*Beaten twice on different systems. Very memorable classic.


Surprisingly fun and underrated FPS, kept alive by offline AI matches. Nobody will see the potential in this game as much as you or I do.

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*Got stuck after the dwarf/lava portion of the game, drowned a demonic animal in lava and don't know where else to go in order to progress the game.
Got good at speedrunning the first several level ups, and then plateau.
Arx Libertatis source port recommended.

*Beaten Twice, almost 3 times. Almost fully-realized free-roam open-world(ish) mercenary night stalker burglar simulator, and a really good mood and vibe.
The pacing and tone are great, and the mission lineup is a perfect early-game hook. Some of the best missions are the first you'll play, not a single mission's layout, design, or artstyle come across as uninteresting or something to skip.
Thief 3 Gold mod recommended, merges levels which are split off into 2 maps (loading screen) as one level.

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*Got stuck after Masks

*Binged, didn't complete, lost game save following hardware failure.

*Beaten Twice. I feel obligated to say it's the best game ever, but it could use more oompf, better combat and game feel, better movement, stealth that actually feels good, earlier acquisition of skills and abilities before mid-late game (more skill points, augmentations and their upgrade canisters earlier in the game.)

*Beaten Twice. The aesthetic and atmosphere draws me back to it. You can sense the potential, but this is how it was released, and how it will stay.

Played years ago, challenging, novel and interesting, frustrating and at times poorly designed.
Setting and theme is perfect for this.

Significant improvement over the first game.
The AI can be tricked into attacking each other, so it's written with emergence and has some high notes.

*Beaten Twice, good stuff, has a lot of potential.
Not very polished, but visually stunning for a Source Game.

*Beaten Twice. Games like this are perfect to play after years and years, you forget most of the journey, and you can enjoy a semi-new experience.

*Beaten twice, probably 3 times.