One of the highest quality of the supermassive games franchise. Mostly a great way to spend time with friends

One of the greatest games ever created

A great time. Rewards exploration and daring. Took me many playthroughs before I was ready to leave the shallows but once I did, it instantly became one of my favorite games

Truly a masterpiece. Probably the best bosses I have ever played and so rewarding to master them. The lore and environments as well are top tier. Highly recommend.

Top tier deck builder. You can tell that the creators absolutely love the genre. Really so much replayability here its insane.


Very high quality horror game. Rewarding finish. Perhaps not as scary outright as Amensia: The Dark Descent but definitely made me want to get to the end.

Incredible game. One of my all time favorites but definitely within the horror genre. Very well done but very scary which can make it hard for many people to finish. It's worth it though

Love to see monkey island again. I think the new art style is great and it was a fun little jaunt in the monkey island universe. It is not super long and there isn't much that makes you want to do additional playthroughs, but still a good time.

This is a fantastic remake. When it comes to remakes, this is what every developer should strive for. Really really good additions to certain areas of the game which only improved upon the source material. Even if you haven't played the original, you should definitely play this one.

This is a great time to spend with friends. Never fails to bring laughter and frustration (in a good way) to the friend group.

This is an absolute masterpiece. My only complaint is that I can only play this game one time because of the nature of the mechanics.

I had a good time with this. The story here is quite good and that helps a lot. The element of being able to combine abilities for greater effect made the fights quite a bit more interesting, as well as the different starting zones for each race (multiple within each race) made me replay it several times.

It has a lot more depth than first meets the eye. I have put a lot of hours in trying to see how far it goes and I never got to see it all.

Annoyingly good tower defense game that can be played with your friends


This is super high quality roguelike game. Combat and abilities are very well thoughts out and it shows. I eagerly await the second installment.