the shin megami tensei of mario because both are for devil worshippers

whats so special about this game? does dante have autism in this edition or something?

perfect but i dont know why they made waluigi so hard to get

directors cut? imagine not being good enough for sonic adventure LOL

you know for a series called donkey kong country it sure is weird you only actually get to play as him in this fucking game.

ironic how this game was made by the biggest monsters of all; crapcom

Dear companies, if you ever decide to bring back a beloved mascot, take notes from this game. It brings new energy and themes into a once dead franchise. It adds characters such as Cylindria and Spiral, characters that play off of Pac-Man's newfound personality, not like he had one, which makes this reboot all the more satisfying.

wheres adam sandler or selena gomez?


these graphics fucking suck