Played with the Flat Fallers for all of our first times. It was fun enough especially with friendly fire but also when you play with friends someone can just end a level and you don't feel accomplished. It was kind of fun to just turn my brain off and shoot and only sometimes think about puzzles. The port job is really good I will say.

Consider Human Fall Flat beaten. The only complaints I really had are how it could occasionally be cryptic and how multiplayer makes the game; it would be way less fun in singleplayer. I would say I wish there were more levels but they keep updating it so that’s awesome to see.

After completing all the DLC maps, it's really an amazing game with friends. Really good sound design and puzzle solving make this a new favorite. Played with @Golin5660 and @jerwur

Maybe it's just me, but I could not enjoy this game. The first 2 portions of the game could be cut out, and I think my enjoyment of the game would improve a ton. I think the fourth wall breaks work well, but the puzzle solving is just okay to making me want to rip my hair out. Therefore, the game itself just feels either boring just walking around the world, or annoying to complete the puzzles. I thought the entire game near the end had overall better pacing, and was a lot better story-wise, but since I was so close to putting the game down (if not for people encouraging me to play through all the way), I could have straight up not seen the last section and missed out on that. So, with the mediocre to bad puzzles and the poor story for 2/3 the game, I think Oneshot fell short of what I thought it was going to be.

(Copied from GG)

Really awesome funny party game, I just wish there was more levels (and maybe new modes??) but I can always boot this up for a fun time

Overall it's a good game. I just think the learning curve for fun gameplay comes so much later. I didn't really understand fun movement until I watched a few bickuribox12 videos, but once you understand rail launching and those mechanics the game really opens us. Spin dash is also a good addition. Can't wait to see what update 3 brings

Pretty funny fighting game with friends. Haven't played it a ton but I did really enjoy the speed and mechanics

Fine game carried by funny grapple hook

Best level design for classic sonic by far but some parts feel unfair and remind you that you are still playing a classic sonic game

When I played a couple years ago it was so good that I didn’t mind the pretty noticeable PS Now delay because it was so much fun. Probably won’t revisit it but I’m happy I got the experience

I feel like I can't say much on this game but this is an experience I think everyone should have at some point. The eye detection worked well and I'd recommend it if your setup allows for it, even though my eyes are kind of sensitive to some environments and I "accidentally" blinked a few times.

Like Mirror's Edge with guns with a cool Titan there as well. The campaign is great and my only complaint is that I wish it was longer. I thought the fast paced action worked much better on PC than console just with how fast you have to move your camera, but don't miss out wherever you play.

(Only played Mario U, haven't played Luigi U but will get to it)

It's a New Super game, so at its core it's a good game. The bad part is that I've basically played and 100%ed this game 3 other times on 3 other systems. I was bored so much throughout and can only really recommend it if you HAVE to see what New Super is about. But if you're looking for a 2D Mario on Switch I wonder why you don't go for Wonder. This was probably the game I was dreading most on my shelved, so at least I got it out of the way.

Serviceable. The levels were good if a bit long. I liked the power ups a lot even if they could break the game. I know it's using Mania's physics, but due to the camera or something else you feel sort of sluggish at times. Also the Xbox version has some awful input lag that doesn't appear anywhere else, so avoid this version if possible. Not sure what they said to Jun for the soundtrack but it's not it.