i didnt like this game because im not a fat smelly atheist

game so raw it gave me chlamydia. that or maybe i got it from a hooker

52 games in one is absurd. wish companies now in days would return to being selfless and actually deliver like the creators of this game

would be better if i got to bang the chinese lady


these graphics fucking suck

once again sony makes a game for stupid ass nerds. nerds that wear suspenders and dorky glasses and a button up shirt tucked into their slacks. im a cool jock. i am the football captain and i shove nerds like peter parker and his fans into lockers and give them swirlies or even an atomic wedgie

they dont even explain what hes getting revenge for.

i keep getting blown up by these green cocks and its pissing me off. hope they remove this bug.

not gonna play a game with a pokemon with a cock for a head on its cover

Mario is falling to his death on the cover... CHILDHOOD: RUINED.

got my ass ate by an angel call that a skyrim

dude you get gangbanged in this game constantly and when you die you feel like a used whore

this game was hyped for like 5 years and after a month everyone stopped talking about it