316 Reviews liked by felipelee

A maior tristeza é que quase todos os minigames são muito legais, inclusive os que usam os sensores de movimento dos Joy-Con, mas a variedade de tabuleiros é ínfima e o tamanho e qualidade deles não justifica também.

This is one of those games that makes you say "This has no right to be as good as it is". Before borrow this game from a friend, I had never played a tactical game like this. But, as a sucker for all things Mario, it intrigued me. And I'm glad it did.

The blend of Rabbids and Mario works extremely well. The antics of Rabbids almost temper the crazy of the Mario characters, but it works well when they bounce off each other. The combat was entirely new to me, but is extremely complex and well thought out. It requires you to think about positioning and not just power, making for some very enjoyable strategy.

The weapons and customization for every character was great, especially the skill tree progression. Story wise it's nothing amazing, but it's good fun for a game with Rabbids at its focus.

Actually a gem, don't be fooled by the fact that it's a licensed game. Consistently entertaining puzzles and a hard mode that actually switches up the design of the game instead of just fiddling with numbers!

This was made by Mikami before he went on to create the Resident Evil series. I haven't played any RE game, but this is better than all of them.

(Played via Ace Attorney Trilogy on PS4)
Still a mastapeece. It just gets better with every case. I don't care if Rise from the Ashes is too long, it's the best case with the most intriguing story in the game and many amazing twists. Also both endings (Case 4 and Case 5) gave me the feels just like the first time I played the game.
I have so much love for this game, man. It's amazing characters and their development throughout the game, it's amazing soundtrack and how it perfectly sets the tone to everything that is happening, it's amazing sense of humor that brings numerous hilarious and iconic moments. I think this is a game that everybody should experience, even if you don't like visual novels at least give this a try and I guarantee you're gonna find something about this game that you will like.
Also Edgeworth invented character development.

Spider Man: Mires Morales fells like a improved version in every way of the original, as someone who played the first some months ago this one hits differently.

While on the original, that is already a great game, it' open world premise made things that were interesting at first become repetitive, while it had good combat it also had a lot of things that honestly i didn't even touched it. Petter Paker story and characters were fine, but a lot of times felt a litle too much "cartoonish" when you know how it was going to end.

Here we have a polished version of the combat, with few powers that actually fell pretty good to use it, and the stealth part is waaay better, you can do only that and as a fan of stealth games, this is a great improvement. No more bloated side missions, in fact i did most of them because they connected within the characters and the neighborhood, who doesn't want to play with spider cat??

And of course, the story is the best improvement, it fells more than just a superhero adaptation, it's a shame that it goes so fast, needed more room to grow. But nevertheless, it's a well written tale of characters you can empathize with, it's not someone just turning bad because they are a super villain, it's way more than that.

In resume, it's a great improvment to the first game, with realistic characters and makes you want to learn more about them, it's diversity is remarkable but of course it's far from perfect and shy away from some questions, while it was still so interesting to have characters from all shapes and forms.

yo they just fixed botw's story ᵇᵘᵗ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᶦᵗ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᵃⁿᶦᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ᶦˢ ᵃ ᶜʰᵒᶦᶜᵉ

A bullet hell-like not about shooting and killing but dodging and dying while being extremely self conscious about the passage of time.

It expands that simple premise to incredible degrees, elegantly hiding a lot of deepth under its straightforward controls and level structure.

This game seems like your typical action slasher, but it has a twist! Your attacks are actually through solving a puzzle, the basic form is that you have an field of movement and enemy's, your goal is to kill your enemies and get to the exit, simple enough? right.

It's a well executed little puzzle game that you can have fun with the mechanic, that evolves along the game , and doesn't overstays it's welcome, it has a neat art style to it, and i would recommend to fans of the genre.

Bowser's Inside Story é um jogo estranho. Ele não é decepcionante como Partners in Time, mas ele também não é tão genial quanto Superstar Saga. A história é OK, os personagens são legalzinhos, o mapa do jogo e como você explora com ele é bem mais sem graça, as batalhas são um pouco mais repetitivas (e metade dos ataques especiais eu achava bem ruim de fazer), mas é bem legal jogar com o Bowser e ver as coisas de outra perspectiva, é bem legal andar dentro do corpo e ver a quantidade de diferentes atmosferas que tem lá dentro. Como RPG, principalmente um RPG do Mario, ele é bem OK.

O problema é que BiS não é só um RPG do Mario, ele é um jogo de gimmicks. De minigames. De pequenas coisinhas e momentos que tentam preencher as lacunas em que o jogo, como um RPG de exploração de plataforma, não consegue ser muito bom. A grande questão de ter tantos gimmicks é que eles não são o jogo que você tinha se disposto a jogar, mas é o que o jogo vai ser naquele momento. Quando funciona, é super legal (e BiS tem vários momentos bem legais), mas quando não funciona, ou funciona mal (por mais que as batalhas gigantes sejam legais, nossa, como elas demoram!), tudo que você quer é passar de uma vez e voltar pro seu RPG.

Além de tudo, eu senti que o jogo é longo demais e a história não consegue sustentar tanto conteúdo levemente repetitivo colado por alguns gimmicks. No final, é um jogo bem legal, que vale a experiência completamente (infelizmente, com menos melhorias de QoL que o primeiro remake, fato que não compreendo mesmo), mas que não consegue superar o quão Superstar Saga era, de uma forma tão sólida, um ótimo jogo.

cowardly in almost every way, brought up to two stars by a few high points

A haunting soundtrack and cool ideas weren't weren't quite enough to push this game from decent to great. Never played it with another person though, so what do I know?

É bom saber antes de ler a review de que eu não sou um fã do gameplay de Ace Attorney - os puzzles de tribunal não clicam pra mim, eu acho bem difícil acertar algo e algumas vezes acho até arbitrárias as soluções. Ou seja, como AA já é, eu já não me sinto bem jogando (por mais que ache bem feito pra quem curte).

Dito isso, PLxAA tenta trazer os dois mundos, com a premissa de deixar eles mais acessíveis pra quem só conhece um deles, mas não acho que faz isso tão bem.

A parte Layton do jogo foi muito facilitada. A exploração dos lugares, a movimentação pelo mapa, a falta de puzzle locks, o número bem reduzido de puzzles e, o que mais me pegou, os puzzles são BEM mais fáceis do que qualquer outro título (e os Picarats não representam bem a dificuldade).

Já o lado Ace Attorney só ganhou ainda mais novos elementos que deixaram os tribunais ainda mais difíceis, como as múltiplas testemunhas simultâneas e mais coisas que você pode apresentar em contradições.

No fim das contas, o que eu mais gostava ficou bem mais meh e o que eu não gosto ficou bem mais complexo e difícil pra mim. Diria até que, ao contrário do que parece num primeiro momento, ele é bem mais AA do que Layton, principalmente na quantidade de conteúdo.

Dito isso, eu não gostei tanto de jogar ele. O que realmente me levou até o final - e eu coloco como motivo principal de jogá-lo - é uma história incrível, com ótimos personagens, com bons plot twists e maravilhosas interações entre Layton, Luke, Phoenix e Maya.

For me it's like, BotW's dungeons aren't as good as other Zelda dungeons (and I'm long tired of Zelda dungeons), combat's not as good as Soulsborne's, monsters aren't as fun to hunt or fight as Monster Hunter's, riding across the big ruined countryside lacks the emotional weight of the same exact thing in Shadow of the Colossus (though BotW's terrain climbing is better), narrative rewards for exploration don't compare to Morrowind's, and bokoblin base raids sure as hell don't hold a candle up to Far Cry's. Doesn't help to have played it pretty close on the heels of Witcher 3, whose world I found way more gratifying to nook-and-cranny.

On the other hand it's a grab bag of features from a bunch of my favorite games, so even if it's a weaker version of all those features it's still got some scale appeal. I did enjoy a lot of the shrine puzzles. I'm hopeful the sequel will Majora's Mask the hell out of it and draw me in more with the story and character stuff.

The biggest chunk of fun I got out of BotW was watching all the crazy shit the people who love it get up to on streams and videos.

É o melhor da série, sem dúvidas. Ele traz alguns elementos de exploração bem legais que deixam a coisa, mesmo sendo linear, mais divertida de ser feita. É o que mais realmente é um "escape room" de toda a franquia.

Além da mudança bem ruim das batalhas serem só com itens consumíveis, além da divisão por fases ter acabado com uma parte da exploração da série, ainda tenho que aturar um mundo totalmente sem carisma e sem personagens marcantes.