despite some pacing issues, i enjoyed this expansion. it was nice to have some character focus and help take down some imperials. i'm still tying up some loose ends like getting aether currents and unlocking raids but overall i'd say that this is a decent setup for the next part of the game.

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all attempts that were made shove as much conservatism in this game as possible were lost on me and i pretty much decided that kanji is bi, naoto is trans, chie and yukiko are scissor sisters, and the protagonist runs away together with yosuke and there's nothing atlus can do about it.

this was was a nice wlw vn. beautiful cgs and tasteful love scenes. a bit on the short side but gives you just enough story to feel satisfied. the characters are fleshed out well and the pacing is smooth. good to play leisurely in order to follow michelle's journey of self-discovery.


a decent voice acted vn with an interesting story and characters that are easy to relate and sympathize with. nice art and music + generally immersive all around. even if you don't normally play vns, i recommend this one.

there was once a session where i was in the midst of a depression and the help from other players was enough to move me to tears because it helped me remember that there's still good in the world.

besides wanting to call child protective services on the king of all cosmos i'd say this is a p nice game. a little easier than the first game and the only one in the series i managed to beat. one of my favorite ps2 games.

the world of ivalice in one of it's finest forms, this game is a beautiful ps1 release. decided to take a break when some backtracking came up b/c i was tired but will be returning before too long.

long live the viera! long live the garif! long live the nu mou! pray for the humes. down w/ the empire! free basch fon rosenburg!
long live ivalice.

i played my brother's copy of this probably close to a decade ago. loved the voice acting, world building ( or closing since this is the last in the series ) & raziel. we all love raziel.

objectively the worst in the series with two very infamous and straining cases. the writing isn't as up to par as it is with the others but the continuity of the main and side character storylines makes it worth it to soldier on.

objection! take that! the start of a classic era of visual novel / adventure games for me. watch the takashi miike live-action if you're down.


love the puzzles, colors, soundtrack, and atmosphere. creating this was clearly not easy and whatever one may think of the dev, this game was / is clearly a masterwork and they and everyone involved should be respected.

fingers still crossed for the sequel.

design and direction take center stage as you change perspectives and do not have to do completely irritating platforming. colors are bright and mood lifting. neons and darks harmonize to create pleasing scenery in every direction. the titular character himself is a cute little guy and watching him move with that smile pulls sets the overall tone of lightheartness, warmth, and happiness.

puzzles are definitely a bit of a doozy. at least for me. you have to definitely think your way out but i feel like that's one of the core highlights. disasterpeace shines here with hyperballad chiptune sugary enough for the whole world to rot while still thriving with a power that is his signature.

beautifully designed horror. the puzzles are a bit obtuse.

escapism is my middle name. marche is the true villain.

i haven't finished this obviously fantastic game yet but i only blame myself or god