Played this when it initially came out and shelved it within few hours, finally gave it another go years later and i actually really like this game.

Never been a big fan of Metroidvania's but feeling lost in this game felt pretty good, backtracking felt very natural and with purpose however the game ended right when i thought it was about to start but that's to no fault of the game itself rather thanks to the critical acclaim its received, it made me expect something more grand and ambitious but Hollow Knight's very simple, from its combat to its environments but it does all of that very well but it never felt like the game everyone made it out to be, to me.

Dunno just nothing about it clicked for me, played for about 5 hours.

If this just expanded more on the gameloop of act 1, it probably would've ended up as one of my favorite games of all time, what a disappointment.

Jet set radio meets tony hawk meets psychonauts.

Extremely fun core gameplay though the level design does fall a bit short, the story is serviceable but I wish it was more stylish, something more cheesy and in your face, it felt rather bland for a game like this even if the point they were trying to make was good, it just took itself too seriously, soundtrack is very good but I would've preferred the ability to shuffle through it at will.

i can't complain much about this game not innovating or introducing anything new and just taking everything good the previously mentioned games did and combining them in a streamlined package since thats exactly what ive wanted for years (especially the psychonauts part, i pray they expand on that sort of level design and aesthetic in the sequel), however it could've used more time in the oven and some extra polish as some of the story segments did annoy me and the combat was downright bad.

regardless like I said the core gameplay is just so fun that now that I've finished the story I can see myself routing combos or just free roaming for a good month or two.

loading screens are a bummer.

fun game but extremely hard, it has alot of content and i absolutely adore vocaloid so im gonna be playing this one for a while.

level design naturally leads you to somewhere you dont need to be and then punishes you for it.


painfully beautiful, hopeful and melancholic.

fans of this game have forgotten about the actual gameplay and confuse it with cutscenes, everything from the camera angels to the combat is awkward and slow, not fun at all. shelved at chapter 9.

much better than the original entry in every aspect except the characters and story, while the gameplay, presentation, structure, soundtrack and pretty much everything else is a massive upgrade, the writing isnt nearly as memorable or funny, had more fun with this despite it though.

Gave this game another shot, had fun but lost interest and some bosses were more annoying than fun (especially the ones you had to fight in a plane), understood why i shelved it in the first place, really pretty though.

Don't quite get the amount of hate this one's getting, yeah the writing isn't nearly as good or funny as the previous entries and the soundtracks weeker than the 2nd one but still its bayonetta.

most of the time it was just headache inducing, i went for all aces and i also tried not going for them and i did not have fun doing either.

i really tried to finish this but the gameplay felt far too repetitive and the story was incredibly shallow.

pretty boring unless you have friends


pretty fun though i expected more from the final boss, completed at age 32.