Gaming Club Games

I host a gaming club with a few friends. These are the game we played, ranked based on the enjoyement of the whole crew.

Some notes: The number of ppl inside the club averages to ~10 people (give or take). Some people leave, some people join - it fluctuates. Each time, I present them a selection of three bundles: each bundle consists of two games that share a theme. The club ppl then choose which bundle to play, while the other two are banished to the shadow realm. The ppl in this club all are different - some barely play games, others are (what one would consider) "core gamers". The goal of this club was to get ppl to play more games and allow for more interesting conversation on different games.

Ppl then rate the game on a scale of 0-5 (0= havent played | 1= trash, 5=amazing)

#UPDATE 1.10.21 - Undertale and Omori
#UPDATE: ??-8-21- Sludge Life and Umurangi Generations
#UPDATE: 16-7-21- Slime Rancher and A Short Hike played.

Average Rating: 2.89


Average Rating: 2.89
Average Rating: 1.89, Wow its not good.
Average Rating: 2 | Great idea, but doesn't have the budget to fully develop it.
Average Rating: 3.18
Average Rating: 1.8
It's technically worst rated than Tonight we RIOT, but we have all come to an agreement to bump it up just above TwR. Jotun is bad, but it aint worse than Tonight we RIOT.
Avg. Rating: 4.2 -
"Nice and fun" was the phrase best used to describe the experience of playing the game. It didnt try anything innovative, but just improved on a lot of systems, creating an endearing, loveable and just great action platformer.
Avg. Rating: 3.5
Avg. Rating: 2.67
Avg. Rating: 3.0 -
Generally, everyone recommend the game. The artstyle is a hot topic for people (some find it cute, others find it bad, while the rest find it good BECAUSE it looks bad). While the writing was strong and well-received, people felt that the gameplay was definitely lacking. It helped that the game was so short, but the general pace of the game involved rudimentary fetch-questin' which just annoyed alot of ppl.
Avg. Rating: 3.45
Average: 3.34
Average Rating: 3.0
Neat concept, but some of the bosses were way too hard for ppl. Only two ppl finished it.
Avg. Rating: 3.125
Average Rating: 3.875
Rating: 4.5

The game is just way too good lmao. Only common complaint I have noticed is that PC players were playing with a different (and more bizarre) control setup than me and another pal who were playing on Switch. Eitherway, very good game.
Rating: 2.2


Donut County was cute and fun for what is was - but it dragged on a bit too much, didn't really do anything with the mechanics and in turn became the most boring game of the bundle.
Avg. Rating: 3.2
Average rating: 4.75 |
Generally resonated with alot of ppl, but the ending was a tad bit weird for all.
Ratings: 4.2
Overall, the game was received very well. The people described it as a lovely game that does just the majority of stuff right. However, some wished for a map for some of the disorienting moments they have found themselves in.
Rating: 2.5
A game more confusing and frustrating than actually relaxing: Most players failed to understand how the game even works on a systematic level and promptly dropped the game. Other noted the inherit design flaws the game has - since the game is just a ourobouros of never-ending grinding. While cute, the poor performance and tacked-on systems left a sour taste for the members. Only one (myself) actually bothered to "finish" the game (it really wasnt worth it but whatever)
Average Rating: 3.25
Avg. Rating 2.5
Average Rating: 4.42
Average Rating: 4.625
Avg Rating: 4.83
Average Rating: 4.45


3 years ago

A book club for video games is a neat concept.

3 years ago

@Onilux yeah, it's definitely neat. It's hard to gauge good games to play with ppl from all different walks of life and skills of play.

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