15 reviews liked by gluebee

Why didn’t Avalanche just vote for a new CEO of Shinra?

They call it Tears of the Kingdom because I’m crying from how bad it is

Yiik for people who exclusively engage with shonen slop

Think I’d have a better chance finding a unicorn irl than having fun playing this game

A great piece of content to add to an already legendary game



Is and will always be my favorite game of all time. The gameplay, the story, the graphics, the propaganda for the military industrial complex; it’s all just perfect. The only thing that could be more fun than this game is making a dumb gimmick account as something to do when I’m bored during work and getting a surprisingly high amount of clout amongst a community I mostly chose not to engage with. Thanks for 10,000 likes.
Also, Fidel Castro is like the rawest video game character of all time and I wish he was real so fucking much.

I’m like Nagito Komaeda except instead of wanting to destroy despair, I want to destroy mid