This is one of the best games to ever touch the face of humanity. There is so much good with this game that I forget what I was about to write.

As someone who is a weeb, loves anime, samurai, pixalated games, retro, cyberpunk/neo-noir, hack and slash, and everything of this sort, this game just ticks every single box. And if you're someone who likes some of these genres too, then you'll definitely enjoy this. And don't even get me started on the soundtrack; the music in this game is the icing on the cake. I love the art style and the music because how atmospheric it is.

This is definitely in my top 3 of all time, hell maybe even top 1. I rate this A-Massive-PP/10, very well deserved. And the best part is, at the time of me writing this, the game is still not finished. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it will end.

CS:GO? More like "Angry Russian Simulator".

Ah yes, yet another embodiment of "No matter how much time you spend on this game, there's always going to be an Asian kid who'll beat your a r s e".

More seriously, this is one of the best anime fighting games. The only thing that hinders it from being better is the story. The story is extremely convoluted for no reason. This wouldn't be a problem if the game explained things better.
A lot of aspects of the game can be understood by doing intensive research, from light novels, manga, the in-game glossary, etc. but many people don't have time and/or can't be bothered and hence drop the story completely. Which is a shame because the story had a lot of potential. And the balancing system could do with a bit of work.

The other problem is the netplay. Holy shiz, is it bad. Blazblue is already a dead game on Steam, you rarely get any matches online, but when you do, lag makes you lose. I'm fine with losing because I suck, but it's annoying when you lose because of connection issues.
My last rant is about local multiplayer. Why remove 2 players on 1 keyboard? Some people don't have extra or any controllers available, because after all this is the Steam version, and this game literally forces you to buy controllers if you want to play local multiplayer. Come on now, I know people aren't that stupid especially in such a big company.

Anyway, that was my two cents, now I'm poor.

Have some godđamn faith in my review.

This is truly a AAA game. The soundtrack, graphics, scenery, attention to small details, story, everything about this game is nigh perfection. I really liked the first game, but this one is just a masterpiece of a game.

This is the only game where I actually enjoyed the side missions as much as the main ones. They all felt real and not just extra missions that you do to level up.

Apart from the occasional glitches, although that's inevitable, this is a game that will not be surpassed for quite a while.
This is definitely in my Top 10 no questions asked. I rarely buy games, but this one surely deserves every cent.

This gives me MOTIVATION.

Not much to say here, it's DMC after all. Just another day fucking up monsters in a badass way. Starring our favourite wachy woohoo pizza man and a man running away from child support.

Nice, reminds me of being in the 80s, which never happened since I wasn't born until a lot later...

Nice, time for more murder.

Kiss my tits, punk.

This is pretty much my fantasy. The retro/cyberpunk aesthetic is really my thing. My whole life is just revolved around pink and blue neon, Japanese and weeb stuff, yakuza and samurai...and this game pretty much has all of it. This is a world I'd love to live in, minus all the corruption, gang violence and the chances of a stray bullet killing me any second.
Of course, Cyberpunk had a rocky start, although I played on PC, so I didn't receive the worst of it. But it has come a long way since then and if you can move past the occasional bugs, this game is really a beautiful sight to behold.

This. I love aesthetic like this. Definitely my favourite rhythm game.

The combat is mediocre at best, the worst part of it is close combat. In terms of aesthetic however, it's one of the best games out there. The atmosphere in this game is so incredible, to the point I have to stop every so often to take a screenshot. The story is also very good.

One of the best story franchise, and this is where it all started. It's fücking brilliant and definitely worth getting into.

Kinda disappointing. Not much happens in the story, but worst of all is the combat. Enemies are always blocking and even when they're not the combat doesn't feel that great.

Interesting plot twists and overall good story.

Really great story and nice, fluid combat.