Legit more cinematic than most AAA games. Very charming!

An absolutely surreal and joyful vision of games.

Not a "good" game but a total blast. Wish things like this got made anymore.

Multiplayer's fun, but the campaign is probably my least favorite star wars thing. Truly terrible.

The remaster is better than Halo 1 by a long shot, but still often misinterprets the mood of certain scenes and sets. Much more even than Halo 1, but doesn't have as high highs.

I love love love how this is all one layered place. Action video games as a haunted house.

I love Roxas so much. Nothing else matters to me.

I really like bits of this and it's a killer concept, but I think runs into trouble trying to square the exhilaration of destroying a space very quickly and the slower moments of exploration and puzzle solving. I love how naked a power fantasy this is, no context except that you need to eat and these humans have taken everything over. But that frantic energy stalls with the environments, obviously only built to be moved through one time. It's just a stale world with a hell of a hook.

Such a visually stunning, well paced game. Blunt and bare, but powerful all the same.

The sense of scale here is astounding. Halo may be a series about being a cool super soldier, but it's also about ancient systems eating people alive. Everyone here gets swallowed in majesty and terror.

Birth by Sleep with way more bullshit and loads of fan service. I had a good time.

Some of the best narrative work in Kingdom Hearts wrapped under confusing structural bullshit.

Bad. Not good. Master of Masters is terrible bro.