setting 2) bullied girl ghost petty revenge 3) horror inter dimensional shit and you have the recipe for the one and only . corpse party gasp sfx sorry umh I meant to say misao yeah misao haha whatever

first of all the story premise is dumb but not really uninteresting there are some cool story beats here and there and these developers just love to put flashbacks fucking everywhere you will see what misao went through and why her ghost is trying to get you into the super mario galaxy horror dimension

so yeah the story is like this girl has unresolved issues with characters and so she decides to kill everyone and your only mission is to exercise the shit out of her

good setting but characters fall flat in this one maybe they're not as comically bad as ao oni ones but they're bland as shit and even when they're getting their heads chopped off one by one you're like umh ok

plus the protagonist is also a receptacle of either lesbian undertext with misao or straight anime cliche so yeah nothing too weird but choosing between the guy or the girl changes some things up like the girl being absolutely fucking feral and just killing everything in front of her thats fucking funny

that being said the main gameplay is always the same rpg maker stuff you go around get items solve puzzles do shit my only issue is that since the fucking school is like 5 stories tall if you don't know what you're doing youre gonna go up and down the pole like 30 damn times just for you to find a hidden key in a drawer what the fuck

and another main gimmick is like just going around and seeing how many death scenes are there there's a TON of death scenes here and funnily enough after some time of backtracking and shit I would forget the death cue and just die again this is insane but yeah whatever there's a fast save option so youre gonna be fine

umh do yeah nothing that groundbreaking but it is good and the final segment of the game can either be interesting to you or fucking bullshit mainly because why would you give a sexual predator and pedophile a redemption arc is beyond me but alright do your thing romanticise the shit out of this go on you killing stalking type of reader (i read killing stalking to the end im guilty too)

so whatever if you want to play 1 rpgmaker in your life look at this game as a contender of absolutely fucking not

second times the charm

there will be SPOILERS xoxo

following episode 1s weird setting into rapture yet again and a really strange l cliffhanger shall I say we are back in the shoes of elizabeth this time as soon as I saw her i said i always wanted to be in a woman no sorry that sounded weird delete delete

after the disappearance of booker and the sudden realisation by elizabeths part that shes actually just going fucking crazy she is going to try to make things right and get this fucking girl back yada yada

but first ! sorrow

when you open the game you're met with a beautiful view of Paris and I was like damn she finally got to Paris im so happy SYKE back to fucking rapture and depression

now I love rapture but since elizabeth always wanted to go to Paris so much seeing her hallucinate about it really did something to my mental sanity I love elizabeth so much I wanted her to be happy ughhhhhGGHHHHH

ok anyway talking game

elizabeth is back to her shenanigans no im not gonna talk about the art direction here since its the same as episode 1 yeah rapture is beautiful we know that and you're gonna get back to columbia for like half an hour so that's cool too I guess

accommodating the fact that shes not booker the gameplay also shifts to this sudden change this dlc won't focus anymore on chaotic melee or long ranged fight but more so on a stealth perspective now all my fans know I fucking hate stealth because I fucking suck AT it but there's a good thing to consider which is the fact that most of the AI enemies in this game are as stupid as they can get so if they see you they won't follow you anymore ! neat

so as I was saying the new mechanics revolve around this youre gonna spend most of the time sneaking around and to clear a room of enemies you can either use sedatives or like shoot them in the face I initially thought using firearms would be pretty obtuse but they're handy AF since again the AI is dumb so yeah and then some more distraction tools or plasmids for the sneaky sneaky purpose

do I like this new stuff ? not a huge fan but at least its easy enough so that I won't kill myself and is also pretty in character since of course elizabeth isn't gonna take as many bullets as booker (as seen by the fact that she can also bring more first aid kits too) so yeah I mean I liked this change of pace

so yeah that being said the story umh

im not a huge fan of the way this ended up unfolding but damn is it good to see bioshock 1 lore and bioshock infinite lore clash like you're introduced again to atlas and get some little foreshadow here and there of him actually being fontaine or like the way big daddies went from monsters in the eyes of the little sisters to father figures like that's interesting as shit as you're also gonna meet some recurring characters in the series and actually see elizabeth interact with them likeeeeeee what's this a crossover episode ?

so yeah the lore unfolds in the lines of elizabeth gets blackmailed from atlas to do some bad stuff and also get almost lobotomised (yes that happens please put CW next time i was so fucking uncomfortable and i have a pretty strong stomach i played saya no uta and subahibi who do you think i am) and so she becomes his puppet to do spooooooooky stuff like shifting realities or getting secret data and shit

sure it's interesting not gonna lie about it but kind out of context and also a weird way to retcon stuff from the original bioshock 1 but I love elizabeth content don't @ me

so yeah thats the general idea this is probably longer than the first episode and way more interesting I gotta say but that ending dear fucking god yknow seeing elizabeth dead on the ground did something to me I was restless shes probably my favorite character out of everyone in bioshock and seeing how she suffered from most of her life just for her to suffer some more honestly why do are you doing this to me

the part where she goes booker you were my only best friend ???? NAAAAAAAAAH I'm out you did my girlie dirty as shi

so whatever after that ending that mada me tear my hair out I mean at least bioshock 1 and 2 and minervas den do have a positive conclusion why THE FUCK did you make elizabeth just for her to feel pain I cannot do this shit anymore the final song in French since she still wanted to see Paris and never Could do that ? I'm hunting the developers of this dlc TF down

umh so yeah it was a trauma but I was good im glad I played this series since its pristine as shit l nothing comes close

I just wanted for booker and elizabeth to go happily to Paris together why could I not have at least this elizabeth im so sorry for everything