I don't actually have much to say for this game. The story was pretty good and overall it's nice.

It's cool that they added a few more platforming mechanics, but there are a lot of bugs and many times you will fall to your death for no reason or Lara will not cling to platforms that are within her reach.

There were a few visual glitches too, with Jonah's torso missing, so it was just limbs flying in the air. Though it made for a funny moment, I'll give them that.

Amazing game, though I have some mixed feelings. I'll start with the bad, so I can end on a good note.

First of all, the level gating in this game is completely and utterly blown out of proportion to the point it ruins the gaming experience. Missions will be near impossible to beat, as you'll likely be 2-shot and not going to do any damage because you're a level or two below the requirement. You can't even assassinate them with one hit if they're more levelled than you. This is more of a problem at the beginning of the playthrough, but it's still irritating.
My next issue is the controls. I don't know why, but I've always had problems with assassin's creed controls, as remapping breaks a lot of things. It doesn't help the fact that the controls change from game to game, too.

Now with the bad stuff out of the way, let me talk about things I loved. Starting off, I love the whole atmosphere and aesthetic of the game. This is now one of my favourites in the franchise. It's different from the others, but it still felt like an Assassin's Creed game. The DLC were also quite nice, albeit somewhat repetitive sometimes.
Next, the soundtrack is amazing. I really enjoyed all of it. I also love Senu. She's fun to use to explore the area, and she helps out in combat.
Speaking of which, the combat is awesome. I'm a fan of all the weapon types in this game and I love dual wielding in games in general, and this one really delivered. With all the cool moves and Overpower skills, I really felt like a badass warrior assassin.

Oh, yes... Tarnished, are we?
Come to the Lands Between to read my review, hmm?
Of course, you have. No shame in it.
Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless.

More seriously, there's a lot I have to say with this game. Sekiro was the first souls-like game that I played seriously and finished. The obvious thing I like about this game is that it's open-world, which leaves a lot more options to do things and ways to do it.

Then there's also the world size, the more I explored and thought to myself it is the end, the more new areas I found. I surprised myself many times finding out secret areas and was pretty blown away with how big the map really is.

Now that the good things are out of the way, I would like to mention my opinion on things I didn't enjoy.

Foremost, it's the fact that you can't re-fight bosses without NG+ unlike Sekiro. I know it's not really fair to compare these two games as they're two different games, but I like to hop back in from time to time in games like these, so I can have some fun with some bosses and then go on about my day. But in Elden Ring I can't do that, and it's a shame.

Next is the godawful balancing in this game. The game is plagued with bleed and magic builds. It pretty much renders any other build useless, or at least less desirable.

Last, but not least, is the implementation of Easy Anti-Cheat. Holy shit, is this a clusterfuck of a mess. It's good that they have this to prevent cheating, especially for online-play, but like any other such services, it's far from perfect.
Many people, me included, have had an "Inappropriate activity detected" warning due to a crash or those who ALT + F4 a lot. I prefer playing single-player most of the time, but even though my game says it's online, due to this warning I can't do co-op or PvP. Any attempts to do so just crashes the game. It's very frustrating.

All in all, there's a lot of work to be done on this, but it's still a great game nonetheless.

A wild roller-coaster of events. Great story with a lot of interesting side stories. A bittersweet ending, but correct nonetheless.
The legend of the Dragon Of Dojima shall never be forgotten!

This is one breathtaking game. It's one of the few games where I actually enjoyed exploring and doing everything.

Although, if I had to critique anything then it'd be the rain, there should've been a way to skip rain without having to skip time as that isn't always an option or having some sort of climbing gear.
Something else that is completely irritating is that the game doesn't let you remap buttons. I usually use a similar set of buttons in all my games, but this game completely ruined that for me since I had so many hours on this game.
But apart from that, it was an amazing journey.

The most thrill I've had in a while playing a survival game, and it's even more fun in co-op. This is one of those better zombie games out there, with a lot of different types, unique mechanics and great parkour.

Don't get me wrong, the game isn't bad, I really like the gameplay. But there is way too much grind in this to be fun, especially if you're on a tight schedule. This is again one of those games where you either pay with your money or pay with your time, and I'm too poor in both cases.
My view might've been different if I played during a big holiday where I have more time.

Not much to say, it's pretty good. But the vehicle controls are so atrocious I don't even know why they exist.
I understand that the main focus is using his gadgets and hook, and I prefer travelling that way in any case, but the problem is when the story makes you have to drive somewhere, that's when it's very infuriating.
Apart from that, everything else was pretty cool.

Solid game. Kept most of the parkour from Unity, but can be buggy at times.

I despised the fact that you're forced to do some side missions to continue with the main story, it's one thing that outright nearly ruined my experience with the game. But anyway, the new zipline mechanic was very welcome, it made navigating much easier and fun. I also really enjoyed having dual protagonists.

I have a few bones to pick with the game mechanics. The wall-running and vaulting could use some work as sometimes when I just try to move about it makes me either run up the wall or vault over things and fall to my death. Another problem is the zip lines; it's hard to make out the hitbox and most of the times the jump is a little too short to get on the line which results in falling.

Also, the Warden enemy has lines that consists of things like "Yare yare daze" or "Mukatte kuru no ka", IS THIS A JOJO REFERENCE?!
But all in all it's an excellent miami-like game. My favourite game is Katana ZERO and this feels like a 4K 3D version of it.

Nice continuation from Yakuza 4. Akiyama is my favourite character next to Majima and I'm glad he got some love with cool new air moves.

A great sequel to the first game. Loved the story and gameplay.

Kinda got repetitive really fast.

Ooooh baby, those charge attack gameplay gives me motivation to inject nanomachines up my veins.