I fuck with this game so hard but it's also objectively pretty shit but also my steam playtime does not lie I have played this game a LOT

This may be the best mega man game ever.
Okay so:
1. The levels are godly they're so well designed and are an absolute joy to play, they're brutally hard but never feel very unfair which always makes me have fun with them and they really help shine a light on how good the weapons are in this game
2. This game has the best selection of weapons in the classic series except for maybe 11 but I'm split on which one is better. They're all (except like Magma Bazooka) in my experience amazing and have so many different situations where they're useful. My preferred way to play is always to do Galaxy Man first since his weapon is insanely useful for like every other level.
3. The bosses are amazing. Every robot master feels fun to fight (shoutout to Tornado Man I love that fight) and the other bosses are great and a super fun challenge to beat
4. THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD just listen to it okay shoutout to Galaxy Man's theme specifically
5. Weird point but I love this games use of colour. It fills out a really nice colour palette in my head with all the robot masters having a distinct colour and their levels having really nice colouration. This is something I get very particular about I don't know why but this game NAILS it
It's peak...

I unironically love this piece of shit and think it's fantastic and if you are an internet user that has been in fandom spaces and all that you should read it. It's had such a strange impact on the internet but even beyond that it's just a genuinely good and enjoyable piece of media that can be enjoyed in isolation.

This was an amazing game and pretty much the pinnacle of what a fangame could be
I do have some issues with it, but just for the clear extreme amount of love and care that went into it I don't think I can rate this anything other an 5 stars

This game was extremely unentertaining to kid me and I find that impressive
I didn't like it when I was like 10

I gave this game an honest chance but it was kind of really fucking boring sorry

One of the best games of all time? Could be the case
I will write a full review someday perhaps but to keep it short I think this is one of, if not my favourite games ever

I am currently playing it so no full review yet but it's peak I think and I am extremely bad at it

I haven't got that far but it seems pretty generous compared to other gachas I've played and March 7th is literally me so like it's alright
The gameplay is fun too

Real good game but I suck ass at combos and can't consistently drive rush that input doesn't work in my brain for some reason

I have 137 hours in this game and haven't completed the community centre

chao garden..................... come back.........

Top 3 mega man game for sure.
Weapons are fantastic (probably my favourite set in the series), level design is fantastic, music is weird since it's all electronic instrumentations but I think the arranged soundtrack is free now which is way better
The gear system is also really fun but not too overcentralising since it really feels like the game was designed to compliment them but not require them which is nice.
The only big complaints I have are that this game should have had more playable characters, the soundtrack is weird as previously stated, the wily stages are too few and too short and holy shit they are stingy with checkpoints in this one for some reason it makes Torch Man's stage a nightmare.

Hot take I don't actually like mega man 2 very much yeah it defined the series but okay cool it's kindaaaaaaaa mediocre aside from that
The music rocks though