they simplified the parkour

the best hack and slash ive ever played, complete freedom to approach combat in whatever way you want, no matter how you approach it, it's sick as fuck

protagonist isn't gay with a historical figure

i hate france but this one is cool, the really detailed setting helps a ton with immersion, gameplay is cool, story is mid though

it's like one of those games that are cinematic experiences but it's actually good and there's an actual fun game to play

One of the best RPGs ever made. Atlus as always knocks it out of the park with a stellar combat system as well as a stellar story. Highly recommend.

Connor is cool and that was enough for me when I was 12

A step up, and a step down from the previous entry. Still a brilliant story that's filled with just as many, if not more twists and turns. With a secret ending that brilliantly recontextualizes everything up until that point.

A little antiquated, but still a really fun time. A fantastic story unlike any other told in an RPG. Highlighting the themes of death and life in such a mature and gripping way. It's a game that. once beaten, can change one's outlook on life, I know it did for me. I highly, highly, recommend my favorite game of all time, Persona 3 FES.

2 stars are for the connor story, the best part of the game by far
david cage, you are not smart for making the androids analogous to black people, you are stupid and I hate you