i dont really know what tihs one is normally like because I played a retarded character the entire time and he just kept uhh errr durr

i know im not one for rpgs but i sat down and I tried to play this one because of the show coming up and I was not disappointed I actually sat through the entire thing

ive tried like 8 different times with a shit ton of mod packs and tried vanilla and i just cant.. I CANT

one of the few games to actually ever make me scared, i really dislike the boat at the end

beautiful, i love the way this game looks and feels, timeless story


its sad.. but i cant get past rpgs without a banger soundtrack and a banger combat system (undertale)

it could really still use a little fixing, and to be fair im not playing on pc, but it was still a super fun game

one of my first games I've ever completed

its really good just kind of repetitive a lot but i'm okay with that

im not one for rpgs but i tried to give this a chance

i tried my best and i beat it but i just like the funny characters

she hollow my knight until i mantis