Quite like this one
Yeah it's admittedly really bullshit and horribly balanced but idk I like that for some strange sick reason
There's probably more things I could say about it but I can't be bothered right now

Its good don't get me wrong but it's extremely apparent that this is the first game in the series and it definitely lacks QoL and refinement


Was fun but just not enough things to do in it

They made a good game that plays into the core premise of the series well no way
Please make another legends game this shit rocks
Looks like ass though but it's better visually than SV somehow

I remember making trees out of cubes in this game


I also had this one but the other game was my main one
I really wanted to get the weird coloured dogs but I never actually played enough and never wanted to put my dogs up for adoption because it'd make me cry

this game was extremely important for my mental health as a kid after my dog died
I still miss you Polly :(

This game was extremely unentertaining to kid me and I find that impressive
I didn't like it when I was like 10

this game sucks ass I didn't even like it as a dumb kid

Top 3 mega man game for sure.
Weapons are fantastic (probably my favourite set in the series), level design is fantastic, music is weird since it's all electronic instrumentations but I think the arranged soundtrack is free now which is way better
The gear system is also really fun but not too overcentralising since it really feels like the game was designed to compliment them but not require them which is nice.
The only big complaints I have are that this game should have had more playable characters, the soundtrack is weird as previously stated, the wily stages are too few and too short and holy shit they are stingy with checkpoints in this one for some reason it makes Torch Man's stage a nightmare.

It's 9 but a bit worse and has notably worse weapons but 9 is still the best one so that's like saying 23 karat gold is worse than 24 karat and like yeah it is but also it's still fantastic
Water shield is a very fun weapon but this is sadly another game where one weapon is just like the best one because Blade Man's weapon exists (sorry forgot the name I'm writing this at 1am) Solar Man's theme is super good too I love that song
Also having the gameboy bosses with their weapons as DLC and fully playable Proto man and Bass is insanely cool and makes this one of the most replayable games in the series

This may be the best mega man game ever.
Okay so:
1. The levels are godly they're so well designed and are an absolute joy to play, they're brutally hard but never feel very unfair which always makes me have fun with them and they really help shine a light on how good the weapons are in this game
2. This game has the best selection of weapons in the classic series except for maybe 11 but I'm split on which one is better. They're all (except like Magma Bazooka) in my experience amazing and have so many different situations where they're useful. My preferred way to play is always to do Galaxy Man first since his weapon is insanely useful for like every other level.
3. The bosses are amazing. Every robot master feels fun to fight (shoutout to Tornado Man I love that fight) and the other bosses are great and a super fun challenge to beat
4. THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD just listen to it okay shoutout to Galaxy Man's theme specifically
5. Weird point but I love this games use of colour. It fills out a really nice colour palette in my head with all the robot masters having a distinct colour and their levels having really nice colouration. This is something I get very particular about I don't know why but this game NAILS it
It's peak...