Very fun little romp. I would say most of it still holds up today, although it was a little easy (but makes sense for Mario). The music and graphics are genuinely amazing. My only issue is that I don't think I will really be able to name what happened in the story, just that it was just a really fun game.

Look, it's a good game. It's built off a solid base and the general gameplay is still fun. But I found about half of the game great, and the other half a slog and it kept trying to make the nothing story seem like it was something.

Let’s just put it like this: Sonic CD has good music and near the end of the game some of the worst level design I have seen in a video game.

Really awesome funny party game, I just wish there was more levels (and maybe new modes??) but I can always boot this up for a fun time

Pretty funny fighting game with friends. Haven't played it a ton but I did really enjoy the speed and mechanics


Played with the Flat Fallers for all of our first times. It was fun enough especially with friendly fire but also when you play with friends someone can just end a level and you don't feel accomplished. It was kind of fun to just turn my brain off and shoot and only sometimes think about puzzles. The port job is really good I will say.

Maybe it's just me, but I could not enjoy this game. The first 2 portions of the game could be cut out, and I think my enjoyment of the game would improve a ton. I think the fourth wall breaks work well, but the puzzle solving is just okay to making me want to rip my hair out. Therefore, the game itself just feels either boring just walking around the world, or annoying to complete the puzzles. I thought the entire game near the end had overall better pacing, and was a lot better story-wise, but since I was so close to putting the game down (if not for people encouraging me to play through all the way), I could have straight up not seen the last section and missed out on that. So, with the mediocre to bad puzzles and the poor story for 2/3 the game, I think Oneshot fell short of what I thought it was going to be.

(Copied from GG)

Played with @jerwur. Doing pros and cons is probably the best way to review this game, so uh, I'm going to do that.

-The story was good overall, I liked the starting 2 hours and ending 2 hours the most. The middle faltered a bit, but I still wanted to see it through to the end.
-Playing with a friend that chooses to make things silly instead of serious is pretty fun.
-The splitscreen concept works really well, actually. It sometimes dynamically changes the window depending on who is more important, and if you're playing online if you and your friend interact with different people at the same time, it will make the other person more muffled. Nice touch.
-The game is very forgiving in terms of checkpoints, so if you die you are likely to not have to redo a large portion of gameplay.
-Minigames were fun time wasters
-Vincent Ass

-This game is not focused. Sometimes it's a walking simulator, sometimes it's a third person shooter, sometimes it's stealth missions, and other times it just wants to be completely storybased. It just throws a lot of things at the board and hopes it all sticks
-The game is basically just a set of QTEs surrounded by a world. Could be better.
-Most of the activities you perform are just not very fun. Fishing was actually the hardest part of the game and it had no right to be.
-Animations on the whole were a little rough. Mouth movements weren't amazing in cutscenes and a lot of the time they just looked kind of robotic, which is hard to take seriously.
-Sometimes movement and overall game feel just aren't very polished.

Even with all those issues, playing with a friend just makes the game so much more fun. It's not the best game, but I definitely enjoyed my time with it.

Fine game carried by funny grapple hook

Tries to be funny, ends up just feeling annoying

Like Mirror's Edge with guns with a cool Titan there as well. The campaign is great and my only complaint is that I wish it was longer. I thought the fast paced action worked much better on PC than console just with how fast you have to move your camera, but don't miss out wherever you play.

Played this on Sonic Origins (XSX). It’s fun and I like the focus on platforming but the stuff they put at the end of the game starts to be obnoxious. It’s solid but clearly not perfected yet. In reference to Origins specifically, the spin/drop dash make the game more fun but also contrast the level design so you run into stuff way faster than you are actually supposed to. I had beaten the game already on mobile, but coming back the game was not nearly as good as I had thought.

I really enjoyed the art design, the story that’s told with no words, and the sound design was phenomenal. The puzzles were pretty similar and easy overall. There were a few that did make me think and as someone who sucks as puzzles, it was nice I could beat the game without looking up a guide. I never really got jumpscared, but there were a few aspects that felt a little spooky.

Also Xbox did not give me all the secrets that I found. That kinda blows.