While I didn't love all of the music in this musical (maybe I am picky?, maybe I hyped myself up too much bc I love Austin Wintory?), at the end of the day I played through a playable musical that held my attention, which I appreciate.

I took a two month-ish long break from video games to read all of One Piece, and now I am back. What a great game to come back with.

A completely puzzle focused metroidvania with hardly any combat, puzzles and collectibles that feel satisfying, and a good sense of style, Animal Well is certainly with anyone’s time who likes the sound of those things.

I will say that traversal through puzzles or rooms you have already solved can be frustrating (partly for me because I am dumb and misunderstood a shortcut/warping mechanic.)

That’s my main complaint really. I didn’t feel like 100%ing it, like some other metroidvanias, but honestly I can’t put my finger on why. I feel like I should want to, whatever that means.

I do wish that this game was more difficult or otherwise more engaging, but what is here is a cool and cute experience for a unique console.

I wish there was a colony support center in my neighborhood.

This game makes a lot of fun, interesting, and good decisions.

It also makes a couple questionable ones. Like why doesn’t the sprint continue across screens?

Anyways you know what they say. Silksong isn’t out yet.

Conflicted on this a bit because I really wish it was longer. I want the other two sections on the main map please.

I think that the new direction of repeatable mini game puzzles is so fun, but I just want more.

This complaint is moot though considering the price.

I hope they continue the regular series' model as well as this score based repeatable puzzle model going forward.

Would stress out over tile game again.

Another great co-op game in the series. Some of the best puzzles in the series and the longest runtime.

The end is iconic.

Final Fantasy is back baby

ATB had me much more invested in the combat at all times, even for basic random encounters. While that can occasionally be a drawback, for the most part it makes the combat side of this game much more engaging, awesome.

The story side of the game is also much more engaging. For the first time in the series the characters actually seem real a majority of the time, and the story is pretty good, despite some nitpicks that I won’t think too hard about.

Really interesting that they went away from the job system in this one after trying it in III. I am curious to see how I will like it in V, because I think that with some changes it can be much more engaging than its execution in III.

PS: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth comes out today. Maybe I will play that one day.

Final Fantasy 3 introduces the job system... more like I would rather be working at my job system.

In what is apparently my latest hot take, I think this game is worse than FF2 actually.

The job system is kinda interesting and of course is the foundation of more to come, but for a game that is trying to have more of an expanded story its funny how it doesn't have as impactful moments as either of its predecessors.

Also the music is worse. (Town of Amur is great though).

The game trapped me in the in game dungeon just to make me suffer and I won't forgive or forget.

Kinda cool how you can walk around the big ship. And now that I think about it, the numerous airships and surprisingly expanding world map give FF3 more character than I was thinking to admit when starting to type this review.

Can't wait to play FF4! How far will I get into the series this year? Stay tuned.

It’s cute, has a lot of heart, and is decently fun for awhile.

Unfortunately, it is lacking a feeling of completeness. The amount of unlocks is at odds with length and lack of replayability of the singular randomized run you are tasked with completing.

We almost beat the game on the first run while each of us was getting more drunk over time, without unlocking much..

While I have a soft spot for this game given I played it on Valentine’s Day with my partner and finished it on a second play session soon after, I am pulled into feeling more objective about the game when rating it here.

Can't wait till Persona 6 when I will completely devote my life to a video game for a week again.

Celeste flavored Mario 64 mixed with Sunshine mixed with Bowser's Fury? For Celeste's anniversary? Great way to spend some time on a Tuesday night.


Such a cute game with an impactful ending that moved me.

Did not expect to reach flow state for 3 hours looping around each area haha.

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Sometimes I do quick reviews on here, sometimes joke reviews, and sometimes more detailed reviews.

I had a review typed up about System Shock's design, atmosphere, and influence, as well as some minor gripes, and some praises for Night Dive's approach at remaking it.

And then I accidentally closed the tab and I don't feel like rewriting it.

The hopelessness of technology failing me in this way is even better than the ending to System Shock, which isn't a very sci fi ending. But hey, maybe sometimes, you gotta win some.

A certified classic, a great way to pass a little time, a funny thing to do while suffering from COVID (rn), a bad way to spend over 8 hours when you could be doing better things while you have covid

It is fun concept and its fun to fill the map up but the balance isnt all there and also maybe it just hurt my brain a little but what a classic hope i am better of covid 19 tomorrow