got to hard mode, will pick it up a lot later too big brain for me rn

played as malk, atmosphere was great, good anarchist representation, tasty music, but i was fucking pissed at that level with those 2 legged shit nuggets sewer level when the game decided to become half life and couldn't get through even with noclip and godmode so i'm shelving this for now

nice moody environments and some cool ideas but there are a LOT of annoying enemies and fuck the yellow orb and scoring system and it doesn't feel good

i like the voice acting lol and that one siren-y music that plays when fighting the shadow orb panthers
also talking of orbs FUCK that nightmare boss especially the third encounter

seems really interesting and i dig the aesthetics but the gameplay is rrly tedious and boring :c

deliberately offensive posturing that has the ultimate effect of a weak, wet fart. RWS are creatively bankrupt gamergaters which explains a lot.

seems to be the best, and tthe first truly good one imo but got burnt out in the end after getting to like %50 of shb in the span of 1 month

fee fee kseev is finally good again
narratively does everything right, and being able to play as other characters with a very simplified hotbar is a cool idea

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final boss fight was great thematically, other things not so, especially when 4.0 showed yotsuyu as an irredeemable piece of shit fascist except tthat one cutscene.
now she becomes a child and loses her memories, then proceeds to get them back due to the machinations of that insufferable little fucktoy, finally becomes an interesting character then dies.
i hated how they showed her while killing her parents too, they deserved far worse tbh
the whole expansion would be better if yotsuyu was like this from the beginning

don't like what they did with yotsuyu, even something very similar to fordola's arc they begun in the previous patch would be better
mostly nothing patch, zenos' fascist fucktoy twink feels like a setup for the next one
omega is still great tho

i called fordola redemption arc the first time i saw her, and iwas right
nanamo is a cutie, but godbert disappointed me with his conservative no handouts bullshit but i still love him
final boss solo duty is hype
raubahn is my wife
lyse is finally interesting
didn't start ivalice raids bcs can't be assed to play fft my attention span is getting worse

gameplay is the best as it's ever been (actually good for the first time), story is mehhh
telling the same story in 2 different regions at the same time isn't a good idea and we should've gotten ala mhigo as a city instead of a dungeon
i'm neutral towards and that fucking tower platforming made me never want to go there again
i can kinda see what they tried to do with yotsuyu and generally the constructivist themes but nationalism is cringe especially at the ending ughghghgihgih
i didn't hate lyse but she was bland
i only liked the azim steppe as a region tbh
fetch quests were boring, quest design is the same as ARR
i shouldn't've done so many sidequests but i need to level 5 classes for endwalker and im already tired
i'm also already over aether currents just let me fucking fly
i liked the omega deltascape story bcs of the toxic old man yaoi :3
i love alisaie i love alisaie i love alisaie i love alisaie

cyborgussy jack becomes an anarcho-egoist

gmer kills and kills and gets an erection and kills some more. he is also the Player. the Player participates in escapism, yet it becomes repetitive and meaningless, like everything under Capital. gmer mirrors this by working Jobs to get better at KILL, kills because he gets an erection, doesn't kill young girls because that is Too Much even for the gmer, but there is still no fundamental difference. drawing arbitrary moral lines to keep oneself sane. travis realising the meaninglessness of it all and that he has been conned, but still pushing forward for the big Revenge occurs around the same time I started getting bored of the game. i assume it was similar for the Player(s) as well. finally gmer Kills The Past, game ends, sisterJeane(past) is respected by gmer, somewhat being Travis now. shit and flush to save, take a dump, mr goichi suda 51 goichi 51515151 gogogogogoichiichiichiichi did the same during dev time, don't you want to be like him/travis/hero/assassin???? irish man teaches Travis that there is no escape from gmerism, maybe there is, and they will reach it together, or die trying, Paradise, or Hell, maybe they exist, and if not they will still be free of the g*mersoul.

should suck in every way, and don't get me wrong, it does, but it's still fun af to play for some reason??? the Atmosphere is nice and vincent is Mr. Sex, guns are weak and inaccurate yet fun to use, and the story is an enjoyable incoherent mess. tries Something Different, and is admirable for that. also gackt lol