Membro, defensor e estudioso da filosofia SocioGaming. Neuro divergente, Gateiro, rei dos textão, LGBTQIA+, militante, phantom Thief, especialista formado em games e fotografo...

Minha pontuação segue:
Sócio-gaming, cultura, pessoal, construção social, cultural e da indústria, política, arte, inovação, história, minha história, estudo social, político, meus pets e o caralho a 4.

Reservo a jogos tão importantes e influentes que eles não são apenas excelentes, eles transcendem a si mesmos... seja na sociedade ou na própria indústria dos games. Para esse jogo tempo não significa nada. Arte, política, filosofia, gênero de games, tudo está valendo. Parte ativa da construção da sociedade, história, ideias e moralidade.

Simplesmente excelente, não tem como ir errado e embora de forma individual ele possa influenciar e ele ter inovado, não saiu da bolha.

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Bom ou ótimo jogo

Um jogo


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Played 100+ games

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NieR: Automata
NieR: Automata
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos


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Hades II
Hades II

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Super Mario RPG

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Mark of the Ninja Remastered
Mark of the Ninja Remastered

Apr 16

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

Apr 13

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India

Apr 05

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I believe Assassin's Creed Unity could learn a thing or two with this one. Although the Chronicles series are pretty shallow on the story telling department, and I do not like making game reviews based on fun and gameplay inputs, I have to give this one praise.

It inproved quited alot on the first one (China), going as far making me care about the main protagonist. Which is a shame, Assassins Creed Chrinicles China had a good proposal for a protagonist, An chinesse imperial concubine turned assassin. Back to India.

But what I really want to give the game credit is actualy making a compeling love story. I am fond of love stories, on that note, it is hard to make a good one in pop culture outside of the romance genre.

Not only in gaming, but anime, tv series and movies. It is filled with nuances. It can't take too much of the plot to the point of overshadowing the action, adveture or main point. But it can't also make the romance so shallow and with no character development that you question why is it there on the first place.

That said India doesn`t have a deep love story, but it is also not a deep game. I like to see it more as an one page short story. And on that, It created a plot, showed its characters , established their bonds and by the end it tied it all together. Short, simple and enjoyable.

(spoilers of assassins creed unity ahead)

Arno in Unity became a decent assassin with what seemed to be effortless, foud out his childhood love aspires to be his enemy, gave up on his belifs and on his people during french revolution to chase her. It still astounishes me how the managed to overshadow the french revolution with a love story.

India is not a perfect game by any means, but it is a book I enjoyed reading in controler input.

Slay the Spire along with Vampire survivors are not story driven, but both revel in reinventing a much-beaten genre. I correct myself not reinvention but the ability to look at something that already exists with a lens that speaks directly to the player's feeling of accomplishment. They made so a card game and a game you just walk around gives the same gratification as killing a Boss in dark souls would. The two put card games and monster wave games in the roguelite genre, and had the sensitivity to develop in a way that the game doesn't become frustrating, it flows and you constantly discover new things that make you feel like you're the best in the world.

Slay the Spire along with Vampire survivors are not story driven, but both revel in reinventing a much-beaten genre. I correct myself not reinvention but the ability to look at something that already exists with a lens that speaks directly to the player's feeling of accomplishment. They made so a card game and a game you just walk around gives the same gratification as killing a Boss in dark souls would. The two put card games and monster wave games in the roguelite genre, and had the sensitivity to develop in a way that the game doesn't become frustrating, it flows and you constantly discover new things that make you feel like you're the best in the world.