Didn't even know this was an expansion, always thought it was part of the main game.

I don't like it as much. It takes away a little of what makes the base game so unique, and turns into a more "basic" shooter. One of the best parts of Postal 2 is that you don't have to kill anyone, and this just removes that aspect completely.

The whole Al Qaeda and military base levels are way too long, and they're just kinda boring. I also don't really like how they force you to kill animals, at least you can befriend the dogs. Both the cow and elephant levels used to stress me the fuck out when I was younger

Best part of it is the level design, even though it is very linear. Overall i still think it's mostly fun, at least on higher difficulties, and it works well as a finale to the game.


This game is a piece of art. I don't think I've ever played any survival horror game as unique as it. I pretty much like everything about it. Amazing visuals and art, great spine-chilling soundtrack, and a very intriguing but also nightmarish story that reminded me at times of the works of Junji Ito and Kazuo Umezu. There was really only one aspect of the game i didn't particularly care for, and it was the puzzles. The puzzles are just way too hard and obtuse, but I actually admire the Project Siren team for having the guts to make them that way. The whole timeloop/stage-select mechanic was extremely confusing at first, but I grew to enjoy it. The british voiceover was also quite off-putting, but after a while I found it to be a bit charming. Siren will probably be a game I'll revisit down the line, as it has easily become one of my favorites.

Played the GBA version, and used fast forward button a lot.

I found it to be more interesting than the first game, both storywise and gameplay-wise. The story is more comprehensible, and having a lot more dialogue and named characters made it better.

The individual leveling for each stat (which is what basically this game is infamous for), made it stand more on it's own compared to first game, but it was kind of tedious. I grinded for like an hour just to level all my spells so they could even do anything. From what I know they drop this leveling system in later games, and that's good. I thought the first game had more interesting areas, this one had a couple, but nothing I'm gonna remember later. It's a completely fine game.

This game just oozes style. The character designs are some of the better ones I've seen in any anime style rpg, except for Persona 2 of course. Monster design are super neat as well, even though most of them come from earlier SMT titles. It has a nice and super memorable soundtrack, that I'll probably catch myself humming every now and then. I really like this game!

Enjoyed tartarus as a concept, but it failed to impress me as much as other rpg dungeons. It's way too repetetive, and it reminded me of dungeons from games that are like 20 years older. The games pacing is also way to slow for my taste, and most of the social links felt like unnecessary filler. The only ones I thought was kinda worthwhile was Akinari's and the old couple, but it's a really interesting system that I'm intrigued to see how they implement in the later games.

I'd say it's the South Park of video games. It has a lot of "funny" moments and I love how pathetically edgy the Postal Dude is. The best part of the game for me is definitely the world map and the overall atmosphere. It can actually be super eerie at times, and I have fond memories of being creeped out by this game as a kid. Would give it 5 stars, but some of the humor in the game can be a bit lame :P

As soon as I heard that melody, I knew I were in for a ride, and when I finally reach my destination, I will have changed.

This is one of those games that are so good, that I don't even know where to begin. Somehow I'm also at a loss for words.

Had actually lately been thinking about how I wanted to play an exploration game that doesn't hold your hand too much. Perfect choice. Super satisfying to figure out stuff on your own in this. It just nails the concept of discovery!

I played the GBA remakes of the first two games, and I tried to play the DS remake of this one, but the controls gave me a headache. So I played the original, and I enjoyed it somewhat!

For me this was the hardest one in the series so far, and I had to do hours of grinding throughout the game. I had to grind over 10 levels to prepare for the final couple of areas.

Other than that it's a lot better than it's predecessors, especially when it comes to the world. It's huge in comparison, and just a lot more fleshed out and interesting. The dungeon layouts are also just way better. They're a lot more linear, and they rely more on hidden paths for the optional stuff. The random encounters feel less annoying thanks to this. This game is alright!

Fallout: Nagging Wife - Into The Dudeverse

In all seriousness, this is one of the greatest DLCs of all time, and it was released 12 years after the actual game! Exploring the same map after it's been wrecked by a nuclear blast is so exciting, especially for me since I'm a big fan of post-apocalyptic settings. Seeing familiar locations doomsday-ified is just so cool. Really funny that they put both the Postal 3 Dude and Zack Ward (Postal Movie Dude) in the game, I loved it. Rick Hunter will always be my favorite dude though, his voice is just so charming and iconic.

Another good thing is how it basically feels like it could've come out just after the original game, but also still feel new and fresh. Postal 2 didn't take itself very seriously, and I'd say this one takes itself even less seriously, and that's good!
Even though it is an expansion, I still see this as a sequel. It's got the same amount of content as the base game so you could even say this is the real Postal 3.

Gotta say, weird having a Milo Yiannopoulos cameo :/
(2015, I know...)

+ Mike J rules

Super charming walking sim. Reminded me of "A Series of Unfortunate Events", which would also be a fitting title for this game. Wish that house existed in real life, so I could go there.

Holy crap this was good! The art and music are beautiful, and I loved the cutscenes, they made me hyped for what was coming. Very fun, short and sweet metroidvania. Played the game on normal difficulty and can't say I really had any trouble until they introduced the Metroids. The whole area leading up to the "final boss" almost felt like survival horror, the way they made you rush a lot of rooms in a row without allowing you to rest. THE MOTHER BRAIN FIGHT MADE ME SCREAM

The whole endgame area was super cool, and suddenly it becomes stealth game. It wasn't even in the NES original as far as I know. I really liked the hiding mechanic and chase sequences. When you finally get your suit back, you feel so goddamn frickin' powerful. This was my first time playing a Metroid game, and I have a feeling I'm gonna love this series.

Basically just an extra chapter for the first game. The story is almost as good, but I'd say it's presented to you in a less interesting way. It doesn't really change much from the gameplay, you get a couple of new weapons and enemy types which I thought was cool
The setting is ok, but it got kind of boring exploring the same areas multiple times. There wasn't enough variety/difference each time. I did enjoy playing it, and I think if you're a fan of the first game, you will too. It's a fairly short experience, so I'd recommend people try to get it on sale or something. I know it's only around 10 bucks (at the time of writing this), but it is only 3 hours worth of content.

This game rocks. This is one of those exploration games where you need to take notes to keep track of your progress, and I've never felt more satisfied piecing together the pieces of the puzzle on my own. If you get stuck I recommend asking the KIRA LLC discord server for a hint, at least that is what I did. Some of the clues for the "final" areas were especially obtuse. I didn't realize you could move quicker around the map if you use the mousewheel until I was nearly at the end.

Never played a Duke Nukem game before. I had already heard bad shit about this game before, so don't worry, I still highly respect the Duke Nukem name. It's just a standard boomer-shooter really. Controls feel a bit off, but that might be just me idk. A lot of beer, boobies and pissing, standard 2000's bro-humor. A product of it's time. Wait wtf this game came out in 2011???? The whole mission where you go into the cave killing naked women impregnated by aliens was fucking weird to say the least. Perfect example of a writer's barely-disguised fetish lol. What was on that USB Randy Pitchford???????

I've been a fan of the SCP foundation since my early teens, so this was a treat. The combat is very satisfying, and I wish more triple-A games had physics based gameplay like this. The story is just okay, but I adored the presentation. Cool visuals everywhere, and the live-action segments didn't seem out of place at all. I had fun with this! Playing the dlc next.


Really dig the artstyle here! Black and white games where the blood is still red, never fails to be cool. I thought the mix of turn based strategy and real time hack&slash was a neat idea, but it kinda felt like it needed something more. I had like three nearly successful runs and it got pretty repetetive fighting the same annoying enemies over and over again.