one of the most unique and creative games ive played the past few years. it does a lot of things and does them all very well

one of the most profound messages ive found in video games. the story is simply brilliant although the gameplay can feel slightly aged its still leagues above almost everything ive played in recent years. this is the game that cemented hideo kojima as a creative genius

i really love the story here but i just got bored by the repetitive dungeons and combat

one of the few rpgs ive played where the combat didn't bore me to death

essentially a worse version of uncharted 4 with co op.
the gameplay is pretty alright but most of the fun comes from the fact its multiplayer, if this was singleplayer it would be very mediocre but the co op aspect meks it pretty decent. story was pretty alright until the plot twist which feelt very cheap and illogical. but overall its a pretty fun time if you got a good freind to play it with, recomend finishing it in one sitting as its very short

mariokart and f-zero´s weird incest baby

masterpiece of game design but also its a fucking peice of shit. recommend playing at least 7 times for the full experience

stealth and general gameplay is fucking incredible but the story feels a bit half baked and i found the base management and online features rather superfluous

still the best puzzle game ever created

i has some cool ideas in the beginning but really drags in the back half.

while i love all of the souls borne games they all feature a fair few flaws and annoying mechanics, even my beloved bloodborne. but oh god this game is fucking incredible. what it lacks in variety it more than makes up for it in pure polish. getting good at this game feels fucking incredible. flawless

fantastisc story although i found the gameplay a bit lacking at points and the difficulty balancing is very bad

got a fair bit in but this shit is just way too tedious. awful story that hadles issues like mental health and suicide with about the same subtlety as a hydrogen bomb. gameplay isnt much better, walking around looking at things interspersed with the occasional "horror" sequence which consists of running around samey looking corridors and hoping that you choose the right path and dont get insta killed by the monster that kinda just shows up wherever. an incredibly bad and boring game, the only redeeming factors i can think of are the graphics being pretty nice and i guess they kinda tried to say something about mental health although they failed miserably