this is the game where Nintendo decided it was easier to mirror the entire universe than to make Link right handed

according to this game, the world ends in 1999. I really hope this doesn't end up coming true

mario is actively trying to kill luigi on the cover

this game's title claims that it is Kirby's dream land, but who decided it was his? I think the dream land should be owned by all

little mac became a world circuit champion boxer at 17. when i was 17 i tried to punch someone but tripped and then tripped again while getting up

its like secret of mana but not terrible

i accidently bought this instead of pokemon black version, but luckily the game's title assured me that this was pokemon black version too

an amazing experience that draws you right in. When snake got his eye shot out by a bullet, the bullet actually came right out of the screen and hit me in real life. Great use of the 3ds technology

I went to the barber shop in this game and the dog inside made me take a long buzzfeed quiz, then she decided to give me a shitty haircut and told me she wouldn't fix it until tomorrow

one time i was having a lot of trouble on a math test and the Elite Beat Agents showed up to help me but instead of encouraging me with early 2000s era music they just pulled out handguns and shouted threats

if you die and aren't good enough to enter heaven, nor evil enough to enter hell, you instead go to the endless limbo of purgatory. Purgatory is an empty cement room with a single ds inside. This is the only game on it


this game was made by 2 guys named john

who named this kid Short Round i feel bad for him

game is actually very loud, despite title. i have similar complaints about silent hill