once again sony makes a game for stupid ass nerds. nerds that wear suspenders and dorky glasses and a button up shirt tucked into their slacks. im a cool jock. i am the football captain and i shove nerds like peter parker and his fans into lockers and give them swirlies or even an atomic wedgie

hard to take a gang seriously when they are from a country that banned guns and made anime

my first boner was to the girl in the hot bikini with the big boobs.

this game was hyped for like 5 years and after a month everyone stopped talking about it


the graphics on this game were ahead of their time

i usually get a ton of bitches from this game.

you play as a guy with a pony tail. enough said.

they got rid of the pony tail

i played this game in case i ever get in a bad neighborhood

way better than this trap crap now in days.

called breath of the wild because zelda fans have wild ass breath and need to brush their nasty fucking teeth

got my ass ate by an angel call that a skyrim

i didnt like this game because im not a fat smelly atheist

"and we are... THE PERSONA 5!"
yeah dropped the game after that line.