Idk man, the level design was kinda ass imo. I think it starts sort of fun but then quickly dips down into not being that much fun. The levels were confusing and I never felt satisfied beating them

Amazing game. Played it with @Golin5660 and it was a blast all around. It's not a super complicated game but just the experience of playing with someone else is crazy. All of the Hazelight technology from A Way Out is here and I think it works better in a faster paced game like this where you would legitimately want to show something to someone else. The story was pretty good and while I didn't find the mocap to be amazing, when in doll form (95% of the game) the characters look fine enough. Highly recommend trying this out with a friend because you won't regret it.

Really good game. I want to go back and try to get a lot of the extra collectibles and shrines and whatnot. It's designed super well and I can't even quite explain why.

Halo CE was one of the most groundbreaking shooters back in 2001, but how does it hold up today? Well, not too bad. The first 2/3s of the game are really fun to go through, with you being able to mess with tons of weapons, and still feel like you can have fun. The last section of the game to me feels almost like a slower Doom 2016, as I really only saw purpose in holding the AR and the Shotgun. The ending parts of the game are challenging but in all honesty, not very fun to run through.

For most of my experience in the game, I played using the original graphics, since they were more consistent and at times looked better than the remasters. The new graphics went too much for style, and wanted to show that off with the constant brightness displayed throughout, for some reason. In the final parts of the game, however, I found it helped in terms of gameplay since you could just see the entire room you were in instead of using the flashlight and only seeing a small portion. I get I’m “destroying the mood” or whatever but who cares, it’s my playthrough.

Overall it’s a solid title that can be outdated at times, but is still fun to run and gun through.

(Copied from GG)

Peak platforming game right here. You think Rayman Origins has it all, then BAM: Rayman Legends comes out. Considering about 2/3 of Origins is in this game, you could hypothetically get most of the experience in this game as well. But basically, the highlights are the controls, the music, the level design, the art design, basically everything. It is easily the best 2D Platformer I have ever played, and I doubt anything will ever surpass it in the next decade or even longer. It is that good.

(Copied from GG)

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst seeks to reboot the Mirror’s Edge franchise with a whole new world and story for Faith to explore, to a fault in my opinion. Some of the positives of the game include the graphical improvements, controls being better than ever, and combat being quicker. However, all of these improvements come with their downsides. The graphics being changed from all white to glass removed the charm from the original Mirror’s Edge, alongside the fact that the designs of the world as a whole sometimes feel out of place and just not very appealing. The downside with the controls (or an upside, depending on how you look at it) is how you have to unlock several parts of your moveset throughout the game. Finally, I personally think games that are more combat-focused generally just don’t work well, and while the shooting from the original game is fixed (by removing it), I find myself doing the same actions over and over to defeat enemies, because the penalty is fairly small for doing so. I like how Runner Vision is now able to be toggled between the new, classic, and old options, since jt allows anyone to handle the game however they want. I kept it on full, because in the open world, it was necessary for me since I didn’t know anything about the world. The world itself is designed well enough, but I do think you keep coming back to the same few locations too many times causing you to be like “oh, not THIS place again”. By the time I explored the new areas, the game was practically over by that time. Maybe it’s because I prefer exploring linear, yet unique areas rather than more open, yet repetitive areas, or maybe not.

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is a fine game, but in my opinion it held back by too many factors to really make it that great of a game to recommend. The original is better in many aspects aside from the shooting, and a few cryptic puzzles here and there, but nothing major.

(Copied from GG)

In an era where games tried too hard to be realistic, Mirror’s Edge’s simple design sticks out in a great way. You run, and your goal is simply to follow the red spots that highlight. It’s simple, but a great momentum-based parkour-running system make all parts of the game a blast to run through. The linear structure makes it easy to not get lost most of the time, but there were a few moments that left me a bit confused, but eventually I would solve them. The gunplay is also not the greatest, but that’s not a problem since the game really is meant for parkour and then small bits of combat second. The controls also are very different, but I was quickly able to pick them up. Overall solid game would recommend.

(Copied from GG)

One of the most refreshing platformers ever. The controls are so smooth, the graphics are so appealing, infinite lives, platforming that is sometimes pretty challenging, this game has it all. My only real complaints is the amount of water levels especially back to back (although the swimming controls are really good) and the amount of levels where you ride the Mosquito. Fantastic game I would easily recommend to anyone.

(Copied from GG)

Good Xbox Series port of a decent PS1 game

I think the story and arcade modes are easily the highlight and once you get in a groove it’s immensely satisfying to do orders. The only thing I wish could be improved is I wish it was more pick-up and play so someone could hop in with no experience. I think the campaign felt like a good length, if a tad short (but that’s why DLC exists). I kind of wish there were twists or whatever and it wasn’t just 6 levels. Also some gimmicks like the controllers got pretty annoying but I still had lots of fun

Beat and got all emblems in Sonic Adventure (DX). I feel like I’m just repeating other people when I say this, but Sonic is incredibly fun, Tails and Knuckles are enjoyable, Amy and E-102 are fine, and Big is there too. This game is very fascinating to me and I am not sure why.

The hubs are lame and do little besides force you to look around them to progress. I’d say most stages are fun and mostly well designed (especially when you can do spin dash tricks) and the music is incredible.

If the game was solely Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, and it was all one story and it suddenly switched to another character, I think it would end up great. Those are the highlights and it’s clear they tried to prioritize them but I wish they ONLY had them.

In terms of the DX version, it’s super lame how old it looks. Yeah it’s a 1998 dreamcast title slightly “upgraded” for gamecube, but besides the models they did nothing. I feel like they could have changed so much to modernize it even though it was only a few years later.

I took 10 months to beat Sonic Forces because even though it’s a 3 hour game tops it is so wildly boring that I could not keep playing.

Completed on Series X. Super fun daytime levels with so-so nighttime levels

Wii version is fine but nowhere near as thrilling as the 7th generation version. Good version though

I genuinely forgot if I beat this or not. I just remember hating every second of it.