What an amazing adventure that was. One thing I've always loved about the Witcher series is the atmosphere. Playing this game really makes me feel like I'm in this medieval-ish world. The only other games to make me feel like that were Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.
The story is as incredible as always, and the gameplay gets better each game.

But my favourite thing though is how the Witcher games kinda turns you into a witcher in real life. For example, making difficult decisions, the alchemy and knowing how to use them, different tools, the different types of monsters, what they're weak against, different types of oils and knowing which monster falls into which category to use which oil, using the right signs strategically, etc…
For me, that's really been the most enjoyable experience while playing this game because I really felt like I am somewhat of a witcher myself.

That was just the gameplay, now let's talk about the story. I love games where your choices actually have an impact on the world, and this game really delivers. You're a simple witcher, yet you're often tasked with choosing between so many difficult decisions and most of the time having to choose between the lesser of two evils. Put together the gameplay and the story with great music, and you have yourselves a masterpiece of a game.
Exploring Skellige was the most enjoyable between all the locations thanks to its great music.

All in all, I love the game and can't wait to see what comes next.

Oh, yes... Tarnished, are we?
Come to the Lands Between to read my review, hmm?
Of course, you have. No shame in it.
Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless.

More seriously, there's a lot I have to say with this game. Sekiro was the first souls-like game that I played seriously and finished. The obvious thing I like about this game is that it's open-world, which leaves a lot more options to do things and ways to do it.

Then there's also the world size, the more I explored and thought to myself it is the end, the more new areas I found. I surprised myself many times finding out secret areas and was pretty blown away with how big the map really is.

Now that the good things are out of the way, I would like to mention my opinion on things I didn't enjoy.

Foremost, it's the fact that you can't re-fight bosses without NG+ unlike Sekiro. I know it's not really fair to compare these two games as they're two different games, but I like to hop back in from time to time in games like these, so I can have some fun with some bosses and then go on about my day. But in Elden Ring I can't do that, and it's a shame.

Next is the godawful balancing in this game. The game is plagued with bleed and magic builds. It pretty much renders any other build useless, or at least less desirable.

Last, but not least, is the implementation of Easy Anti-Cheat. Holy shit, is this a clusterfuck of a mess. It's good that they have this to prevent cheating, especially for online-play, but like any other such services, it's far from perfect.
Many people, me included, have had an "Inappropriate activity detected" warning due to a crash or those who ALT + F4 a lot. I prefer playing single-player most of the time, but even though my game says it's online, due to this warning I can't do co-op or PvP. Any attempts to do so just crashes the game. It's very frustrating.

All in all, there's a lot of work to be done on this, but it's still a great game nonetheless.

The game can be very buggy at times but the story is decent and the parkour is amazing.


A really gorgeous and adorable game with a pretty deep story. I'm all into the cyberpunk aesthetic, and they did a really awesome job at giving a dark atmosphere where life has essentially ceased to exist.

Amazing game, though I have some mixed feelings. I'll start with the bad, so I can end on a good note.

First of all, the level gating in this game is completely and utterly blown out of proportion to the point it ruins the gaming experience. Missions will be near impossible to beat, as you'll likely be 2-shot and not going to do any damage because you're a level or two below the requirement. You can't even assassinate them with one hit if they're more levelled than you. This is more of a problem at the beginning of the playthrough, but it's still irritating.
My next issue is the controls. I don't know why, but I've always had problems with assassin's creed controls, as remapping breaks a lot of things. It doesn't help the fact that the controls change from game to game, too.

Now with the bad stuff out of the way, let me talk about things I loved. Starting off, I love the whole atmosphere and aesthetic of the game. This is now one of my favourites in the franchise. It's different from the others, but it still felt like an Assassin's Creed game. The DLC were also quite nice, albeit somewhat repetitive sometimes.
Next, the soundtrack is amazing. I really enjoyed all of it. I also love Senu. She's fun to use to explore the area, and she helps out in combat.
Speaking of which, the combat is awesome. I'm a fan of all the weapon types in this game and I love dual wielding in games in general, and this one really delivered. With all the cool moves and Overpower skills, I really felt like a badass warrior assassin.

Great game, as expected of the Yakuza series.

Although the combat…where to even begin…
I know many people were getting tired of the old combat and are a fan of the new one, but turn-based combat is the bane of my gaming experience.
The combat gets repetitive quicker than the older combat because it's always the same things. And you have little to no control over when you're blocking or dodging and what combos you want to do.

I've always been here for the story, but the beat 'em up combat style was also a big part of the games, and it's a shame this change had to be done on my favourite game franchise.

Apart from the subjectively god-awful combat, I really love the story. A lot of crazy plot twists to really keep you on the edge of your seat. Also love Ichi as a protagonist, nice change from an always-gloomy guy to a more fun and outgoing one. Though I also love Kiryu of course. <3

Kinda overrated game. The gameplay isn't all that and the story is pretty boring.

An AMAZING game. ¬ ͜ ¬ hehe

Growing up, my favourite marvel hero was and still is Spider-man. I love his powers, and his personality resonates more with mine than any of the other heroes.

As a kid, games like these were just a dream.
I played a lot of rip off Spider-man games, and the closest I got to a real experience was the mobile game from Gameloft's: The Amazing Spider-man.

I watched a let's play of this game when it first came out, but I didn't have the ability to play it.
Now I finally get to play this, and it feels like a dream come true.

The gameplay and combat are really fun and the story is great. The DLC was also an awesome little adventure after the main story. Just swinging around the city is so satisfying. In fact, I haven't and still refuse to use the fast travel feature, except the one time they force you to when said feature gets introduced.
I don't have much else to say other than it's a fantastic game. 2018 was a really great year for games with Red Dead Redemption 2, Gof of War, Ghost of Tsushima demo, and of course this game.

Nice game and even nicer ass.

Really loved the game. Interesting story, fun gameplay, and the soundtrack is even better. It's very unique and I don't hear such masterpiece often.

Very solid game.

I didn't really know what to expect going into this as this is the first yakuza spin-off that I've played, but it ended but being an excellent game. Quite an interesting story with some crazy plots. The combat feels a little stiff from time to time, but I like the animations and martial art techniques. I'm also glad it wasn't the abominable turn-based combat system that Like A Dragon had.

Unfortunately, I ran into some game-breaking bugs where I couldn't interact with some parts of the environment. During the main chapters, there have been times when I couldn't open doors and/or interact with something that I had to in order to proceed. Through trial and errors from reloading older saves, I somehow got through it.

All in all, apart from the irritating bugs, definitely a nice experience for a spin-off and I'd highly recommend it.


I watched a let's play when the game initially came out in 2018. Since then, I haven't played nor watched any content regarding the game.
I finally play this now in 2022 and as soon as the theme started playing I got so hype of excitement and nostalgia.
Meeting the World Serpent was as terrifying as the first time I saw it.

The gameplay starts pretty slow as you've not unlocked any abilities yet, but once that's over the combat gets really intense and fun.

Can't wait to play Ragnarök to see what's next.

Nice, reminds me of being in the 80s, which never happened since I wasn't born until a lot later...

I don't actually have much to say for this game. The story was pretty good and overall it's nice.

It's cool that they added a few more platforming mechanics, but there are a lot of bugs and many times you will fall to your death for no reason or Lara will not cling to platforms that are within her reach.

There were a few visual glitches too, with Jonah's torso missing, so it was just limbs flying in the air. Though it made for a funny moment, I'll give them that.

A big step-up from Yakuza 3 which was a disaster in my opinion in terms of story and combat. The story in this is a lot more interesting but the combat could always use some work.

Have some godđamn faith in my review.

This is truly a AAA game. The soundtrack, graphics, scenery, attention to small details, story, everything about this game is nigh perfection. I really liked the first game, but this one is just a masterpiece of a game.

This is the only game where I actually enjoyed the side missions as much as the main ones. They all felt real and not just extra missions that you do to level up.

Apart from the occasional glitches, although that's inevitable, this is a game that will not be surpassed for quite a while.
This is definitely in my Top 10 no questions asked. I rarely buy games, but this one surely deserves every cent.