Games that Need a Sequel/Successor

Considering how over-saturated gaming has gotten, but we still don't have successors or fan-inspired indies of these kinda irks me. Somebody make these games so I don't have to lol

Alundra 2 killed the series sadly, but this is my #1 Zelda-like game and I would kill for anything remotely similar.
DoubleShake is a thing but that game is actually combining a bunch of different games (Tomba, Klonoa, Mischief Makers) and feels like its own thing, which is perfectly valid. I want a Tomba clone BADLY.
Too many side games killed this series very mercilessly. Sony, just make Ape Escape 4. Do it.
I've seen one indie inspired game being worked on and it's dormant rn (R-Flesh by Xena-Spectrale). Jumping Flash is the quintessential first-person platformer, they really nailed it with these games.
Maybe the new game will be pretty cool (kinda Deus Ex inspired) but there really is a lack of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark inspired FPS's (or maybe I'm just out of the loop on the genre, because I definitely am)
One of the best games on the DS, the original successor to Tail Concerto. Similar play-style to the Mega Man Legends games. I know we have FUGA but that's a completely different genre.
Honestly, I just wish Quintet was still making games. The Blazer trilogy was fantastic. We got an ActRaiser remake, but I want more. Only similar game is Dark Cloud and that's dead too.
I've been dreaming of a new Zelda game set in the Ocarina of Time game engine, or at least something very similar to it. It's time I feel.
Maybe the darkest game ever... the fact that it exists at all is still pretty amazing. Something that captures that same level of f%$^ed up or even a full remake would be amazing but I will never expect anything.
I think everyone knows the sad story of Megaman Legends 3. I do see some indies being worked on, I just hope they can follow through to the finish line.
There is a sequel, but I actually want even more. More FF2 style JRPGs is very welcome in my book.
Sonic Adventure 3 is probably the only way to make me care about Sonic ever again. But it would actually need to be good too.
I honestly feel like this was a good idea that wasn't executed to its fullest potential. A sequel could have been amazing, would love if someone made an indie successor.
Kind of in a similar spot as Quest 64 for me. Wasn't a great game, but an improved sequel or fan game has potential. Sheep Lad may pull it off, but it's still in development.


I liked Dragon Quarter, but wouldn't mind a return to the style of 2 or 3. There are some indie games inspired by it, but that's a bit harder to pinpoint.




12 days ago

indie devs will definitely get you covered on most of these in the future

12 days ago

@imshitting420 just tell someone to make tomba 3 and ill stop complaining

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