Played the first hour, extremely disappointed, combat is worse than another Batman game that came out years before. They were given a perfect base to build off of with Arkham knights combat system but they butchered it, I was already bored after the first hour and never picked it up again.

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For what it is, a free game it’s not too bad. I think the environments are really well done and add tension and eeriness. I also think the main enemy, the cherry blossom monster is well designed and creepy. The final chase where you have to find the items in the maze was genuinely scary. That’s as far as it’s positives go, the Therese I. This game just don’t work, many other people have said this before but they handled the themes pretty poorly and it’s hard to connect to the characters in the measly 2 hours it took me to finish the game. The game also kinda demeans the original games with its inclusion of the “ Silent Hill Phenomenon”. Someone else can probably explain it better but I know it has caused some lore/continuity issues. For what it’s worth it’s not horrible but nothing very great either.

Best of the original three. Combat is brutal and satisfying, boss fights are amazing. Perfect ending to a perfect trilogy.

I think this is a great game. The main mission is tense and makes you really feel like Big Boss infiltrating the camp. The atmosphere with the rain really sells it and overall the main mission is great. The gameplay is mostly the same as mgsv so it’s obviously very good. Unfortunately, the game is just very short with there not being too much to do after the main mission is complete which makes it difficult to rate it any higher. I still think it is a great experience but it’s just way too short

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My favorite game of all time, the story is amazing and the relationship between Joel and Ellie is really great and their growth and Joel’s character arc throughout the game is really well done. The environments and environmental storytelling are really done and the world building is amazing. I always feel immersed into the post apocalyptic world whenever I play. The graphics of this remaster still hold up really well and the gunplay and combat is very good. All of the side characters we meet in the story are well written and acted. This game covers the themes of loss overlocking that loss very well through Joel growing to care for Ellie even after losing his daughter Sarah, all of this culminated in the final hospital section which is really well done. The atmosphere with the sirens and the flashing lights and the music with Joel frantically trying to get Ellie out is the perfect culmination of how Joel has grown throughout the game. Might I add the music in this game is top tier. Overall a definite must play for anyone who owns a PlayStation.

One of the best games I ever played and the best in the Uncharted series. This game provides the perfect ending for one of the greatest protagonists in gaming, Nathan Drake. The combat and Ginola is extremely smooth and satisfying and the stealth gameplay is well done as well. The graphics are amazing and still wow me considering this was made in 2016. I like how the story takes a more grounded approach compared to the first 3, and I think the introduction of Sam Drake is done very well considering he wasn’t mentioned in the previous games. The relationship between characters that Nate has are rich and deep. This game also has some of the best antagonists in the series in Nadine and Rafe. That final fight between Nate and Rafe in the burning ship is one of the best boss fights ever. Overall this game is amazing and the perfect conclusion to a legendary series of games.

I think Re3 remake is pretty good for the most part. Jill and Carlos are very likable as protagonists and the gunplay is very good and builds off the original. Zombies aren’t as much bullet sponges as they were in Re2 remake. Where this game falls flat is its length and its main enemy Nemesis. The game is very short. It took me maybe 5-6 hours to complete it. I was lucky to get it on sale for $10 so it didn’t feel like a major waste of money but for its original price of $60-$70 it would’ve definitely been a waste. Capcom also cut a lot of content, like the clock tower section from the original, with how well they did Mr.X in 2 remake I thought Nemesis would get the same, unfortunately Nemeis really only shows up in scripted events and loses a lot of what made him terrifying in the original. I still thinks it’s a worthwhile experience but it falls short from being what I would consider a good remake.

Metal Gear Solid 3 is a great addition to the already amazing array of Metal Gear games. Kojima really made something special by combining the perfect mix of action and humor/sillyness with emotional and heartfelt moments. There is a good reason why this is considered the best in the series. While the gameplay is a bit dated with time it is easy to adjust too. I was also pleasantly surprised with how well the graphics hold up. Mgs3 ‘s filter really is unique and adds to the experience. Overall one of the best games I have ever played and highly recommend people to play it as well.

Even with its age fnv is still a masterpiece. The gameplay and graphics may be dated but I think the amazing story and characters more than make up for it. All of the factions you can ally with are very interesting and really question your ideals. The open world is massive and filled with places to explore and characters to complete. There are tons of quests to keep you playing and most of them being very unique and interesting. There is a reason this is considered the best game in the series and rightfully so.

Re4 remake is very good as it’s own game but is also faithful to the original while making itself a unique experience. The gunplay and combat is very smooth and the melee combat is very satisfying. I like the new addition of the parry system and makes the knife more useful than it was in the original. This game takes a more serious tone then the original which I don’t mind since it is following the tone of the other remakes which were more serious but I thought that the campiness added to the originals charm. Overall very good game and I highly recommend anyone interested in the Resident Evil series to give this one a play.