A fantastic game, but really inaccessible due to its 3DS-specific controls. Not sure how one would even go about emulating this game, but someone's probably figured it out.

The controls really aren't for everyone. I dealt with them fine, and even enjoyed them, but I can imagine they would be weird enough to make others set the game down for good. If you can get past that, then you'll find a great story with fun characters, cool levels, fantastic dialogue, and a great soundtrack.

Fun, liked it more than Shovel of Hope. Plague Knight's controls can be very fluid, if input correctly.
If not, you can find yourself falling to your death on occasion. The deaths aren't too punishing in this game so dying isn't a major setback.

Love everything about this game except for the battles and the final boss.
The battles are way too easy, at least in my own opinion. They get really boring after a while. When you have the most powerful weapons, they only take seconds. If you decide to stick with weaker weapons then the battles become tedious and annoying.
This game is still definitely worth it, though, as the battles aren't the main draw here.

Goated game. Played it a million times as a dinosaur-obsessed kid. The combination of discovering fossils, cleaning those fossils, reviving dinosaur pals from said fossils, and then fighting OTHER revived dinosaurs with YOUR revived dinosaurs was like crack cocaine for me as a kid. I'm still recovering.

Two of my friends also had this game and so we'd battle each other with our vivosaurs. I always lost because I sucked. Good times.

This game's story blew child me's mind.
Still love it.

Underrated game. Soundtrack is bumpin (thank you Jake Kaufman).
Not the deepest story you'll ever find in a game, but you're not here for the story now, are you?

Playing through this game feels so satisfying. Liked it more than the original campaign.

Love this game. The art style is wonderful, and the levels are fun. It's an easy game, but there's nothing really wrong with that.
The mechanics are also fun (if basic), and the music is cute.

Plus Yoshi's in it.

A complete sensory overload sometimes, but still one of my favorite games to play.

Waiting for the day I develop alzheimer's so I can experience Skyrim again for the first time.

Wonderful game. Love the mood and atmosphere during both portions of the story.